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Negative growth - Pak Army backed Shahbaz Sharif has destroyed the country


Dec 15, 2009
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How proud is the Pakistan Army of having installed Shahbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar using PAF planes? You must be proudly thumping your chests. Why not give yourself a few medals of honour and get some salutes?


Most factories closed, remaining operating at 65% capacity, new orders not coming anymore

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Why would the establishment not let him come in a normal airline rather than send a PAF private jet to receive him? Atleast try to hide they weren’t involved in bringing the crook in.

This was a real duffer move.
This all looks to be a planned, programed and deliberate destruction of Pakistan economy and taking the country to the brink.

A bankruptcy of the country will be filling the Bank accounts of many, the powers with vested interest to individuals at helms.

And a bailout with compromising and selling the strategic business assets, to security assets looming large.
Why would the establishment not let him come in a normal airline rather than send a PAF private jet to receive him? Atleast try to hide they weren’t involved in bringing the crook in.

This was a real duffer move.
a non-issue if there ever was, bro.

Commercial flight pe aata to kia phir nahi maarni thi mulk ki is ne?

The fked up thing is that they brought him back, gave him NRO (just today his assets were unfreezed), not taht they brought him back in a PAF plane instead of a PIA one.
How proud is the Pakistan Army of having installed Shahbaz Sharif and Ishaq Dar using PAF planes? You must be proudly thumping your chests. Why not give yourself a few medals of honour and get some salutes?

Most factories closed, remaining operating at 65% capacity, new orders not coming anymore

I bet most people will cringe at that motto about how Pakistan can sleep safely as the PAF is patrolling the skies .....

Yep the new motto should be

"Pakistanis can't get to sleep at night as the PAF chauffeurs the corrupt in to rule.

It will take years even decades for anyone to trust them again. Most people I've seen on this forum have lost complete interest in the military, and this is a forum which furthers the defence of Pakistan.
Doomsday alerts like these have existed since 15 Aug 1947.

It's a damn shame to see forum stoop so low for commercial value of propaganda against the armed forces of the country.
In the long run, they will continue to kill IBO ISI agents as long as you keep doing IBO. Solution or disaster. For centuries, force didn't work here. Why ignore the fact that both sides are the same families at the border, but stupid fence separates them? You don't have to worry because if they give power to local jirgas, 🇵🇰 will not lose control because the state has a lot of power and not just Kala SB as Gora sb has created a solution for this conflict called Dura Line. Having a dollar-making mindset in Pakistan will, of course, prevent any action to be taken in order to talk peace with them

Doomsday alerts like these have existed since 15 Aug 1947.

It's a damn shame to see forum stoop so low for commercial value of propaganda against the armed forces of the country.

the forum represents Pakistanis, and finally after 74 years, Pakistanis have realized thats its not the armed forces but the establishment that created problems for Pakistan. they kill their own soliders, prop the terrorists, and make them fight. They rule Pakistan through divide and rule within Pakistan.
Establishment survival is based on the blood of ordinary soldiers and Pakistanis alike.

Shame on you for ignoring the reality even now
It is about a carefree attitude. Power monopoly makes estab reckless and exposed. They don't orchestrate or hide behind curtains, as they don't need to. Judges, media, politicians conform to their legal/illegal actions. Hence, the estab doesn't use brain but muscle 'To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail' (Abraham Maslow).
@Irfan Baloch bhai ya bi pti ki fault hai
if you are inviting me to comment on this then you are going to break the hearts of your PTI warriors. because the way I will respond will not be liked.
I see that the thread and posts including yours are the continuation of your protests on this forum about the wrong that PTI faced at the hands of former GHQ leadership that has retired now.

coming to your question and the subject matter of this thread.

Yes.. things are bad. they are so bad and getting worse since the PTI govt was ousted through a GHQ and PDM partnership. our country has been on a downward trajectory for a time longer than the current PDM setup and it has failed to turn the things around or even slow down that trajectory. even worse is the fact that PDM setup in general or Noon league specifically brought in Dar replacing Miftah Ismael purely out of nepotism although Miftah had done all the hard work with IMF but Dar did something similar what Asad Omar did at the beginning of PTI govt and IMF was not impressed with the bluff and called us out and PTI government back then bent backwards to convince IMF for a program and maybe Dars false bravado will be kept in check while the IMF team is visiting and finalizing its package based on its terms. so to the question should army feel proud for bringing PDM in power for the current state of the economy of the country and its reserves? the answer is not NO for the reasons the OP's loaded question is leading to.

the Answer is NO, because realistically its not Army's job to feel proud or unproud about the failure of the Govt (of the past and present) to do keep the economy healthy and progressing. the PDM / PPP/ Noon League has to clarify this why people should vote for their parties in the next elections if they cant fix the mess (they allege was made and left by PTI).

Now , Now, Now, PTI warriors and Cult executioners.... calm yourselves, I can see the rage building up and the spit changing to foam on the sides of your mouths while your jumping on their seats.... I know what you are going to say (and most of yo have already stopped reading just before this paragraph) you will throw your WHATABOUTISM.
with the snide remarks that is it the army's job to record Imran Khan in his private moments and topple PTI government?

Now if you are still with me then I will answer your question. and the answer is

YES, it is PTI's responsibility s well. it had one job, one job which it promised from the top of the containers asking us Pakistanis to vote for it and it will turn the things around and fix the mess Noon league left. but it failed.

The results for its 3 year and few months of Federal government are lackluster. they should've been stunning that PDM despite its alleged incompetence couldn't bring down to the current state of the affairs. Yes it is PTI's fault that it was all hot air and no substance. and brought itself to a point where the army and PDM kicked it out. today PTI still has Government in KPK and has a coalition Govt in Punjab. what are the great examples that it has to share with its voters to show that these provinces are better than the rest of the country?

We are already aware and telling us that Army leadership is corrupt, Army does interference, Justice system is corrupt, civil administration is incompetent, corrupt and compromised due to politicization. PTI can keep telling us that without contesting for a government. it doesn't need to form government for that. its doing a great job telling us we already know.
the point is what it has done so far in KP or Punjab and what did it do during its federal government to resolve everything,. if things are so hopeless in front of GHQ then why waste our time?

As for corruption and cursing PDM. recall how PTI tried to bribe MQM? to stay in power and how it begged and offered ministries but MQM went to a better bidder. it is PI fault that it failed to govern better, failed in keep the international diplomacy in order and pissed off Chinese and Saudis and embarrassed itself in front of Turks and Malaysians. so the army is justified in toppling the PTI government? no of course not but it found out that PTI was no better no matter how much support it got from the army int he beginning and in the end the GHQ decided that its 3rd option experiment failed and it pulled the rug.
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