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New Threat to Pakistan with India,s New K4 SLBM test next month

You assume that one can ever be too careful . Well , that isn't true for one . How about you start using your exact logic for my country then ? How about saying the same for Pakistani missiles that they are developed after considering the opponent's defenses ? :D The main reason why I wouldn't want to have faith in the BMD's or feel threatened by it deployment is because of their low effectiveness against threats despite the astronomical costs , judging from other country's similar systems , of course . So , if they the world's powers after decades of R&D and insanely spent money do not have confidence in theirs , well so do not have I . These simulations have many variables predetermined and set , therein lies the problem , the real world of course is different .

Fair enough....however one must also keep in mind that the countries whom we are talking about is not India and Pakistan...the kind of missile technology adversaries possess in the example above have no matches in India and Pakistan...for example both of us are not even close to MIRV's....Mind it i understand that the same argument can be taken for ABM as well...Having said please keep in mind ABM is designed as per India's threat system and the so called advanced system of west might not be enough for us as every weapon is designed with a particular context...Our(India/Pak) Missiles are already in the picture and a system is being developed to counter it...not the other way around....Now how much changes these missiles can bring change into them is for all of us to guess....but so far the advantage lies with ABM...
Because now they are not top secrete as they were some time ago.

how come news of our top secret projects tend to get published on national newspapers

There are no new or old threats to Pakistan.
India has been a threat for Pakistan since 1947 and will remain a threat till we eliminate it.

You should have Written " Till we are Eliminated" in place of " till we eliminate it."
Fair enough....however one must also keep in mind that the countries whom we are talking about is not India and Pakistan...the kind of missile technology adversaries possess in the example above have no matches in India and Pakistan...for example both of us are not even close to MIRV's....Mind it i understand that the same argument can be taken for ABM as well...Having said please keep in mind ABM is designed as per India's threat system and the so called advanced system of west might not be enough for us as every weapon is designed with a particular context...Our(India/Pak) Missiles are already in the picture and a system is being developed to counter it...not the other way around....Now how much changes these missiles can bring change into them is for all of us to guess....but so far the advantage lies with ABM...

You know what ? That is exactly what I tell the fanboys here . Can I argue that India isn't even close to the ABM's under development/ deployed by other nations who have invested a fortune , R&D for decades and still do not consider it effective enough ? The same logic that we are decades behind them in missile technology . Well guessing's fine but people have a habit of making a concrete final judgement about Pakistani missiles usually but one general thing is that the attack usually evolves faster than defense . Actually the older ones are being developed further to counter it , you aren't in a one sided contest here .
There are no new or old threats to Pakistan.
India has been a threat for Pakistan since 1947 and will remain a threat till we eliminate it.

Start with trying to eliminate the Martians.
You have a better chance of doing that than to eliminate India.
One of the times that you tried to eliminate India; half of you (the bigger and better half) disappeared..........:rofl:
You know what ? That is exactly what I tell the fanboys here . Can I argue that India isn't even close to the ABM's under development/ deployed by other nations who have invested a fortune , R&D for decades and still do not consider it effective enough ? The same logic that we are decades behind them in missile technology . Well guessing's fine but people have a habit of making a concrete final judgement about Pakistani missiles usually but one general thing is that the attack usually evolves faster than defense . Actually the older ones are being developed further to counter it , you aren't in a one sided contest here .

Absolutely.....no two ways about....The only point is when the missiles were in design phase there was no threat of ABM at that time...when ABM was in design phase all the current threats as well as near future ones were well known...now knowing threats is one thing and countering them another having said that i will repeat benefit lies with ABM...
Absolutely.....no two ways about....The only point is when the missiles were in design phase there was no threat of ABM at that time...when ABM was in design phase all the current threats as well as near future ones were well known...now knowing threats is one thing and countering them another having said that i will repeat benefit lies with ABM...
Well again we are getting back to " one can ever be too careful " . What about the future systems , how does one take just everything into consideration to the point that there's no uncertainty/variable left ? Not possible , right ? Well as the ABM is being developed , so are the missiles on the other side . One day you may see a new one again without any prior information on the development , just like Babur , we aren't that open about our projects so well left surprised all the time .
Well again we are getting back to " one can ever be too careful " . What about the future systems , how does one take just everything into consideration to the point that there's no uncertainty/variable left ? Not possible , right ? Well as the ABM is being developed , so are the missiles on the other side . One day you may see a new one again without any prior information on the development , just like Babur , we aren't that open about our projects so well left surprised all the time .

Nopes....i am not saying that....what i am saying is that threats and possible future threats were well known...Now if Pakistan comes up with all the way a new missile which brings a threat that was not envisioned then what can be done about it...ABM will fail unless and until makers improve it as per the new threat...My point is more in the context of current arsenal that we have...For example....The current missiles(whatever is know to us) should have been taken care of(if not then ABM is a waste even before it was started)...the future threat in the same/similar arsenal would be MIRV'ed with certain improvements in terms of speed and precision....again if this is not countered then ABM would be a waste...Now one can see just that much..If tomorrow Pakistan comes up with practically a new missile much more advanced than what we could envision....we are back to square one :)....
Well again we are getting back to " one can ever be too careful " . What about the future systems , how does one take just everything into consideration to the point that there's no uncertainty/variable left ? Not possible , right ? Well as the ABM is being developed , so are the missiles on the other side . One day you may see a new one again without any prior information on the development , just like Babur , we aren't that open about our projects so well left surprised all the time .

Dude, abm systems are designed based on interception of the projectile and not based on each missile variant. You keep mentioning countries arent confident on the abm systems they are developing - which country are you talking about? - any official statements?

lol..Pakistan already covers entire india with its nuclear-capable Shaheen-IIs and so...There is a mad factor.

india is well-contained and it can't get out of our grip...simple.

indians can cry all they want...

Pakistan is working on more sophisticated weapon-systems like stealth nuclear cruise missiles or even miniturized battle-field quasi ballistic nuclear weapons.

Not to mention air launch stand-off nuclear missiles.

What india is working on are things are Pakistan perfected decades ago... We are farrrr ahead of shitty indian program...which keeps on failing :lol:

india is yet to test his FIRST nuclear cruise missile...while Pakistan already developed multi-tube, salvo firing system for his nuclear cruise missiles..

Tells you how far we are...


that was funny.
An aera which pakistanis claimed to superior in is completely being dominated by india news vitually every few months from ICMB and new hypersonic SLBM the indians are pulling out some real trees lately.

What wil the Pakistanis response be to this NEW increased nuclear threat

Indiams are claiming zero CEP with the new missles fresh fromthe space success to mars indian rockettechnology is paying huge dividends to their military

Zero CEP? Isn't that way overtly confident. Would anyone buy into this claim. US definitely don't have a missile that is zero CEP. India is way, way more advance than US in missile accuracy. Maybe India can teach US how to create such a missile.
Zero CEP? Isn't that way overtly confident. Would anyone buy into this claim. US definitely don't have a missile that is zero CEP. India is way, way more advance than US in missile accuracy. Maybe India can teach US how to create such a missile.
India already has single digit CEP in its new missiles.
Of course, these basic factors are also considered before developing a whole system - there are many more that come under consideration as well.
These factors are not taken under consideration ;
by nature these factors vary substantially every time, IT is virtualy impossible
Dude, abm systems are designed based on interception of the projectile and not based on each missile variant. You keep mentioning countries arent confident on the abm systems they are developing - which country are you talking about? - any official statements?

I know , but the newer missiles usually incorporate the ability to evade from such systems by different means , surely the ABM systems have to be redesigned to counter that , right ? This is no variant to variant thing , of course . Well , it isn't only my opinion , that is the prevalent opinion amongst defense analysts/strategists . Read this for a change , a bit politically motivated , but explains the history of such U.S. systems fine . The Soviets were worse though , the Chinese well do not know where they stand .

In the Nation; Why Another ABM? - New York Times
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