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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

he also posted on jihadwatch , where there is a 24/7 hate fest going on against Muslims

and on daniel pipes site - this character is basically anti islam, pro zionist person, therefore calling him a nazi is wrong, he is much like a lot of people in *certain places*.

the people who died were pro palestine.
We said earlier, the Western press, media in general, particularly in the US, suffer from a pathology when it comes to presenting sane items with regard to Muslims and terrorism

The Washington Post Owes the World an Apology for this Item
By James Fallows

Jul 23 2011, 12:22 AM ET
Read it and weep. On the Post's site Jennifer Rubin first quotes the Weekly Standard, in a rushed item about the Norway horror:

>>We don't know if al Qaeda was directly responsible for today's events, but in all likelihood the attack was launched by part of the jihadist hydra. Prominent jihadists have already claimed online that the attack is payback for Norway's involvement in the war in Afghanistan.<<

Then she goes on to argue on her own:

>>Moreover, there is a specific jihadist connection here: "Just nine days ago, Norwegian authorities filed charges against Mullah Krekar, an infamous al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist who, with help from Osama bin Laden, founded Ansar al Islam - a branch of al Qaeda in northern Iraq - in late 2001."

This is a sobering reminder for those who think it's too expensive to wage a war against jihadists. I spoke to Gary Schmitt of the American Enterprise Institute, who has been critical of proposed cuts in defense and of President Obama's Afghanistan withdrawal plan. "There has been a lot of talk over the past few months on how we've got al-Qaeda on the run and, compared with what it once was, it's become a rump organization. But as the attack in Oslo reminds us, there are plenty of al-Qaeda allies still operating. No doubt cutting the head off a snake is important; the problem is, we're dealing with global nest of snakes."<<

No, this is a sobering reminder for those who think it's too tedious to reserve judgment about horrifying events rather than instantly turning them into talking points for pre-conceived views. On a per capita basis, Norway lost twice as many people today as the U.S. did on 9/11. Imagine the political repercussions through the world if double-9/11-scale damage had been done by an al-Qaeda offshoot. The unbelievably sweeping damage is there in either case. For an example of a sober, dignified, shocked but resolute and democratic way to respond to national tragedy, see the moving and impressive speech by Norway's Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, here. (Thanks to M. Fullilove.)

Seven Seventeen hours after the Post item went up, six sixteen hours after its claims were shown to be false and hysterical, it's still there, with no correction or apology.
Muse what else can you expect from a person who has written this kind of bs
Jennifer Rubin
Obama double downs at AIPAC
Obama double downs at AIPAC - Right Turn - The Washington Post
Surname -> Rubin .. hmm ye sab keray aik hi gandi nali kay keray hain and we know who they are and what they are
image from island day before.

no indian american, jewish member here gave a hoot to a murderer who killed some muslims before he was executed, now this hateful anti muslim terrorist is being ignored, i dunno why its always a hindu/christian.jew/sikh who takes personal pride and gets sexual plessure by reading anti islamic stuff on the web, dunno why???

now noboy is saying, that crusader terrorist, or biblical terrorist,
We said earlier, the Western press, media in general, particularly in the US, suffer from a pathology when it comes to presenting sane items with regard to Muslims and terrorism

The Washington Post Owes the World an Apology for this Item
By James Fallows

Jul 23 2011, 12:22 AM ET
Read it and weep. On the Post's site Jennifer Rubin first quotes the Weekly Standard, in a rushed item about the Norway horror:

>>We don't know if al Qaeda was directly responsible for today's events, but in all likelihood the attack was launched by part of the jihadist hydra. Prominent jihadists have already claimed online that the attack is payback for Norway's involvement in the war in Afghanistan.<<

Then she goes on to argue on her own:

>>Moreover, there is a specific jihadist connection here: "Just nine days ago, Norwegian authorities filed charges against Mullah Krekar, an infamous al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist who, with help from Osama bin Laden, founded Ansar al Islam - a branch of al Qaeda in northern Iraq - in late 2001."

This is a sobering reminder for those who think it's too expensive to wage a war against jihadists. I spoke to Gary Schmitt of the American Enterprise Institute, who has been critical of proposed cuts in defense and of President Obama's Afghanistan withdrawal plan. "There has been a lot of talk over the past few months on how we've got al-Qaeda on the run and, compared with what it once was, it's become a rump organization. But as the attack in Oslo reminds us, there are plenty of al-Qaeda allies still operating. No doubt cutting the head off a snake is important; the problem is, we're dealing with global nest of snakes."<<

No, this is a sobering reminder for those who think it's too tedious to reserve judgment about horrifying events rather than instantly turning them into talking points for pre-conceived views. On a per capita basis, Norway lost twice as many people today as the U.S. did on 9/11. Imagine the political repercussions through the world if double-9/11-scale damage had been done by an al-Qaeda offshoot. The unbelievably sweeping damage is there in either case. For an example of a sober, dignified, shocked but resolute and democratic way to respond to national tragedy, see the moving and impressive speech by Norway's Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, here. (Thanks to M. Fullilove.)

Seven Seventeen hours after the Post item went up, six sixteen hours after its claims were shown to be false and hysterical, it's still there, with no correction or apology.

All so-called Al-CIAdah "responsibility-taking" websites are run by same perpetrators who are perpetuating Al-CIAdah,,,, that's why "they" might have hurriedly posted something on any of such websites & Washington Post hurriedly printed it, coz they don't wanna lose any opportunity to malign muslims...

In their hearts they r scared-to-death from islam...

&#1605;&#1608;&#1605;&#1606;&#1608;! &#1705;&#1587;&#1740; &#1594;&#1740;&#1585; (&#1605;&#1584;&#1729;&#1576; &#1705;&#1746; &#1570;&#1583;&#1605;&#1740;) &#1705;&#1608; &#1575;&#1662;&#1606;&#1575; &#1585;&#1575;&#1586;&#1583;&#1575;&#1722; &#1606;&#1729; &#1576;&#1606;&#1575;&#1606;&#1575; &#1740;&#1729; &#1604;&#1608;&#1711; &#1578;&#1605;&#1729;&#1575;&#1585;&#1740; &#1582;&#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1740; &#1575;&#1608;&#1585; (&#1601;&#1578;&#1606;&#1729; &#1575;&#1606;&#1711;&#1740;&#1586;&#1740; &#1705;&#1585;&#1606;&#1746;) &#1605;&#1740;&#1722; &#1705;&#1587;&#1740; &#1591;&#1585;&#1581; &#1705;&#1740; &#1705;&#1608;&#1578;&#1575;&#1729;&#1740; &#1606;&#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1705;&#1585;&#1578;&#1746; &#1575;&#1608;&#1585; &#1670;&#1575;&#1729;&#1578;&#1746; &#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1705;&#1729; (&#1580;&#1587; &#1591;&#1585;&#1581; &#1729;&#1608;) &#1578;&#1605;&#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1578;&#1705;&#1604;&#1740;&#1601; &#1662;&#1729;&#1606;&#1670;&#1746; &#1575;&#1606; &#1705;&#1740; &#1586;&#1576;&#1575;&#1606;&#1608;&#1722; &#1587;&#1746; &#1578;&#1608; &#1583;&#1588;&#1605;&#1606;&#1740; &#1592;&#1575;&#1729;&#1585; &#1729;&#1608;&#1729;&#1740; &#1670;&#1705;&#1740; &#1729;&#1746; &#1575;&#1608;&#1585; &#1580;&#1608; (&#1705;&#1740;&#1606;&#1746;) &#1575;&#1606; &#1705;&#1746; &#1587;&#1740;&#1606;&#1608;&#1722; &#1605;&#1740;&#1722; &#1605;&#1582;&#1601;&#1740; &#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1608;&#1729; &#1705;&#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1586;&#1740;&#1575;&#1583;&#1729; &#1729;&#1740;&#1722; &#1575;&#1711;&#1585; &#1578;&#1605; &#1593;&#1602;&#1604; &#1585;&#1705;&#1726;&#1578;&#1746; &#1729;&#1608; &#1578;&#1608; &#1729;&#1605; &#1606;&#1746; &#1578;&#1605; &#1705;&#1608; &#1575;&#1662;&#1606;&#1740; &#1570;&#1740;&#1578;&#1740;&#1722; &#1705;&#1726;&#1608;&#1604; &#1705;&#1726;&#1608;&#1604; &#1705;&#1585; &#1587;&#1606;&#1575; &#1583;&#1740; &#1729;&#1740;&#1722;
Well it`s confirmed. Jihad world helpers or something of that sort took responsibility for these terror attacks.
Their reasons were: Afghanistan and insulting the Prophet of Islam.

Confirmed that the terrorists was a pro Zionism Lutheran Christian terrorist and no candy for you suck on over this attack
this story will never reach media, trust me brother, the media is too bust slandering islam

The picture from Uteya Island will never be published in newspapers around the world since most of the papers are run by scum like these

They will never print the truth but instead these unethical bastards will tap into phone of dead school girl and even dead Christian soldiers of Zion.
There you go! CNN is telling it as it should be, no mention of his membership of the masonic lodge, no mention that he is fundo pro Zionism Christian Terrorist

but but but ... he had a 'Pakistani friend' when he was 12-17 years old

Who is the suspect in the Norway attacks? - CNN.com

A post in Breivik's name on an online forum, Document.no, from December 2009, talks about non-Muslim teenagers being "in an especially precarious situation with regards to being harassed by Islamic youth."

"I know of many hundred occasions where non-Muslims have been robbed, beaten up and harassed by Islamic gangs," the post reads. "I had a best friend between the ages of 12-17 who was a Pakistani, so I was one of the many protected, cool 'potatoes' that had protection. But this also made me see the hypocrisy up close and personal and made me nauseous."
There is the evidenve!!! Pakistan is GHHHITTLYYY!! ehh ?

Now we wait for some Indian to get excited over the mentioning of Pakistan's name in connection with this act of Zionist Christian terror.

WOW... CNN, racist Americans, literally at edges of their seats, their desperation is touching levels of being amusing... JohnAsad on this thread predicted that they'll bring muslims in it as provokators & there they go,,,, "harrassed by islamic youth"...

Don't take it out here -- go to Dawn, to Tribune Express, Nawa e Waqt, Etc -- and don't post angry - just post the reality --take control of the narrative
I think the inferrence is a deranged Christian fundamentalist would be portrayed as a deranged, psychologically ill person (rightfully so), acting alone and contrary to Christian doctrine - the Lone Wolf scenario. However the same treatment would not be applied to an Islamic fundamentalist, who would be portrayed as representative of the views of 2 billion muslims. They would not be portrayed as the lone psychopaths and sociopaths that they were.

Compare the initial reports pointing the finger at Islam in general (geopolitical standpoint, Norway's involvement with Islamic nations), and the latest reports, now that he's discovered as an anti-immigration far righter, that singles out the individual, and not the far righters in general - not the parties, the peripheral groups, the immigration debate, or the centre right.

What's more sickening is to see the first few posts, all of them attacking Muslims even I suspected it would be a Islamist extremist. BBC,CNN and other news channels were making connections to the Muslim World. Some news reports even went as far as claiming that the attacker was probably some immigrant Pakistani who was radicalised.

So where are all the American,Indian and Israeli members gone now?
Damn, the suspect looks so handsome....

Maybe we should form a political movement to accept the entire Muslim population from Europe, if Europe doesn't want any Muslims. Forget nationalism and other stupid concepts, recognize at the enormous elephant in the room, the world doesn't look at us and say, "Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Turkish etc", but as "Muslims". Its only us that label ourselves in this delusional way and be proud of it. Lets recognize the reality that we are only part of the Islamic nation, and if we can be hated for it, so can we be proud of it.
I think the inferrence is a deranged Christian fundamentalist would be portrayed as a deranged, psychologically ill person (rightfully so), acting alone and contrary to Christian doctrine - the Lone Wolf scenario. However the same treatment would not be applied to an Islamic fundamentalist, who would be portrayed as representative of the views of 2 billion muslims. They would not be portrayed as the lone psychopaths and sociopaths that they were.

Compare the initial reports pointing the finger at Islam in general (geopolitical standpoint, Norway's involvement with Islamic nations), and the latest reports, now that he's discovered as an anti-immigration far righter, that singles out the individual, and not the far righters in general - not the parties, the peripheral groups, the immigration debate, or the centre right.

What's more sickening is to see the first few posts, all of them attacking Muslims even I suspected it would be a Islamist extremist. BBC,CNN and other news channels were making connections to the Muslim World. Some news reports even went as far as claiming that the attacker was probably some immigrant Pakistani who was radicalised.

So where are all the American,Indian and Israeli members gone now?

stop trying to find an equal equal.

stop looking for crumbs.

your point of reference is all wrong, there is no way this guy was independent, just look the other killers in pakistan.

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