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Nation Awakes, Pakistan’s first superhero film to cost Rs 200-250 Million

Dude, I am not teasing. Just kidding. Don't be serious every time. Deleting anyways. You too edit my part.

When i get Funny you say that webby should ban him but when i get serious you say don't be serious all time???


superman to be played by imran khan

lex luthur to be played by nawaz sharif.

dooms day to be played by shahbaz sharif

brainiac to be played by zardari. ( this guy can posses others too)

jax ur to be played by tahir ul Qadri.

short appearance by joker who is played by altaf hussain :rofl: and batman played by abdul qadir.

The mercenaries of brainiac will be played by PML Q and head mercenary one to be played by pervaiz elahi and head mercenary 2nd to be played by shujaat.
They make this film it will be an ultra hit.

the rock kryptonite will be visuallized by using the lootas of PTI.
man if you are talking about likes of pixar, dreamworks they use their in house programs

best 3d character animation program available is maya

as far as animation process is concerned every studio has it's own workflow (and it's also depends on budget)

a common workflow is drawing --> zbrush --> maya and so on

animation is a very tedious and costly affair and the budget is depends on the quality required

Its very difficult I heard... the process. I was learning the walking process on 2d. Even thats hard. Wonder what it will be in 3d. Then my art sucks. But this shows that animation/animated movies are a new boundary being reached in the sub-continent. Good for south Asians.
zardari should have been the villain or lolz hero. the story could go like this zardari n his dark underworld (nawaz shariff n the rest)has taken over the minds of the nation (only karachi region)to the corrupted dark side (promoting bribes and theft, monoply) only few villager folks and imran khan with his cricket bat can save Pakistan. the bat is for smacking zardari over the head then zardari has some sense knocked into him and get married and the end pak is saved sorry but isi was sleep during this episode.
zardari should have been the villain or lolz hero. the story could go like this zardari n his dark underworld (nawaz shariff n the rest)has taken over the minds of the nation (only karachi region)to the corrupted dark side (promoting bribes and theft, monoply) only few villager folks and imran khan with his cricket bat can save Pakistan. the bat is for smacking zardari over the head then zardari has some sense knocked into him and get married and the end pak is saved sorry but isi was sleep during this episode.

So episode 2 is the ISI awakens.... ISI comes and wipes out imrans army (PTI)... Imran khan goes into exile defeated and finds a boy with alot of revolutionary spirit and raises him to stop the powerful ISI... Part 3 twist is the revolutionary boy is actually the son of the one devil of the underworld zardari who turned good according to part one.

They want profit they better make movies like this.

“The basic concept of the film is that it is not a normal superhero movie — we are trying to take a different route by exploring Pakistan’s current scenario,” says producer Aamir Sajjad, who is also playing the role of the superhero in the film. “A superhero in that context [of Pakistan] will be one who aims to preserve humanity on a global level.”

Ya Allah Khair!!!

Do Indians have to be so grouchy all the time. This may be a very great success with 50% population of Pakistan below 18. Tremendous potential. Its an animated film.

we have 65% population 15 or below.
according to Gov stats.
Ya Allah Khair!!!

we have 65% population 15 or below.
according to Gov stats.

Always check the date. Government stats are based on census of 1998 usually which is why I avoid them.
That may be outdated as birth rate has been brought down successfully. But thats a different topic altogether.

These are the figures I found:
36.7%- 14 or below
Median age in Pakistan is 18. Meaning around 50% are below 18.
In Pakistan 63% of the population, fall under the age of 25 years. (UNDP)

These stats are supposed to be current. Now obviously only lets say 30% youth can afford to watch an animation movie. But still a huge market. 20-40 Million is the market let us say. Of course most won't watch but that many people can watch it. Huge potential. Cartoon network showed massive profits in Pakistan too. Demographic trends aid them.
who is da hero n heroine in da movie?:pop:

Check out his Sword and Sheild :D


Dude if Hawkeye even after being an American can use bow and arrows than why cant this poor guy use a Sword?? :P itni na Insaafi to na karro yaar hamare sath :(

and dun forget da HAMMER OF THOR:whistle:

2.5 million US is a pretty sizable budget for a 2d animation flick. It is more than the production budget of the Indian animated flick Hanuman - I specify production budget because marketing budgets are completely different. The collection of Hanuman was about 10 crore which would be about $2 million.
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