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'Mujib: The Making of a Nation' releases today in 200 halls

Wow.....talk about psychological projection.

@waz you guys need to get rid of this guy......probably a troll from a well known Indian troll farm.
Yeah, someone who has been here for around a year and a half suddenly becomes a troll and you enlightened folks calling us rapists, pajeets, cow urine drinkers, kafirs isn't trolling . double standards? @Bilal9
Do you know how to read ? I never said that they killed 10 million of you , I said that they could have killed 10 million if we had left east Pakistan to its fate.

Lol , so basically you're saying that Bengali muslims had no role or contribution to Bangladesh's liberation war and that you guys were passive bystanders who did nothing. You just solidified my argument that Bangladeshi Muslim didn't do anything in the freedom struggle @saif look at what your fellow countryman is saying. The point @IndianLite raised makes the argument put forth by @saif that Bangladeshis did bulk of the fighting and that Indians were a support force redundant. Null and void as they say. Lol , funny to see two raqibools contradicting one another

Time to pay your taxes to the peshwa and the chattrapati you swamproach 🤣

Bangladeshi Muslims left it to the Mukti Bahini led by professional officers like Colonel Osmany.

And Pakistani military did not actively target Bangladeshi Muslims.

Hell! They didn’t even harm Mujib!

Most of the gruesome killing was done by Hindus and Biharis - to each other!!!

Pakistani military was a bystander!

They had no capacity to kill 10,000 let alone 10 million!!!

Mukiti Bahini was the liberator and it was made up and led by professional MUSLIM officers.

You sound like another angry Hindu - probably a product of the gruesome acts perpetrated by Biharis during 1971!

Your anger isn’t going to rid your gene of Bihari blood!

Your anger is misdirected!

Biharis and Hindus perpetrated disgusting acts during 1971. Hasina has executed most of the Bihari perpetrators. BNP will, one day, do the same to the Hindu perpetrators.

Until then neither community can live in peace.
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He is called bangabandu which means "friend of the Bengal". And anyways.....how does calling someone father of the nation equate to ancestor worship? However their is no doubt that awamilig worships him like a Hindu god.

It's sheikh haseenas awamilig that is naming everything after him. Once the opposition is in power they will remove his name and put the name of their "father" on whatever national landmarks.

He was a friend of Bengal and Bengalis shot him dead for it?
He was a friend of Bengal and Bengalis shot him dead for it?

Bangladeshi Muslims left it to the Mukti Bahini led by professional officers like Colonel Osmany.

And Pakistani military did not actively target Bangladeshi Muslims.

Hell! They didn’t even harm Mujib!

Most of the gruesome killing was done by Hindus and Biharis - to each other!!!

Pakistani military was a bystander!

They had no capacity to kill 10,000 let alone 10 million!!!

Mukiti Bahini was the liberator and it was made up and led by professional MUSLIM officers.

You sound like another angry Hindu - probably a product of the gruesome acts perpetrated by Biharis during 1971!

Your anger isn’t going to rid your gene of Bihari blood!

Your anger is misdirected!

Biharis and Hindus perpetrated disgusting acts during 1971. Hasina has executed most of the Bihari perpetrators. BNP will, one day, do the same to the Hindu perpetrators.

Until then neither community can live in peace.

Don't feed the trolls.

1971 is simple geostrategy: India broke Pakistan so it wouldn't have to redeploy it's military to the EP borders. The vast majority of its forces are facing towards Pak in the west. The bias of deployment is self explanatory. They didn't do it to help BD people.

Bangladesh could of separated peacefully but, due to the actions of self serving politicians like Mr Bhutto, Mr Mujeeb and Mrs Gandhi that couldn't be done. All met their fate at the hands of their respective armies a few years after 1971. Hek, even the IA officer who trained the mukhtis got killed by IA!
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And Pakistani military did not actively target Bangladeshi Muslims.
Where did you get this information from, idiot? Pakistani army butchered East Pakistani Muslims just for being Bengalis.
Sohel Taj is a mysterious guy. Some in Bangladesh think he was involved in Pilkhana massacre in 2009.
Well @saif bhai , that maybe true!

But believe me the family of Tajuddin Ahmed is a double edged sword and with it you can mercilessly slice the deityship of sheikh Mujib and demigod role of Hasina without taking any damage!

Whatever you do , BAL f@ggots have to dodge it!

They neither can defend the attack nor can fight it!

Because both action will only cancel the politics of BAL ; even will remove them from this pro Pakistani party ( BAL) from history of Bangladesh! 😂
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He was a friend of Bengal and Bengalis shot him dead for it?
He was friend for Bengalis who were Pakistani citizens prior to 1971!

However when he returned from his peyara peyara Pakistan ( who's population elected him as rightful PM) , he illegally grab the power of Bangladesh as first illegal prime minister of Bangladesh!

Later in 1975 he tried to annihilate democracy from Bangladesh that he daughter had done under the cover of parliamentery system!

Basically Awami Muslim league and jamatis are same , I mean pro Pakistan parties who don't believe in a sovereign Bangladesh!

Just Awami Muslim league ( currently BAL) isn't an islamist party like jamatis , so they are successfully playing their fake anti Pakistani role in Bangladesh with the help of India!
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cow urine drinkers,
People use this adjective for sanghis , not for common Indians!
He was friend for Bengalis who were Pakistani citizens prior to 1971!

However when he returned from his peyara peyara Pakistan ( who's population elected him as rightful PM) , he illegally grab the power of Bangladesh as first illegal prime minister of Bangladesh!

Later in 1975 he tried to annihilate democracy of Bangladesh that he daughter had done under the cover of parliamentery system!

Basically Awami Muslim league and jamatis are same , I mean pro Pakistan parties who don't believe in a sovereign Bangladesh!

Just Awami Muslim league ( currently BAL) isn't an islamist party like jamatis , so they are successfully playing their fake anti Pakistani role in Bangladesh with the help of India!

Why don't you rename your country to Paranoia-desh?
Why don't you rename your country to Paranoia-desh?
Because we aren't actually paranoid unlike our west Bangladeshi ( Pakistan) counterpart!

If you are suffering from inferiority complex because Bengali was the frontliner of founding the nation Pakistan in 1947 , you can change your country name to Mughalistan ,since you consider yourself the descendants of blue blood Mughal!

I heard many Pakistani fellas ( PDF guys of course) even aren't ready to accept the truth that Pakistan was once part of India ! On the other hand many Pakistani fellas consider themselves as real Indians because of the river indus! What an irony!

So although I'm not paranoid , but confused by your mentality! 🤔
Because we aren't actually paranoid unlike our west Bangladeshi ( Pakistan) counterpart!

If you are suffering from inferiority complex because Bengali was the frontliner of founding the nation Pakistan in 1947 , you can change your country name to Mughalistan ,since you consider yourself the descendants of blue blood Mughal!

I heard many Pakistani fellas ( PDF guys of course) even aren't ready to accept the truth that Pakistan was once part of India ! On the other hand many Pakistani fellas consider themselves as real Indians because of the river indus! What an irony!

So although I'm not paranoid , but confused by your mentality! 🤔

Pakistan movement which culminated in Lahore resolution of 1940 is part of Pakistan's documented history.

You are confused hence your paranoia that everyone is out there to exploit the marshes and a particular ethnicity.
Pakistan movement which culminated in Lahore resolution of 1940 is part of Pakistan's documented history.
Who proposed Lahore resolution! Also where all India Muslim league was created? In Indian provincial election 1937 where all India Muslim league got majority seat? In Bengal right? And also where one seat? In Punjab right? I guess you are from Punjab? 😉
You are confused hence your paranoia that everyone is out there to exploit the marshes and a particular ethnicity
So better learn your own history! Your contribution just followed our contribution much later in 1946 Indian provincial election, when berelvi pirs started to support Jinnah!

And one more thing , Mujib didn't want Bangladesh contrary to BAL ( East Pakistan Muslim league 😂 ) , but he was a prominent young leader of Pakistan movement!

Hasina had a secrete Pakistani military lover and his name was Siddique salik ; Dr Taj Hashmi said so!

Hasina is fluent in Urdu! Now do your math! Who are pro Pakistan and who are pro Bangladesh! Dudh ka dudh aur Pani ka Pani ho Jayega!
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