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No choice but to support Iran if Israel attacks: Wajid

look like iran need our support ? they kill 11 pakistanis last month lolz for them pakistan is P state they are not blind . those who can't defend there own air space land will help others in war?

phly apna ap to bacha lo

its same like a shoe maker teach heart surgery to students :lol:
Pakistan will have no choice but to support Iran in case Israel attacked Iran. Those who believe SA and UAE will support Israeli attack are crazier than the looney bin. They really dont understand the Middle East politics. SA and UAE may not support Iran but it will be political suicide for SA and UAE to support Israeli attack. Both these Countries ( SA, UAE ) have large Shia populations and even though secretly they may be happy about Israeli attack but they cannot publicly support Israel/USA or let the attackers use SA or UAE airspace.

What is happening behind the door between USA-Israel on one hand and Russia-China on the other hand has to be studied. What if these countries by taking sides are encouraging the confrontation between GCC and Iran? We all know from the WIKILEAKS the views of KSA on Iran(Cut the head of Snake). That has not changed and will not no matter what you guys post on the forum. What if USA and Israel are covertly encouraging Iran to have Nukes so that GCC will always need USA presence in the region to protect them? As well as sell their weapons to countries which are insecure from inside. As long as these countries keep on using religion card, USA would have achieved their objective by dividing them and staying put in the region.
If there is a war between Iran and the US (and I am not even talking about Israel here because the kind of fire power that the US alone can bring to bear on Iran will make Israel look like a novice in comparison), neither Russia nor China will get involved. As simple as that, moral and diplomatic support yes, but to get out there and get involved militarily, no way. Mark my words. Yes Russia will scream bloody murder, China will express its extreme anguish, guys like Hugo Chavez will rant and rave but no one will send one lousy soldier into the battle. India will be somewhere there with these countries, asking for the war to be stopped.

Now if Israel attacked and the US didn't then it will be a different ball game. Even then China and Russia will not get involved outright in the war. But a lot of stuff will start moving into Iran through the north, through the Caucasus, Black Sea and Turkmenistan. Turkey will take a confrontational stand and its air force and navy will be active against Israel. Many other west Asian countries will get involved. Pakistan? Pakistan will give all support to Iran but stop short of declaring a war on Israel.

Personally, I do not believe that Israel can win a war against Iran alone. Israel will therefore use all means at its disposal to get the US involved. It will be a very sad day if war breaks out.
My second post was "Our country, Our rules" didn't you noticed that :devil:

If we go by logic than we have to kick a$$ of millions of refuges including Bangalis from our country as well because by logic our economy is struggling and we can't afford burden of these refuges. And by valid logic if bhartiis hunt Bengalis while crossing border illegally why you start crying

Feel free to kick their as$es, if that's logical. We can exchange them for the stranded Biharis who are still loyal to the cause of Pakistan.

It's also logical for BSF to have the right to fire at anyone within their jurisdiction, adhering to the law of the land.
why do you think that if we dont support iran with weapons and men we are on us side. buddy we will support diplomatic at best nothing more IT OUR INTEREST. we involve ourselves in war we kill ourselves do you think west is doing all of this propaganda as a joke we so much as give one bullet they will say we are arming with nuclear heck even if we dont give anything they will still say that. if we involve ourselves it will spill the war towards us much worse then what we are facing on afgh border. what sense is this bcz we are being surrounded and have threat lets go to complete war when we are so weak ourselves i say we stay neutral with moral support of iran just like iraq

Effect of AF is not limited to border, we have lost thousands of innocents in our main cities. And west don't need proof to tell world that we helped Iran or not, You do it or not they will label you. I stated it before, only way if you want that US should never attack Pakistan is give-up nukes and accept their dictates. Otherwise sooner or later we have to face them.

IMO if Iran has missiles to reach US than give them nukes and ask them to do that job for themselves and ourselves.

By the way what the hell is moral support to do when someone is on war?
US & Israel are threat to our national security, IMO Pakistan should support against their aggression. About the country what you are talking, that's a theory and is not gonna happen. IF this happen, we have to remain neutral and try to bring them on table because in that case none is our enemy, so we don't have any threat.

I beg to differ from you. Your leadership has to bring all the faction within Pakistan to table for peace talks before you move onto foreign land as a mediator. Even if it is a theory this can be turned in to reality when the opportunity presents itself. What we do not know is of value in this on going rhetoric between the party's? What if supporters of Iran and Syria are in bed with the Western alliance to create a situation where KSA and GCC have no option but to launch attack on Iran on their own just the way Iraq was pushed in to war against Iran in 1980's.
By the way what the hell is moral support to do when someone is on war?

moral support is we condemn the war:p:P:P iran doesnt have missiles to reach usa and do you think if we give them nukes to do the job themselves us will not nuke us too. wait and be patient their economy is in shambles they have already been forced to leave iraq. i for one dont even think a war will happen but if it does it will mean trouble and like i said safer is being neutral we are not in a conditon to fight our own war much less anybody else. we should avoid it rather then thinking it will happen sooner or later so why not sooner
merge it with this one that one is smaller:p:P:P
I beg to differ from you. Your leadership has to bring all the faction within Pakistan to table for peace talks before you move onto foreign land as a mediator. Even if it is a theory this can be turned in to reality when the opportunity presents itself. What we do not know is of value in this on going rhetoric between the party's? What if supporters of Iran and Syria are in bed with the Western alliance to create a situation where KSA and GCC have no option but to launch attack on Iran on their own just the way Iraq was pushed in to war against Iran in 1980's.

What will the supporters of Iran and Syria get by creating a situation in which GCC countries attack Iran. NATO will also get involved (try to capture all oil rich regions). I do not see any good coming out of it for Russia and especially China who will lose another energy supplier after Libya.
I can't understand whenever a Muslim country is threatened of a war we Pakistanis find it an obligation to offer them our Army and nukes as its going to be Armageddon!

Come-on we have heaps of issues within our own country, let us bring our house in order at first and then think about protecting others. Any support to Iran other than moral will bring more problems to us.
moral support is we condemn the war:p:P:P iran doesnt have missiles to reach usa and do you think if we give them nukes to do the job themselves us will not nuke us too. wait and be patient their economy is in shambles they have already been forced to leave iraq. i for one dont even think a war will happen but if it does it will mean trouble and like i said safer is being neutral we are not in a conditon to fight our own war much less anybody else. we should avoid it rather then thinking it will happen sooner or later so why not sooner

BTW - If you follow my posts on Iran threats, my POV is that Iran is a screensaver in this play, US is active in Syria and Baluchistan, If they succeed Iran will be encircled plus economic sanctions.

I have stated before, US in Iran is count down of disintegration of Pakistan, the plan is already in Place, Situation in Baluchistan, KP & Karachi is critical, It is somehow under control is because you just have to control AF border and US needs us for supplies, If they get Iran, they will not need us for supply routes and you have to defend a long border with Iran as well to control the terrorist groups like BLA, TTP etc. and it will destroy our so called remain economy as well.

PS: I think we should agree to disagree and stop repeating same thing again & again.
If there is a war between Iran and the US (and I am not even talking about Israel here because the kind of fire power that the US alone can bring to bear on Iran will make Israel look like a novice in comparison), neither Russia nor China will get involved. As simple as that, moral and diplomatic support yes, but to get out there and get involved militarily, no way. Mark my words. Yes Russia will scream bloody murder, China will express its extreme anguish, guys like Hugo Chavez will rant and rave but no one will send one lousy soldier into the battle. India will be somewhere there with these countries, asking for the war to be stopped.

Now if Israel attacked and the US didn't then it will be a different ball game. Even then China and Russia will not get involved outright in the war. But a lot of stuff will start moving into Iran through the north, through the Caucasus, Black Sea and Turkmenistan. Turkey will take a confrontational stand and its air force and navy will be active against Israel. Many other west Asian countries will get involved. Pakistan? Pakistan will give all support to Iran but stop short of declaring a war on Israel.

Personally, I do not believe that Israel can win a war against Iran alone. Israel will therefore use all means at its disposal to get the US involved. It will be a very sad day if war breaks out.

I agree.. Here Michael Scheuer explains it in details.

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I will say only one thing. To hell with Shia and to hell with Sunni arguments in this thread. Pakistan should at any cost support Iran because one and only thing is that they are Muslim and being attacked by non muslims! If SA or UAE support attack on Iran, they are dumb as hell. Even though Saudi Arab is our holy land but their stupid attitude against Shia community is not good and it should not be tolerated! and by the way, I am Sunni and I consider Shia people as my brothers and muslims and they should be protected at all cost and if SA supports attack on Iran then they are at fault!

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