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Navy Inducts Second Batch Of Z9EC Helicopters

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Good news just heard it on ARY. China is now days manufacturing some good helicopters as compared to the past. They are getting mature in this field too. I think PN still needs some good helos and aircrafts. These few Z-9 aren't enough...but slowly we are rebuilding our navy.:tup:
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PN needs to further enhance Anti-Submarine capability. These additions will be an asset to the PN's offensive capability. Long Live Pakistan-China Friendship.:china::pakistan::cheers:
Along with the anti submarine capabilities, PN needs to bring up its own separate independant fleet of fighter jets atleat 2 squadrons. With the induction of new aircraft carrier by indian navy in 2012 and new generation MIGs, the surface fleet and key installations of PN are very much vunerable to air strikes by enemy fighter planes. PN can't offord to simply relia on PAF to counter any airstrikes on its installtions.
A dedicated fleet of fighter jets is much needed for PN.
The Hawker 850XP is a mid-size twin-engine corporate aircraft. It is a development of the British Aerospace BAe 125, and is currently assembled by Hawker Beechcraft. The military version used for tactical reconnaissance, surveillance and SIGINT (SIGnals INTelligence) tasks.

China operates it too:
Deer Jet, Hainan Airlines - 4 Hawker 800XP, 2 Hawker 850XP and 1 Hawker 900XP are in service in Deerjet based at Beijing.Deerjet is a branch of Hainan Airlines(HNA)
Shanghai Airlines - 1 Hawker 800XP is in service in Shanghai Airlines based at Shanghai

Hawker 800 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thnx for the good info....:)
Good news just heard it on ARY. China is now days manufacturing some good helicopters as compared to the past. They are getting mature in this field too. I think PN still needs some good helos and aircrafts. These few Z-9 aren't enough...but slowly we are rebuilding our navy.:tup:

z-9 is a ship-based ASW helo - one helo per frigate. as of now there are 6 amazon + 4 sword class frigates - so the requirement is for 10 helos + 1 or 2 additional in case of attrition. PN plan is for 12 helos.
Along with the anti submarine capabilities, PN needs to bring up its own separate independant fleet of fighter jets atleat 2 squadrons. With the induction of new aircraft carrier by indian navy in 2012 and new generation MIGs, the surface fleet and key installations of PN are very much vunerable to air strikes by enemy fighter planes. PN can't offord to simply relia on PAF to counter any airstrikes on its installtions.
A dedicated fleet of fighter jets is much needed for PN.

i wonder why our PakisTan navy doesn't seem to be planning to DeveLop its own jeT - fighter aircraft fLeet to react in response of any aggression from i.n. in case of war ... ?? :pakistan:
A quick review on Z9EC

1) Z9EC is a license-built version of the French Eurocopter (Eurocopter AS565 Panther)
2) Composite materials incorporated to increase structural strength and lower radar signature
3) Its for Anti-submarine warfare uses surface warships (F-22P), aircraft (P-3C Orion Aircraft, mirage V ...in future JF-17 Naval Version), or other submarines to find, track and deter, damage or destroy enemy submarines.
4) It can use Torpedo's like used in French Eurocopter

5)Capable to neutralize SSBN.
6)Configured with pulse-compression radar
7) low frequency dipping sonar
8) radar warning receiver
9) doppler navigation system.
10) Armed with torpedoes (ET52 torpedo). Range ~6Km deep sea

ET52 torpedo on F22P

11)Carried on the F-22P Zulfiquar-class frigates
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1246899 said:
i wonder why our PakisTan navy doesn't seem to be planning to DeveLop its own jeT - fighter aircraft fLeet to react in response of any aggression from i.n. in case of war ... ?? :pakistan:

We have one complete SQD of Mirage V (+12) for Anti-ship attack aircraft role.

4 SQD's of Mirage V, F-7 for interceptions are already there.
Jacobabad Air base is providing the back support from PAF Base Korangi Creek
and from PAF Base Malir to Pakistan Naval Force. :D
UAV.s also deployed at Korangi Base.

In future For Airial support PAF would deploy JF-17 (Multirole or Naval version) ....
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We have one complete SQD of Mirage V (+12) for Anti-ship attack aircraft role.

4 SQD's of Mirage V, F-7 for interceptions are already there.
Jacobabad Air base is providing the back support from PAF Base Korangi Creek
and from PAF Base Malir to Pakistan Naval Force. :D
UAV.s also deployed at Korangi Base.

In future For Airial support PAF would deploy JF-17 (Multirole or Naval version) ....

so nice of you zubair dear :cheers:
A quick review on Z9EC

1) Z9EC is a license-built version of the French Eurocopter (Eurocopter AS565 Panther)

The Zhi-9C (Z-9C) is the naval helicopter developed by the Harbin Aircraft Manufacture Co. (HAMC) for shipborne anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) missions. The helicopter resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS 565 Panther, of which a small number is also operational with the PLA Navy, but the two helicopters have no direct link. The Z-9C was based on the airframe of the HAMC Z-9B (AS 365N Dauphin II copy), added with surface search radar and landing assistance system.
The Z-9C is generally identical to the Z-9B / SA 365 N2 Dauphin-II.
Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter - SinoDefence.com

The Zhi-9 (Z-9) army utility helicopter is a licensed-built version of the Aérospatiale (now Eurocopter) AS 365N Dauphin II. The helicopter has been built by Harbin Aircraft Manufacture Company (HAMC) since the early 1980s. .. The Z-9s in service with the PLA is available in three variants: army utility, naval, and attack

China signed a contract with the French company Aérospatiale in 1980 for the co-production of its AS 365N Dauphin II helicopter. .. under the designation Z-9.

Under the agreement, Aérospatiale would provide 48 sets of AS 365N kits. The first Chinese assembled AS 365N was completed in 1981. The initial 48 helicopters included 28 examples of the basic variant Z-9, which is equivalent of the AS 365N1, and 20 examples of the Z-9A, which is equivalent of the AS 365N2 with increased portion of Chinese-made parts. All 48 helicopters had been completed by the late 1980s. In 1993, HAMC signed a new contract with Eurocopter to build a further 22 examples of the AS 365N2.

In 1988, HAMC was ordered to develop an ‘indigenised’ Z-9 with further increased portion of Chinese-made parts. In order to achieve this, HAMC experimentally built two Z-9A-100s, which were powered by the Chinese indigenous Wozhou-8A (Turbomeca Arriel-IC1 copy) turboshaft engine. The Z-9B, an ‘indigenised’ variant with 71.9% Chinese-made content, flew successfully on 16 January 1992. The helicopter completed its flight test by November 1992, and was certified for design finalisation in December. Batch production of the Z-9B began in the mid-1990s, with 25 examples ordered by the PLA by 1997, and a further 7 examples in 1998. Over 150 examples of the Z-9B and its follow-on variants are believed to have been delivered to the PLA so far.
Zhi-9 Utility Helicopter - SinoDefence.com

2) Composite materials incorporated to increase structural strength and lower radar signature

The Z-9 is generally identical to the AS 365N Dauphin. The helicopter is of light aluminium alloy (28%) construction with extensive use of composite materials (59%), such as glass fibre, and Nomex for added strength and for weight reduction.
Zhi-9 Utility Helicopter - SinoDefence.com

3) Its for Anti-submarine warfare uses surface war ships (F-22P), aircraft (P-3C Orion Aircraft, mirage V ...in future JF-17 Naval Version), or other submarines to find, track and deter, damage or destroy enemy submarines.

The Zhi-9C (Z-9C) is the naval helicopter developed for shipborne anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and search and rescue (SAR) missions.

The latest Z-9D can carry two Hongdu TL-10 lightweight anti-ship missiles under its weapon pylons. The missile uses active-radar homing and has a maximum range of 15km. The warhead is 30kg and flying speed is Mach 0.85.
Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter - SinoDefence.com

The new Z-9D 002 anti-ship variant prototype was just spotted at HAMC. A dummy AShM can be seen carried under a stub wing. The missile could be the TL-10B developed by Hongdu, which is a light, radar-guided anti-ship missile used against smaller FACs and gun boats (<1,000t). Its range is 15km, speed is Mach 0.85 and its warhead weighs 30kg.
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

4) It can use Torpedo's like used in French Eurocopter

The Z-9C is fitted with a pair of external pylon to carry 1~2 Chinese indigenous ET52 anti-submarine torpedoes. The ET52 was a Chinese copy of the Italian Whitehead A244/S, using active/passive acoustic homing to a maximum range of 9.5km.
Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter - SinoDefence.com



5)Capable to neutralize SSBN.

6)Configured with pulse-compression radar
7) low frequency dipping sonar
8) radar warning receiver
9) doppler navigation system.

equipped with an Agrion 15 (or indigenous KLC-1) surface search radar, a Thomson Sintra HS-12 dipping sonar and can carry one Whitehead A244 torpedo on the starboard side. A small beacon antenna is mounted on the roof of the cabin. This variant could provide datalink between ship and YJ-83 AShM for over-the-horizon attack
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

Cockpit Systems

The helicopter can be fitted with a BG-06 radio altimeter, Type 150 single-sideband radio, and KJ-13 autopilot, and can choose the KDF-806 radio compass, KTR-908 radio, and TB-31 intercom as optional.

Mission Equipments

The Z-9C carries an indigenous KLC-1 surface search radar developed by the Nanjing Electronic Research institute (14 Institute). The X-band radar was designed to search and track surface vessels, with a maximum detection range of 92km against fishing boat-sized targets and 118km against small- to medium-sized surface vessel.

ASW equipments onboard the Z-9C include a Type 605 (Chinese copy of the U.S. AN/AQS-13) dipping sonar, a box of 12 passive sonobuoys, four active sonobuoys, a temperature buoy and a maritime environment buoy. The helicopter is equipped with a radio receiver, allowing it to receive the signal of sonobuoys at 10km range when flying at 120km/h speed.

For search and rescue missions, the helicopter can be fitted with a 250kg-capacity hoist with winch and scoop fitted externally above the starboard side cabin door, an FLIR unit and a searchlight
Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter - SinoDefence.com

Several Z-9C/AS-365F (S/N 96x6) have been converted into SAR role with a search light, an EO turret and a hoist installed. Lately in order to conduct anti-piracy patrol mission off the Somali coast, several Z-9Cs (S/N 96x6, 97x6, 93x7) have been further modified to boost its firepower, with a 12.7mm gun pod carried on the starboard side and a 57mm rockt launcher on the port side. As the result, the EO turrent (housing TV and FLIR cameras) is reloated to the helicopter roof and an air data sensor is also installed. A downgraded training version (S/N 98x0) was also produced for the Naval Academy.
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

Similar to Z-9C, Z-9D has a fire-control radar installed in its nose and is believed to be shipborne
Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force
good news,
the Navy is relatively in bad shaped compared to other arms of military forces of Pakistan.
this induction of ASW Helo is a good addition.

The acquisition of IW/EW jet aircraft would add a new dimension In Pakistan Navy's intelligence gathering capabilities. The aircraft, equipped with modern and sophisticated equipment, is capable of covering larger areas in short time span and would significantly enhance maritime domain awareness of our area of operations, the Navy press release added.
this is not fair,
with the news stating the induction of IW/EW aircraft, my first thoughts were that PN have got there hands onto some Y-8X platform. if we can get some maritime survelliance aircraft from China this will be real good to support te upgraded fleet of P-3C!

The Y-8X or Y-8 MPA is a four-engine turboprop maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) in service with the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). It is a land-based maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft, based on the Y-8 turboprop transport aircraft. The aircraft was developed and built by Shaanxi Aircraft Industry Corporation, a subsidiary of AVIC 1.


naming 850XP meant for VIP transport for PN High Command as IW platform is not fair.

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