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New Threat to Pakistan with India,s New K4 SLBM test next month

Thanks for your advice, but you can keep it with yourself.

The ABM as I said is still being worked on and it's a work in progress, Indians know what kind of counter measures can be taken because we are already working on that and designing our missiles that can evade such ABM's. Most of our recent missile tests are meant for that.
ok Tests...
the actual Nuclear exchange will be far from these tests and simulations; All the successfull missile interceptions are done under carefully controlled conditions where a lot of uncertainities which will be present in an actual war are ignored. forexample the location from where the missile is known ; its dimensions are known.
In an indo-pak nuclear exchange it wont be simple as that.
the BMD will be overwhelmed by the mere number of warheads, there will be many fake launches.
and Pakistan's strategic forces will do everything to maximise the chances of success, we won't play by your ''tests''
dude no alarm bells are being rung anywhere in Pakistan because these missles are not aimed at Pakistan because all of the country was in missile range to begin with and as far as Pakistans vulnerability is concerned we still have enough fire in the belly to take you down the MAD road...
ok Tests...
the actual Nuclear exchange will be far from these tests and simulations; All the successfull missile interceptions are done under carefully controlled conditions where a lot of uncertainities which will be present in an actual war are ignored. forexample the location from where the missile is known ; its dimensions are known.
In an indo-pak nuclear exchange it wont be simple as that.
the BMD will be overwhelmed by the mere number of warheads, there will be many fake launches.
and Pakistan's strategic forces will do everything to maximise the chances of success, we won't play by your ''tests''
There are no new or old threats to Pakistan.
India has been a threat for Pakistan since 1947 and will remain a threat till we eliminate it.
There are no new or old threats to Pakistan.
India has been a threat for Pakistan since 1947 and will remain a threat till we eliminate it.
ok Tests...
the actual Nuclear exchange will be far from these tests and simulations; All the successfull missile interceptions are done under carefully controlled conditions where a lot of uncertainities which will be present in an actual war are ignored. forexample the location from where the missile is known ; its dimensions are known.
In an indo-pak nuclear exchange it wont be simple as that.
the BMD will be overwhelmed by the mere number of warheads, there will be many fake launches.
and Pakistan's strategic forces will do everything to maximise the chances of success, we won't play by your ''tests''

Of course, these basic factors are also considered before developing a whole system - there are many more that come under consideration as well.
There are no new or old threats to Pakistan.
India has been a threat for Pakistan since 1947 and will remain a threat till we eliminate it.

HaHa Pakistan will eliminate India :rofl::rofl:.Last effort of pakistan for that is at 1971.and so now world has a new country called Bangladesh.If it is like this way the world will see another new country called Balochistan
Wake up boy:-) ,dreams over.please drink some coffee:coffee:

On topic ,actually pakistan need not worry about this.Big technologies like this of India is for big boys like china not for kindergarten kids like pakistan
An aera which pakistanis claimed to superior in is completely being dominated by india news vitually every few months from ICMB and new hypersonic SLBM the indians are pulling out some real trees lately.

What wil the Pakistanis response be to this NEW increased nuclear threat

Indiams are claiming zero CEP with the new missles fresh fromthe space success to mars indian rockettechnology is paying huge dividends to their military

Main reason no funds.
Of course, these basic factors are also considered before developing a whole system - there are many more that come under consideration as well.

You assume that one can ever be too careful . Well , that isn't true for one . How about you start using your exact logic for my country then ? How about saying the same for Pakistani missiles that they are developed after considering the opponent's defenses ? :D The main reason why I wouldn't want to have faith in the BMD's or feel threatened by it deployment is because of their low effectiveness against threats despite the astronomical costs , judging from other country's similar systems , of course . So , if they the world's powers after decades of R&D and insanely spent money do not have confidence in theirs , well so do not have I . These simulations have many variables predetermined and set , therein lies the problem , the real world of course is different .
lol..Pakistan already covers entire india with its nuclear-capable Shaheen-IIs and so...There is a mad factor.

india is well-contained and it can't get out of our grip...simple.

indians can cry all they want...

Pakistan is working on more sophisticated weapon-systems like stealth nuclear cruise missiles or even miniturized battle-field quasi ballistic nuclear weapons.

Not to mention air launch stand-off nuclear missiles.

What india is working on are things are Pakistan perfected decades ago... We are farrrr ahead of shitty indian program...which keeps on failing :lol:

india is yet to test his FIRST nuclear cruise missile...while Pakistan already developed multi-tube, salvo firing system for his nuclear cruise missiles..

Tells you how far we are...
ok Tests...
the actual Nuclear exchange will be far from these tests and simulations; All the successfull missile interceptions are done under carefully controlled conditions where a lot of uncertainities which will be present in an actual war are ignored. forexample the location from where the missile is known ; its dimensions are known.
In an indo-pak nuclear exchange it wont be simple as that.
the BMD will be overwhelmed by the mere number of warheads, there will be many fake launches.
and Pakistan's strategic forces will do everything to maximize the chances of success, we won't play by your ''tests''
Let me pose the same question back to you...How do you know you will be able to defeat our ABM(whenever it will be deployed)...Have you done some tests?? What are the number of fake launches you have tried and what kind of ABM you have been able to defeat... Indian defense forces and scientific community will do everything to maximize there ABM a success!!

I have said this many times before but don't mind sharing it....Forget about the success rate of ABM and just keep in mind one thing...this is going to make your life difficult by few notches in times of a war...In case you plan to neutralize it by the way of sending mirage of missiles/dupes(whatever) you loose one very big factor i.e. SURPRISE!!...Thereafter success rate of ABM will decide how much damage Pak can cause...though on the other hand there is practically not much that you would be able to do with India's counter attack, no??
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