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No Nuclear Limit: China

Go worry about Viet Defense. The Chinese nor the Americans need you. People of your ethnicity were slaves of the Chinese, the French and now your own commie government. Gambit, your kind are born as slaves and should behave promptly.
That is just uncalled for. Simply because he's a prick, does not mean you have to stoop lower than him and implicate the whole race.
That is just not called for. Simply because he's a prick, does not mean you have to stoop lower than him.
He is a racist, like so many of you Chinese boys here. He cannot help it, like so many of you Chinese boys here.
He is a racist, like so many of you Chinese boys here. He cannot help it, like so many of you Chinese boys here.
While I don't like his views, it's his opinion. It might stink like yours, but you are both free to say whatever on the internet.
People at Sinodefence say alot of things, and that website is prone to errors. The difference between them and you, is that sometimes they do make the correction.
Then by all means provide a source that says PLA mandatory service time is three yrs.

A significant number of troops that completed their first three years of service go on to become NCOs. In fact, this process is performance based. In addition, those returning to civilian life may get transferred to reserve units. The technical training the military offers are often unavailable to youths from rural areas by other means. In addition, the PLA has a program called "国防生", litterally National Defence Students. Their post-secondary educations are paid for and they fill in more specialized roles.
The word 'significant' give nothing but vagueness and a sign of evasion. The retention rate for the US military is public information. Whatever 'significant' mean, it does not help the disparate percentage between NCO and the lower enlisted ranks. In the US Marines Corps, there is a lower officers to enlisted ratio, therefore, many NCOs have 'officer' responsibilities. In the US Army, there is a higher officer to enlisted ratio, so NCO responsibilities tends to remain within what is normally acceptable for an NCO. Same for the USAF and USN. But there should not be a %50 ratio between the NCO corps and the lower enlisted. That is not good, least of all it demeans the NCO ranks. Worse is that is a lower amount of institutional memory because there is no guarantee that a mid-grade NCO will stay in service long enough to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. That is what a constant flow of fresh recruits are for. The PLA leadership is not ignorant of this flaw.

Wait wait wait, presenting yourself to the local military recruiter = conscription? In that case, China would have at least millions of conscripts each year.
Yes...It is. The person serve at the military's prerogative. A conscription program demands, not asks, the person to present himself for assessment. With an all volunteer force, it is the opposite.

Defending the country is listed as a responsibility for every Chinese citizen, and this is written into the constitution. The local recruiter will not press you into serving if you are not willing to go. It would not be far-fetched to say that for every person that does not wish to serve, half a dozen are waiting to take his spot. This is especially true in rural areas where life opportunities are limited. Law enforcement agencies have preference for retired soldiers, and private employers look on that very favourably as well.
Do not care. The issue here is if conscription is 'in name only' and if everything is as rosy as you claimed, then why not abolish it?

You are making the assumption that only NCOs receiving a commission get continuous education regarding their technical field, which is false. Regardless of whether they are sent to military academies or not, they regularly need to learn. There are two types of NCO, specialized and non-specialized (infantry, cooks etc). NCOs are divided into junior, intermidiate and senior grades. It is extremely difficult, although not unheard of, for non-specialized NCOs to get past intermediate grade.
I made no such assumptions. I only pointed out that the PLA's professional military education is behind the US military. For senior or even mid-grade NCOs, such PME should be mandatory as it is for US. PME is not the same as technical training or even university education. You implied that such PME is optional for the PLA. That is not good.

Last time I recall, it's been 20 years since 1991. Military education is an ever evolving adjustment process. While I did not say that China's military recruitment and education system is perfect, you knowledge of it is meagre to say the least.
And I have yet to see anything from you that would even reach up to meagre.

No more fantastic than your own ignorant opinions on this subject.
Wrong...I can source mine.
He is a racist, like so many of you Chinese boys here. He cannot help it, like so many of you Chinese boys here.

I'm not racist I just hate your guts. Being Vietnamese doesn't make you a douchebag, thats your own fault. Learn to take credit for your own actions like a normal person instead of constantly blaming it on your race.

I hate you simply because you are you. :tdown:
I'm not racist I just hate your guts. Being Vietnamese doesn't make you a douchebag, thats your own fault. Learn to take credit for your own actions like a normal person instead of constantly blaming it on your race.

I hate you simply because you are you. :tdown:
Hey, boy...Since when did I blame my origin for anything? I will explain myself again...I had no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of their nationalities. When you Chinese boys came on here and began to post some claims about the Chinese military, I challenged those claims, I remained on subject, and I presented sources to support my arguments. Many of you took those challenges to be personal and/or some kind of racially based attacks on China and the Chinese people, where not once have I said anything remotely concerning 'race' and several times in the past I called the Chinese history 'enviable'. The assumption was I was a typical white American. The responses became personal attacks against me then once it was known to you boys that I was Viet, the attacks became racists. So do tell what reasons NOW do I have to be nice to you boys?
I think its apparent. Chinese trolls have exalted status in this "impartials", "inclusive" forum. A certain "diplomatic immunity" if you will.
And what did I 'suggested'? This is about nuclear weapons reduction. Is China on board with this or not? Do you support at least a suspension of nuclear weapons buildups, if not reduction?

I seriously doubt China is on board with this. I'm sure Tianje-1A is designing new warheads as we speak.

That is not good, reducing the time in service to only two years, and having such a gross disproportionate amount of leaders: NCOs and commissioned officers, in relation to the overall enlisted rank. That disproportional distribution of ranks and duties heavily contributed to the decline of the Soviet military. But of course, we should not expect a bunch of conscript rejects to know anything about the military other than what the Chinese government propaganda branch feed the gullibles.

Funny and weird! A Chinese hater would cry foul for the betterment of PLA… :lol:

If it is not good for PLA, you should be now chuckling in a dark corner of your apartment amongst hordes of roaches, not whining like a pain in your own @ss.
Then by all means provide a source that says PLA mandatory service time is three yrs.
"第十八条 义务兵服现役的期限:陆军三年;海军、空军四年."

Thanks for continue to prove yourself ignorant. If you bother to do a little more research, then you would know the new NCO system that reduce conscription to 2 years will not take effect until later this year after it was passed in 2010. As of now, 3 years is still the term of service.

The word 'significant' give nothing but vagueness and a sign of evasion. The retention rate for the US military is public information. Whatever 'significant' mean, it does not help the disparate percentage between NCO and the lower enlisted ranks. In the US Marines Corps, there is a lower officers to enlisted ratio, therefore, many NCOs have 'officer' responsibilities. In the US Army, there is a higher officer to enlisted ratio, so NCO responsibilities tends to remain within what is normally acceptable for an NCO. Same for the USAF and USN. But there should not be a %50 ratio between the NCO corps and the lower enlisted. That is not good, least of all it demeans the NCO ranks. Worse is that is a lower amount of institutional memory because there is no guarantee that a mid-grade NCO will stay in service long enough to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. That is what a constant flow of fresh recruits are for. The PLA leadership is not ignorant of this flaw.

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The number of NCO in the military in 2007 made up roughly half the military enlisted, not counting officers. Most technical knowledge intense units have 70 to 80% ratio of NCOs. The number had grown to 900,000 in 2009, and that was two years ago. An intermediate grade 3 NCO would have served in the military for over 12 years, plenty of time to train others. A steady stream of new blood ensures China has a vast reserve to personal to choose from in case of war. The army could be quickly expanded with minimal retraining for troops.

Yes...It is. The person serve at the military's prerogative. A conscription program demands, not asks, the person to present himself for assessment. With an all volunteer force, it is the opposite.
Really? The process requires you to register yourself in front of a recruiter and be examined, not actually go. You get to pick whether you choose to do it or not. Even if you are willing, you still need to compete with other candidates for a spot. In that case, the selective service system in United States is conscription too? Since it requires you to register.

Do not care. The issue here is if conscription is 'in name only' and if everything is as rosy as you claimed, then why not abolish it?
Why don't you ask the Chinese government to change the constitution? Since it stated every citizen has responsibility to defend the country and military laws are written according to such. Unlike some country where recruiters try to sucker people in.

I made no such assumptions. I only pointed out that the PLA's professional military education is behind the US military. For senior or even mid-grade NCOs, such PME should be mandatory as it is for US. PME is not the same as technical training or even university education. You implied that such PME is optional for the PLA. That is not good.
Yes, you were making assumptions. PLA's professional education system is available to both NCOs and officers. I can name at least 5 different NCO schools that belong to the army alone. I've made no implications that education was optional. It was you that made the assumption.

And I have yet to see anything from you that would even reach up to meagre.
I admit was being generous on your ignorance. You were borderline retarded.

Wrong...I can source mine.
Sources full of errors mixed up with your own ignorance, good combo.
Hey, boy...Since when did I blame my origin for anything? I will explain myself again...I had no reasons to be hostile to anyone regardless of their nationalities. When you Chinese boys came on here and began to post some claims about the Chinese military, I challenged those claims, I remained on subject, and I presented sources to support my arguments. Many of you took those challenges to be personal and/or some kind of racially based attacks on China and the Chinese people, where not once have I said anything remotely concerning 'race' and several times in the past I called the Chinese history 'enviable'. The assumption was I was a typical white American. The responses became personal attacks against me then once it was known to you boys that I was Viet, the attacks became racists. So do tell what reasons NOW do I have to be nice to you boys?

the problem is you assume everyone is the same way, sure some Chinese folks here are so called racist"" by stereotyping a race and/or assuming they are inferior but you are no better, you simply assume all chinese members here are fan boys and/or racist, i personally have never been a fan boy nor exaggerate any Chinese achievements, yet i have been called a fan boy by you simply because i am of chinese origin and i disagree with you on some point or another.

in your words

"once it was known to you boy" "that I was" chinese, "the attacks became racists"(assuming i am a fanboy due to my race). "So do tell what reasons NOW do I have to be nice to you boy"?
And what did I 'suggested'? This is about nuclear weapons reduction. Is China on board with this or not? Do you support at least a suspension of nuclear weapons buildups, if not reduction?

Read the damn article. This article isn't about nuclear reduction. This article is about nuclear equality.

If you really wonder about China's views on nuclear reduction, please read General Ma's statement. Cheers.

No it is not. Conscription is coercion into service. It is very possible to reject a conscript for any reason, easiest of all is medical. But since none of you ever served in the military, you would not know that. And am willing to bet that all of you are either too cowardly to serve your conscription call or you were rejected.

You just contradicted yourself again. If you are forced to serve, then you can't be "too cowardly" to serve. You still serve no matter what your state of mind is. Seriously man, if you want to insult somebody, please try to make it logical.

Oh, so the forum members are too scared to serve, eh? Then, since you are a big advocate of "sources", why don't you do some surveying and provide proof?
I can't believe you guys are letting gambit get you all worked up. The guy is a walking mental case, he needs therapy not more fuel to add to his hate engine.
I can't believe you guys are letting gambit get you all worked up. The guy is a walking mental case, he needs therapy not more fuel to add to his hate engine.

Does this imply that you condone racist personal attacks from your fellow countymen?
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