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Netaji's driver claims he can't have died in plane crash

True but Indira also screwed up entire north India by killing innocent Sikhs. Not to mention gave away 93,000 POWs with NOTHING to bargain (Hint: P0K). That was one terrible time. Not to mention our economy was terrible in her management. Usually economies shoot up in semi-dictatorial regimes; but in her case it was opposite.
I agree with your post, but we were independent, not relying on any forigen power during her time. Even the US feared her and the nation under her rule.
Let go of the 90000 POW is not too complicated. what do we want to do with them. feed them or give them to the Bangladeshi new formed government, If the later was done. all 90000 would be skinned alive by the Bangladeshis(They had such an anger). Also sending the POW to Pakistan gave us credibility in the international arena.
The Sikh issue, I would say she handled it preety rough.
You see, this entire UPA is a problem since the beginning of our independence. Nehru screwed up J&K, he almost gave our land to the CCP and had Sardar Patel not been there, we'd be having a scourge of terror sponsoring states around us. Congress was only interested in continuing the policies of their colonial masters who gifted the power to them through propaganda and lies.
UPA, has always been problem to the nations Growth. Look at the UPA's constiuent parties. DMK(The worst party in the south). Laloo(The a** hole in the north. ONLY A VERY FEW Congress CM's are good and that inclues Tarun Gogoi. I hope Mamtha is doing good.
NDA on the other hand is doing good job in the States that its ruling except Karnatha where the dangerous trio(Yeddy & Reddy Brothers) have made a mess
I always dream and wonder what heights India would have achieved if the first prime minister of Independent India was either Netaji or Sardar Patel.
I always dream and wonder what heights India would have achieved if the first prime minister of Independent India was either Netaji or Sardar Patel.

Lets rule out hypothesis, any way the time for the above question is 67 years old. so what we can do is make sure that we reach out to as many people as we can to enlighten them of the current policies that screws our Forign and Domestic Affires and make sure that atleast the next time some one votes. They use their IQ and not the EQ when it comes to electing the Government.
I cant understand if Netaji didnt die in the plane accident then what was stopping him from comming out and proving that he is alive?Ok Nehru didnt want him in India but he did go to Burma as his driver claimed so he could claim that he is alive from a foreign country..if he didnt die in the accident then it is almost proved that he planned all this.
I wish that he died in the Plane crash, just not to see the nation he loved being raped by Congress and other state parties who only think of looting the common man of his lively hood and that of the nation
I cant understand if Netaji didnt die in the plane accident then what was stopping him from comming out and proving that he is alive?Ok Nehru didnt want him in India but he did go to Burma as his driver claimed so he could claim that he is alive from a foreign country..if he didnt die in the accident then it is almost proved that he planned all this.
The two most powerful nations were behind the congress when Netaji vanished..... Where could he go from India? Burma?Singapore? Japan? Germany?
Tell me where could he surface in this world post WW2?
Believe me it is easy to handle the enemies but impossible to handle the Backstabbers.
I am sure the dirty hands of Congress is behind his Absence. I wish I was with his INA, at-least I would have had a chance of meeting him....
I wish that he died in the Plane crash, just not to see the nation he loved being raped by Congress and other state parties who only think of looting the common man of his lively hood and that of the nation
Tell me one thing ,,,,, Do U really believe he would be sitting idle by seeing the congress doing all these? Man we are talking about Subash Chandra Bose, there would be another INA marching towards Delhi..... Probably me as a soldier in front line.....
It is possible, man. Remember Gandhi and Nehru swore allegiance to British during WW2 as well and promised to hand over Netaji in case he was captured to the British. Even a newspaper article in UK was disclosed years later on this. Maybe you need to stop being so hard-nosed and understand the lust for power in Gandhi and Nehru. They would do anything if it meant they'd stay in power. The reason Gandhi became a sage and Nehru a national "hero" is because they were virtually toilet cleaners of British during those days and for their services to the Raj, got the governance.

With due respect,

Kindly have some respect for the Father of The Nation. If they were interested in toilet cleaning, they wouldn't have given a DAMN to azadi.

As an Indian, I'm also hurt by Netaji's disappearance. Lets not go into any conspiracy.

Jai Hind.
With due respect,

Kindly have some respect for the Father of The Nation. If they were interested in toilet cleaning, they wouldn't have given a DAMN to azadi.

As an Indian, I'm also hurt by Netaji's disappearance. Lets not go into any conspiracy.

Jai Hind.
U will give damn anything if U knew U will be in power after the British.....
No Conspiracy.... Aint that word Jai Hind came from Netaji's Mouth?
With due respect,

Kindly have some respect for the Father of The Nation. If they were interested in toilet cleaning, they wouldn't have given a DAMN to azadi.

As an Indian, I'm also hurt by Netaji's disappearance. Lets not go into any conspiracy.

Jai Hind.

Sorry for being immune to the whole "Congress gave us independence through non-violence" propaganda. British abandoned India due to their deteriorating financial condition after WW2 which made them incapable to hold on to large colony like India.Pls don't forget that Britain still held on to their smaller colonies even after 1947, the last major one being Rhodesia which attained independence in 1980.
Sorry for being immune to the whole "Congress gave us independence through non-violence" propaganda. British abandoned India due to their deteriorating financial condition after WW2 which made them incapable to hold on to large colony like India.Pls don't forget that Britain still held on to their smaller colonies even after 1947, the last major one being Rhodesia which attained independence in 1980.
The one good thing the WW2 brought is end of colonialism.......... He forgot we are part of that too...
True but Indira also screwed up entire north India by killing innocent Sikhs. Not to mention gave away 93,000 POWs with NOTHING to bargain (Hint: P0K). That was one terrible time. Not to mention our economy was terrible in her management. Usually economies shoot up in semi-dictatorial regimes; but in her case it was opposite.

You see, this entire UPA is a problem since the beginning of our independence. Nehru screwed up J&K, he almost gave our land to the CCP and had Sardar Patel not been there, we'd be having a scourge of terror sponsoring states around us. Congress was only interested in continuing the policies of their colonial masters who gifted the power to them through propaganda and lies.

still Indira gandhi was much better than Nehru or rajeev.

she ensured sri Lanka doesn't become anti India.

under her rule ISRO made indigenous SLV and sats.

she ensured India's military dominance in the subcontinent.
I was just curious about one thing. Why hasn't the GoI released it's report about this Nehru case ? The govt. always gave the excuse that it would stoke regional tensions. And secondly why hasn't GoI made public the report about the central govt role leading up to the 62 war and after it ?
off topic : Why didn't that smart a$$ nehru ordered the IaF to provide air superiority to those dying soldiers ? When he knew that China didn't had any fighter which can actually cross over himalayas and give a reply to IAF ? By celebrating his birthday as the children's day in india is no less than the act of madrasas brainwashing the innocent kids.

ps. Even US has rules which is a binding on the govt. to declassify all documents after something like 45/30 years.

I wish when BJP comes to power they have the balls to do what congress could never do.
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