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No slums in China ? Think again - Meet China's 'well people'.

No, you don't understand. Don't always talk about CCP's control or something, it's not so serious as what you thought.

Let's first define slum, it's extremely poor area in cities, right I guess?

China has no slums because Hukou kept peasant-workers away from big cities. Many social welfare, education opportunity, and public services are firmly attached to one's Hukou, if you don't have Hukou of Beijing, you can't survive or your living cost would rise fearfully....For both people who live in Beijing, the life of whoever with Beijing Hukou would be much easier than people without. Hukou restricts the lateral migration across China and serves people who live in the cities, especially Beijing who hypocritically singing: Beijing welcomes you. Actually it should be Beijing pisses all peasants off!!

Actually, Hukou just totally divide cities and villages(villages in north China is rather poor, but richer in southeast China). Many peasant-workers have low income jobs in big cities, but there is still no big slums like the slums in Rio de Janeiro. The peasant-workers don't have equal treatment as residents of the city, that's why many of them come back to rural areas when earned enough money. Peasant come back, so no slums exist.

But this gonna change sooner or later, Chinese government got the schedule already, low income peasant workers would have equal opportunities as citizens if they accumulate enough points by getting higher degree, paying tax annually, no criminal records, etc.

Another reason, China is a Communist country as officially claimed, so land could not be traded directly, which means that peasants can't sell their land to the other party and subsequently means that they will still have a living place when come back from big cities. People in slums are different, slums are the only place you can stay and forever.

This is a rather complex issue. City dwellers have self interest so naturally they will resist any change that will cut their share of public welfare. Plus most people are short sighted and only take care of their immediate needs. The government is gradually pushing the reform. I mean gradually, because any drastic change will be resisted by powerful city dwellers, or rather urban residents.

The living standards of city and countryside in southeastern China have narrowed down enough that most people are no longer interested in city hukou. Hukou is a complex issue and must be taken care of on regional bases.

Call me cynical, the hukou system reform demonstrates why most Chinese are not ready for democracy. Most of older generations just have vivid memory of hunger and poverty so they are not willing to share. It's always me, me, me.
To defend your country, is your birth right! To help improve and develop your country is being a good citizen, but being delusional is neither of them two.
So what are you?

I am the guy who appears to be a contrarian at this point ,but saw the reality and potential of India.
I am the guy who appears to be a contrarian at this point ,but saw the reality and potential of India.
You are contradicting yourself, you just didn't discuss about India's Potential in your previous post, but you were more like dissing China and wishing for the bubble to burst.
Gordon Chang was wrong from the day he started predicting China's bubble bursting, you're in no way different.
You are contradicting yourself, you just didn't discuss about India's Potential in your previous post, but you were more like dissing China and wishing for the bubble to burst.
Gordon Chang was wrong from the day he started predicting China's bubble bursting, you're in no way different.

China is in huge debts which is adding to its credit crisis currently, All CCP is doing is hiding this fact and managing this crisis.

GDP, growth rates , social indicators originating from China are all manipulated to large extent.

At this moment China is still a strong economy though in Asia.
China is in huge debts which is adding to its credit crisis currently, All CCP is doing is hiding this fact and managing this crisis.

GDP, growth rates , social indicators originating from China are all manipulated to large extent.

At this moment China is still a strong economy though in Asia.

China is in huge debts which is adding to its credit crisis currently, All CCP is doing is hiding this fact and managing this crisis.

GDP, growth rates , social indicators originating from China are all manipulated to large extent.

At this moment China is still a strong economy though in Asia.

Can you name me a government that its people completely trust?

Don't bring manipulation of stats into it, unless you are telling me Indians, Americans and British don't lie ever. Unless there isn't fraud and what not going on ever in these countries.

All businesses lie to some degree and all politicians lie period. Sometimes they don't do it by choice, but they do it anyways.

Chinese stats is no less trustworthy than those of other countries, especially since there are various third party agencies at work too.
Sure there will be slums there.

I dont understand this Indian obsession with Chinese bad press. India CANNOT compete with China. It cant build its own weapons like China does. It cant lift millions out of poverty like China did. India must stop comparing itself with China.

The geo-strategic game going on in the region where India is being propped up as bulwark against China and Pakistan. This show is going to miserably fail. Its not a fantasy. India with 4-5% growth rate might look much bigger than Pakistan but I must repeat, cant compare with China.
Can you name me a government that its people completely trust?

Don't bring manipulation of stats into it, unless you are telling me Indians, Americans and British don't lie ever. Unless there isn't fraud and what not going on ever in these countries.

All businesses lie to some degree and all politicians lie period. Sometimes they don't do it by choice, but they do it anyways.

Chinese stats is no less trustworthy than those of other countries, especially since there are various third party agencies at work too.

The manipulation of stats in China is very large compared to any country.

On the lighter note who is the girl in your avatar?? :)
The manipulation of stats in China is very large compared to any country.

On the lighter note who is the girl in your avatar?? :)

Actually it is only a perception, communism, authoritarian and no election equals fraud, while Americans are democratic and free so no fraud.

India has been under British for a long time, you guys got a first hand look, now do you trust the British with your life? They been democratic for a long time.

Is Chinese stats 100% correct? Of course not, there are people at every level trying to make themselves look good, but so is the US and India.

Don't pretend, businesses don't do it, especially American businesses, as for Indian elections, don't tell me they don't do anything to manipulate other's perception.

Say honestly, do you trust the stats released by your government. Would you bet your life on its accuracy? Or what about the intent, would you be that the intent was to release the most accurate stats and no personal agenda?

But thankfully there is third party agencies that do disagree on numbers, but the gist of it is that Chinese numbers are not far off. Depending on a few factors it is even undervalued.

As to the girl, angelababy, english name Angela with her nickname being baby. If reports are to be believed, she's done enough surgeries to make another person. But then again, name me a star that is completely natural today.

The manipulation of stats in China is very large compared to any country.

On the lighter note who is the girl in your avatar?? :)
I am sure India manipulates their stats 10x more then China. China always underestimates itself where as India always over estimates themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if China's real gdp is 5-10x larger then India's
I am sure India manipulates their stats 10x more then China. China always underestimates itself where as India always over estimates themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if China's real gdp is 5-10x larger then India's

I am sure India manipulates their stats 10x more then China. China always underestimates itself where as India always over estimates themselves. It wouldn't surprise me if China's real gdp is 5-10x larger then India's
I have the same perception. I have to agree with you on this.
In North East Asian areas (North Vietnam included), there is no slum in the sense of slum normally seen in Africa or South Asia or Brazil. I do not know the exact reason, but very homogeneous population, together with relatively high education quality may contribute. When North Vietnam was poorer than South Vietnam and almost destroyed by American bombing after the war 40 years ago, there was virtually no slum in the North and a lot of slums in South Vietnam, even in the center of Saigon.
That's because your people are more into the countryside.

Also, not all poor people in China live in the slums. Many live in the countryside, working in farms.

Oh, and can you explain this...



Stop covering up, like your government.
As to the girl, angelababy, english name Angela with her nickname being baby. If reports are to be believed, she's done enough surgeries to make another person. But then again, name me a star that is completely natural today.
Haha... @Genesis, I am beginning to doubt your gender.
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