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No slums in China ? Think again - Meet China's 'well people'.

Indian slum dogs millions lived in the abject of poverty

Picture tell a thousands words, nothing you can utter to describe the filth Indian slum dogs lived in.
I feel bad for these people as they are most likely from a low caste Indian system with no way out. Indian should not worry about us, our government is not incompetent like them.
I feel bad for these people as they are most likely from a low caste Indian system with no way out. Indian should not worry about us, our government is not incompetent like them.

The higher caste in India not really concert with the poor in India even the India government they don't mind the living standard of the untouchable. Untouchables took up arm rebellion against the state for over 30 yrs, Maoist moment still strong with their bombing campaign and killed India high ranking government official.
One guy that wanted to save money and support his kids chose to live in a well became a huge news in China and now it has expanded into "well people?" lol, the fact that this became a big news shows that China's extreme poverty is very small. Any big countries even including the U.S. have population of extreme poverty.

When people living in filth are forgotten and never appear on news, that's when hopeless sadness sinks in.
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China is better than India. But China Gov is NOT that good as what you mentioned.
This one Indian guy took over China and Far East section and posted dozens of posts negative about China in a couple of hours ,and you blame China to drag India in?I almost never go to Indian section.
Haha... that's very true. I hardly ever go there too. The 1962 obsession still lingers on. I wonder for how many more years/decades to come. lol
Then discuss bout the topic. Dont assume the intent of OP and shoot the messenger.

You must be one dumb ****. "Messenger" Does not get to choose which message they get to deliver. The OP on other hand gets to choose. He purposely spammed the thread with Negative posts. With full intention to provoke a negative reaction from the Chinese Members in here.
China has many poor people , but do not have a slum like india/brazil/mexico because of some reasons

1 china economy now is ok , most people can find jobs in the city

2 Many people who live or work in city, their parents live in country village , if they can not find a job ,they can go back, and now many company build their factories in country ,people even do not need to go out

3 Not every city is like shanghai or beijing , but the infrastructure is ok. At least the water /power/ public sanitation are ok

The India slum , to be honestly , is unbelievable !
Free press and accurate reports , chinese bubble in every social indicator will burst.
Free press and accurate reports , chinese bubble in every social indicator will burst.
Yes, India is totally 20 years ahead of us. This is all a lie. You won in 1962 and is now the world's number 1 industrial power. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.
India has a great deal of poor people and with the current political scenario - I don't hope things will change quickly. But that said India is transparent. We know how much deep in $hit we are. China on the other hand is pretty closed. Most indicators are released by the Chinese Govt and there are almost no independent sources to verify them. There's no denying that China has done a great job - almost certainly better than India over the last few decades, but all is not well...yet.
Haha ...... chinese do not read posts while replying, they just copy paste their templates of hatred.

@Nan Yang CCP removed most of the slum pictures from internet, even though majority chinese live below 5$ and also there are lot of concrete jungles yet to be occupied and people live in slums.

No, you don't understand. Don't always talk about CCP's control or something, it's not so serious as what you thought.

Let's first define slum, it's extremely poor area in cities, right I guess?

China has no slums because Hukou kept peasant-workers away from big cities. Many social welfare, education opportunity, and public services are firmly attached to one's Hukou, if you don't have Hukou of Beijing, you can't survive or your living cost would rise fearfully....For both people who live in Beijing, the life of whoever with Beijing Hukou would be much easier than people without. Hukou restricts the lateral migration across China and serves people who live in the cities, especially Beijing who hypocritically singing: Beijing welcomes you. Actually it should be Beijing pisses all peasants off!!

Actually, Hukou just totally divide cities and villages(villages in north China is rather poor, but richer in southeast China). Many peasant-workers have low income jobs in big cities, but there is still no big slums like the slums in Rio de Janeiro. The peasant-workers don't have equal treatment as residents of the city, that's why many of them come back to rural areas when earned enough money. Peasant come back, so no slums exist.

But this gonna change sooner or later, Chinese government got the schedule already, low income peasant workers would have equal opportunities as citizens if they accumulate enough points by getting higher degree, paying tax annually, no criminal records, etc.

Another reason, China is a Communist country as officially claimed, so land could not be traded directly, which means that peasants can't sell their land to the other party and subsequently means that they will still have a living place when come back from big cities. People in slums are different, slums are the only place you can stay and forever.
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@Nan Yang CCP removed most of the slum pictures from internet, even though majority chinese live below 5$ and also there are lot of concrete jungles yet to be occupied and people live in slums.

How can the CCP remove pictures posted by foreign tourists posted in their respective countries?

Do you have sources that says tourists are only allowed to go to certain areas within a city (unless military sites)? I have never had problems to travel freely anywhere in China, even to poorer areas and film with my team, all of us looking very foreign to the Chinese.
Free press and accurate reports , chinese bubble in every social indicator will burst.

Yes, that's what Gordon Chong said for over a decade now. The Economist also pointed a Chinese manufacturing/exporting bubble in the 1993 issue I read in 1993. :blah:

How can the CCP remove pictures posted by foreign tourists posted in their respective countries?

Do you have sources that says tourists are only allowed to go to certain areas within a city (unless military sites)? I have never had problems to travel freely anywhere in China, even to poorer areas and film with my team, all of us looking very foreign to the Chinese.

Answer: Indian logic
In North East Asian areas (North Vietnam included), there is no slum in the sense of slum normally seen in Africa or South Asia or Brazil. I do not know the exact reason, but very homogeneous population, together with relatively high education quality may contribute. When North Vietnam was poorer than South Vietnam and almost destroyed by American bombing after the war 40 years ago, there was virtually no slum in the North and a lot of slums in South Vietnam, even in the center of Saigon.
Free press and accurate reports , chinese bubble in every social indicator will burst.
To defend your country, is your birth right! To help improve and develop your country is being a good citizen, but being delusional is neither of them two.
So what are you?
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