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No choice but to support Iran if Israel attacks: Wajid

Again, not one of those joke threads, first learn to defend your own civilians and soldiers who are getting butchered almost daily before talking about supporting Iran in any way. People like that commissioner need to be care full about what they say, they are damaging Pakistan's already wrecked image.
I will say only one thing. To hell with Shia and to hell with Sunni arguments in this thread. Pakistan should at any cost support Iran because one and only thing is that they are Muslim and being attacked by non muslims! If SA or UAE support attack on Iran, they are dumb as hell. Even though Saudi Arab is our holy land but their stupid attitude against Shia community is not good and it should not be tolerated! and by the way, I am Sunni and I consider Shia people as my brothers and muslims and they should be protected at all cost and if SA supports attack on Iran then they are at fault!

There are many countries in Africa where Muslims are fighting against secular or other parties.. I don't see any Pakistanis there.. there are muslims getting killed in Afghanistan every day (even Pakistan supported it by provide base and supply routes) and in your country too by missiles from non-muslims .. where are you buddy.. ooh relaxing in non-Muslim country .. and may be your tax dollars to IRS is also contributing in it ..
What a moron!!!.....Can pakistan afford to get involved in any war??? I would like to understand how many here feels this guy is making any sense...
I guess he is trying to bluff or getting cheap attention.....:smokin:
It's 64 years now and you guys still didn't know about Pakistan and you will never be able to know, Because we don't go by logic. Now don't start lecture on our current conditions, i know that better than you.

"Your way of thinking(Political/military class)" will cause pain to aam admi of Pakistan. you are not going to suffer.
You actually proved Loveicon's point,,, you don't know it about Pak-istan...

Aam admi will be one step ahead of military & Govt. to go ahead & support any muslim country against israel ... Aam admi would LOVE to "suffer" for such cause ... that's the way it works here ... Actually aam admi is looking forward to israel making such blunder ,,, 1st thing it will do is UNITE all of us & instead of fighting each other all aam-admis will unite against comon enemy ,,,
You actually proved Loveicon's point,,, you don't know it about Pak-istan...

Aam admi will be one step ahead of military & Govt. to go ahead & support any muslim country against israel ...

So the Establishment has successfully radicalized all the people of Pakistan?
What will the supporters of Iran and Syria get by creating a situation in which GCC countries attack Iran. NATO will also get involved (try to capture all oil rich regions). I do not see any good coming out of it for Russia and especially China who will lose another energy supplier after Libya.

They will get access to market their arms and munitions. On both sides of the issue a sanity has to prevail. Everyday the threats are flowing out of the leadership of Iran that it is hard for me compare it with leadership of any other nation. They are creating insecurity for the entire GCC region. We as individuals might want to ignore and refuse to see the developing situation from the eyes of GCC nations that does not mean it will go away.

If GCC was not concerned they would have not made a statement exposed in the WIKILEAKS. There are lot of issues interlinked such as the ongoing strife in Syria. This brings to the related topic of sectarian war in the region being orchestrated quietly by GCC nations in order to decrease the influence of Iran over the countries of the region. The real curse on these nations is the mixing and mingling of religion with politics.

Now to answer your reference to NATO's plan to capture oil rich region that is not going to happen they only want sectarian war to flare up in the region and they will keep buying the oil from the suppliers. China is sourcing for the oil as far away as Brazil, Venezuela and Canada besides that any shortfall will be fulfilled by GCC nations, which was discussed and agreed upon during the recently concluded visit by China's PM.

For the sake of peace on this planet we have to stop looking at the issues from the religious angle only than there will be peace and prosperity in all the nations.
We should 100% support Iran but not directly just supply excess Weapons to Irananis and moral support just like Israeli provided weapons to India in Kargil you know the funny thing is that huge country like India is afraid to face us directly hence they had to run to their ally to save their a$$.

---------- Post added at 07:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 AM ----------

I always thought that's the core reason why Pakistan is imploding. Now one Pakistani is even taking pride in not going by logic!

A bangladeshi talking about logic!Wow that's a new low even for Bangladeshis.Hope your cattle traders are having a good day at Indian Border.
You actually proved Loveicon's point,,, you don't know it about Pak-istan...

Aam admi will be one step ahead of military & Govt. to go ahead & support any muslim country against israel ... Aam admi would LOVE to "suffer" for such cause ... that's the way it works here ... Actually aam admi is looking forward to israel making such blunder ,,, 1st thing it will do is UNITE all of us & instead of fighting each other all aam-admis will unite against comon enemy ,,,
That Aam Admi don't know what will be result of it .. tell them if they will go hungry every alternate day .. there will be load shedding for 15 hours fro next one year .. no jobs for his kids .. and then ask still they are ready to fight.. Emotional answer is always one which don't see future ..
I can point dozen Pakistani forum members who are Aam Admi and they are not ready to support even morally...
Add admi from middle class and poor class care less about what is going on in world but care about prices of gas and food and job for kids and their school fees...
well im aam admi of pakistan and i will support to iran anyway. U dnt need to worry for us. Its our matter, policy u cant suggest.

This thread : Yesterday 09:23 PM

The thread in quote : Yesterday 09:21 PM

and the below thread :Yesterday 03:50 PM :D



On topic: Pakistan politicians and generals are sissies inside pakistan and want to be yankees outside pakistan.

They cannot stop the drones which have no pilot in it how can they go to a war? Has the ambasador forgetton the many bases of US currently inside Pakistan. If the dornes takeoff from inside Paksitan they cannot stop them, if they intrude from the border they cannot down them. The SOP and ROE have been revised probably to allow room for better equiping the soldiers at the western border like if they before had pistols now they would be given automatic pistols nothing more, as the revi$ion is made based on the assumption that Taliban do no have fighter planes and drones to use, and this is still the view of the generals. So no need for advanced hardware like that on the eastern side.

Pakistan sovereignty and the basic of basic rights of a citizen goes to hell.

I think The ambassador got a lot of $haba$hi from the Iranians for his statements and many will follow $uit unfortunately.
I am amazed that you wrote it with straight face....is it a statement to take pride in that you don't go by logic????

Actually we do go by logic and what wajid is saying also has logic behind it but to understand it you need to see it from our perspective. Pakistan is already an energy striped country and we have long term interest that we need to protect both strategic and economical in Iran. The region is already destabilized enough thanks to this wot and now we have a US congressional hearing on our internal matters. Iran shares a direct border with Pakistan and while we are already enough destabilize through Afghanistan, we would not want to be further destabilize through Iranian side as well. So Pakistan has every right to not only strongly oppose such a unilateral action but also if push comes to shove, do what is necessary to protect its own interests.

buddy it was 4 am i went too sleep before i red your post but yeah you have your views and i have mine. :lol::lol: but last thing when you say kp you mean fata right bcz the war is in fata us fata plz for better understanding
So the Establishment has successfully radicalized all the people of Pakistan?

ignoring the troll:p:P:P
this discussion havent provided much there should have been polling to see how many support it and how many dont
The lectures indians are giving to Pakistan on the mess war create, dont have balls to say tht israel on the 1st place should not attack Iran so tht Pakistan (to save the mess could not be created but again son cann't advice daddy, obviously than how can son get pocket money than
Please talk about yourself...Do you support such a statement??? Do you see the idiotic height this "High Commissioner" has reached by making such foolish statements???

looking the other way while Iran is attacked for "alleged" nuclear weapons program would be a disaster because Pakistan itself has nuclear weapons.
so its about prevention and self preservation. nuclear doctrine is the corner stone of keeping the parity and not getting jumped by its arch rival. if that ability is taken away then your forces wont think more before launching an attack.

its simple stupid :)

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