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Nawaz pens letter to Modi in attempt to thaw icy relations with India

Nawaz Sharif is either very brave or stupid to take this risk.
Goodness me, Nawaz Sharif needs to grow a pair. While Modi is completely belligerent and hostile to Pakistan, NS is doing everything to try and accommodate Modi. He needs to look over at Raheel Sharif and learn how a true Statesman operate. Look at how Raheel Sharif handled India when she was being belligerent, that's called true class. It shames me to even call Nawaz Sharif our PM :(

you deserve a Negative rating for that ... as i got one too :D
Nawaz is doing his best and its commendable but the other side is not coming down from its high perch. India always wants to run away from talks on one excuse or other or even if there is no excuse.
If such letter was not attested by the Pakistan Army and the ISI Chief..then it is just a waste piece of a paper! We cannot work with NS and solve all outstanding problems....he doesn't mean the Power with the authority in Pakistan's system! Neither we can directly talk with PA and ISI!

difficult to break the deadlock!
What are these Nawaz Sharief's business interests in India that we all hear about?

Isn't China a more lucrative business destination? Have pakistani elite missed out on investing in China, if yes, how come nobody highlights it?
Nawaz Sharif wants to improve relations with India
BUT the Kashmir obsession does not allow it to happen
no need to give any weight-age to the person who is not respected in his own country or to the country itself who openly promote mass chita of hindus.
Nawaz is doing his best and its commendable but the other side is not coming down from its high perch. India always wants to run away from talks on one excuse or other or even if there is no excuse.

We recognise that there are few people in Pakistan who are REALLY sincere
about improving relations with India

But the Kashmir Obsession derails everything

Then there is also the problem of infiltration
Nawaz writing to India offering friendship, China warning India to be wary of US friendship.

I smell big butthurt in both countries over Modi Obama friendship
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There are better ways to show our disagreement @rockstar08 Request you to edit and will reverse

I see he mentions Modi as His 'Excellency'. The common Pakistani should follow their leader in this regard. Mutual respect is beneficial, even if its actually fake.

let him enjoy his TT powers :D kabhi kabhi tu Indians ko izzat naseeb hoti hai PDF pe
Very true. :agree:
what silly comments by Pakistanis !

This is actually to break the ice. I believe India sent the message through US to Pakistan to take the initiative so that we can move forward. I hope India make a move. Pakistan is in a difficult situation. time to engage with them.
Nawaz Sharif is either very brave or stupid to take this risk.

It's the difference between being the PM & indulging wet dreams on an online forum. Prime Ministers have to live in the real world, Modi isn't going anywhere & Pakistan will have to deal with him. Better to use occasions like this to convey courtesies, not like things will improve on their own. At some point, NS will have to sit down with Modi, climbing up a flag pole won't serve any purpose.
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