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Why no declassification of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose files?

Bose is still an important revered figure in South TN, where most of the people joined the INA. Even today, marriage invitations, other functions etc bears his name and photographs etc, his popularity is such.
Its better the secret is let out. I guess INC is the one to lose out by releasing secrets.
It's not just rhetoric my friend... very much relevant to India even today. If he was a forgotten man in Indian history... then your stand makes sense. But Netaji is still a revered hero for Indians & is very much part of our curriculum. So... it's only reasonable that we know complete truth about the man we hold with such regard.
But in any case I'm just curious to know what would happen if these files are declassified? Why such reluctance?
As stated by you his importance is only historical , just like we revere Gandhi ji so also Subash ji, but has ,as a recent book claims that bapu was a homosexual any impact on our reverence to him or what he accomplished? No !!!
So also neither will us learning about Subash ji death make him any less of a hero or more so. His death has no significance in todays life, it may change what we read about him in our textbooks but nothing else.

By the way there are many such secrets that the govt deems fit not to share with us, will it change our lives if they do ? i doubt it!!!
I wonder why is Congress so uptight about this. Maybe... it could lead to the truth out about who 'caused' the air crash? hmm?

Same for BJP.

They were in power and could have declassified stuff.

But I suspect there is nothing to be declassified.

As stated by you his importance is only historical , just like we revere Gandhi ji so also Subash ji, but has ,as a recent book claims that bapu was a homosexual any impact on our reverence to him or what he accomplished? No !!!
So also neither will us learning about Subash ji death make him any less of a hero or more so. His death has no significance in todays life, it may change what we read about him in our textbooks but nothing else.

By the way there are many such secrets that the govt deems fit not to share with us, will it change our lives if they do ? i doubt it!!!

But we may loose his respect if we see document after document after document that he was instrumental in killing so many Indian troops, that he was committing the gravest crime, aka treachery.

Not unliike Sant Bhindranwala or Bodos or nexals.

Hope you understand.
Same for BJP.

They were in power and could have declassified stuff.

But I suspect there is nothing to be declassified.

But we may loose his respect if we see document after document after document that he was instrumental in killing so many Indian troops, that he was committing the gravest crime, aka treachery.

Not unliike Sant Bhindranwala or Bodos or nexals.

Hope you understand.
Sorry mate i disagree with you , no way can a freedom fighter like Netaji be compared with the later . how ever misguided(i disagree with his violent means) he was a patriot , the others were not.
A conspiracy theory with a strong footing. Mukherjee commission formed by the GoI clearly stated that there was no plane crash.

Sure there was no plane crash.

Bose was caught and sent to andeman islands where he died in prison.

Will that help stop your conspiracy theories?

Or perhaps start a new one. ha!

Sorry mate i disagree with you , no way can a freedom fighter like Netaji be compared with the later . how ever misguided(i disagree with his violent means) he was a patriot , the others were not.

Bindrawalay was a freedom fighter for his followers

So was Gen Lee for American secessionists.

so were so many militant leaders.
Sure there was no plane crash.

Bose was caught and sent to andeman islands where he died in prison.

Will that help stop your conspiracy theories?

Or perhaps start a new one. ha!
It is important to know who was responsible for it. Just imagine the implications! If Nehru/Indian Govt had any hand in his disappearance - the Congress along with all other parties(Forward Bloc, Communists) will be wiped out!
Sure there was no plane crash.

Bose was caught and sent to andeman islands where he died in prison.

Will that help stop your conspiracy theories?

Or perhaps start a new one. ha!

Bindrawalay was a freedom fighter for his followers

So was Gen Lee for American secessionists.

so were so many militant leaders.
If we are to go for that argument all i can say is it depends on you perspective. ever thing being relative :)
an old saying comes to mind. "one mans meat is another poison" so lets agree to disagree :)
It is important to know who was responsible for it. Just imagine the implications! If Nehru/Indian Govt had any hand in his disappearance - the Congress along with all other parties(Forward Bloc, Communists) will be wiped out!
Try to understand that no other parties existed , plus netaji died during the raj time .
Try to understand that no other parties existed , plus netaji died during the raj time .

Thats the question that needs to be answered. Since, there is no definite proof of a plane crash. The govt. has to answer whether Netaji was alive after Independence? If he wasn't when and how did he die. If he was, why did the govt kept it as a secret?
That my friend is possible.
Many papers are not getting declassified. There could be only one reason - some party/ies have a lot to lose. It could be the British/Russians/Japanese/Indians... time will tell. Till then this chapter won't be closed. The very fact that a whole Government was created by Bose(The Azad Hind Government) puts the several equations in jeopardy. Especially because many countries recognized the Aarzi Hukumat e Azad Hind. Mere survival of Netaji itself would put the legitimacy of the post Independence governments in South Asia in question.

Picture this scenario - Bose is proved to survive the crash and die later (after India's independence)
i. The Azad Hind Govt was not officially dissolved, so theoretically it still exists! Only the Azad Hind Fauj was dissolved.
ii. The 'Government of India' and 'Government of Pakistan' would have to either declare him a War Hero or a War Criminal. If he is a War Hero, he can claim control - and trust me people will rally even today in his name. It will be called a betrayal of the wishes of the people for over half a century. Otherwise he will have to be declared as a War Criminal. You can imagine the problem there as well. As a Devil's Advocate his "disappearance" would be beneficial for all. All vested interests that is.

Try to understand that no other parties existed , plus netaji died during the raj time .
The parties existed - the Legislative Assemblies were also there... but his disappearance could have been discontinued... just 2 years later...
In fact the parties were powerful enough to force him to leave the INC. Or make it impossible for him to stay in the INC.
As stated by you his importance is only historical , just like we revere Gandhi ji so also Subash ji, but has ,as a recent book claims that bapu was a homosexual any impact on our reverence to him or what he accomplished? No !!!
So also neither will us learning about Subash ji death make him any less of a hero or more so.
His death has no significance in todays life, it may change what we read about him in our textbooks but nothing else.

By the way there are many such secrets that the govt deems fit not to share with us, will it change our lives if they do ? i doubt it!!!

Precisely! So why this reluctance in making them public?

As far as revelations about Gandhi is concerned, again this contradicts the very point we are discussing. There have been numerous books coming out from overseas publishers about his private life. We did not make any effort to ban them in India. Why? 'cause we know it's not going to make an inch of difference in the way we look at him. Now.. why can't we use the same yardstick here? Who is going be the loser if those files are declassified? certainly not Indian public!
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Precisely! So why this reluctance in making them public?

As far as revelations about Gandhi is concerned, again this contradicts the very point we are discussing. There have been numerous books coming out from overseas publishers about his private life. We did not made any effort to ban them in India. Why? 'cause we know it's not going to make an inch of difference in the way we look at him. Now.. why can't we use the same yardstick here? Who is going be the loser if those files are declassified? certainly not Indian public!
Hence i said the only thing the declassified files will be used for is to gain political mileage.
Hence i said the only thing the declassified files will be used for is to gain political mileage.

Political mileage by & against who? What's there in that which can be used by anyone? Is the govt trying to hide anything from Public? Was there any malpractice by the people in power then? Don't you think it's more the reason to find out the truth in that case?
Political mileage by & against who? What's there in that which can be used by anyone? Is the govt trying to hide anything from Public? Was there any malpractice by the people in power then? Don't you think it's more the reason to find out the truth in that case?
If you cant understand the point i an trying to make mate its pointless for me to even bother to explain . :)
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