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Naswar Corner

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You are funny! :D Esp the bearded baboon...

Well, 1stly, you need to understand, my family is not from the upper elite class...

We are middle to upper middle class people..
We are not politically involved in ANY form
We do not know people in positions to make things happen!

On this forum I saw some people actually saying Imran Khans march to Waziristan as a drama because they never reached their goal? and all sorts of reasons?!

I mean these people are not ready to accept new Ideas and will criticize at the 1st breath given!

They are not interested in change? They keep voting the same tinda and PPP even after knowing the amount of corruptions done?

Its funny how one can repeat a series of mistakes over and over and over?!

I am surprised how they easily adapt stupid fashions (not the fashion now but before) and these change sooo quickly! I mean people dont have enough to eat and all these people can think about is the latest 9000 Rs dress which doesnt even cover you properly or is so tight it just shows where your fats are?

Or the 150000 Rs mobile? Man! I am really amazed? This is necessary BUT the phati wi pant wala gora is awesome?

And the fact that your wedding should look grander than your cousins? You are not allowed to wear the same suit in 2 weddings...You need to know the latest gossip about your next door neighbour but you do not know of all the foul stuff your own son is doing?

THIS is a twisted society!

Growing up I never felt soooo constricted and like on a radar...

Cant do this,
cant dress like that (Its all about the brands),
cant go there (take someone with you)....

AND never to forget those stupid x-ray guys?! Which reminds me of this :
Vigilantes Are Tagging Egypt's Sexual Harassers with Spray Paint | VICE

I find that same hypocrisy more stifling than you ever can for I have to live through it every single day which is not to say that I'm not hypocritical myself for I am but I'm conscious of that as well & no I'm not from the elite either or anything like it in fact right now without my Dad this Buttt wouldn't be able to buy a torn, worn out piece of rag to cover his bum with. :D

But the fact of the matter is, to paraphrase one of Imran's election slogans, 'if not us...then whom ?' and 'if not now then when ?'. Our ancestors gave enormous sacrifices to get this country; I was listening to the tale of a frail old relative of ours who lost his entire family in Jammu in '47 - his parents & siblings, except two younger brothers who were protected by a Hindu family friend of theirs & kept in safe keeping till he reached Jammu himself a year later. He related how when the news that his two brothers lived broke to them...he took the train, the tonga & than traversed on foot till he reached Jammu & from there under the cover of night they - the 3 of them - ran, hid & ran some more till they finally reached a place they heard the Fajr Azan in the back drop ! They asked the first person they could find whether they had reached Pakistan & on finding that out they wept with joy & fell in prostration there & then in the muddy field. Thats the generation that gave their everything for Pakistan ! And this is the generation from now who're more interested in buying their crazy arsed trinkets, imitating the American accent & butchering the language in the process, feeling a sense of shame speaking Urdu & ditching Pakistan for greener pastures at the first opportunity available. This is my generation ! But if we are to take over the mantle of leadership of this country & I don't mean that in a political sense but across the board through all walks of life, then we owe it to Pakistan, our ancestors who fought for it, to the Quaid-e-Azam to God himself to serve Pakistan to the best of our abilities with grim determination & hope for the future we (Pakistan) were born for.

So come back & serve Pakistan...no ifs no buts ! The country needs you.
I agree, I was thought about 1 Islam, 1 Nation and 1 GOD....
I do not know how this broke into Shia- Sunni and then further into ahle-hadith, ahle- sunnat, brailvi, deobandi, naqshabandi and whatever (for most of my life I didnt even know what that meant) instead of PAKISTANI

I do not know how it broke into Punjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki, Balochi, Pathan and whatever instead of PAKISTANI..

Sorry I did not understand what you meant?

This is a PUBLIC FORUM...No one is actually in anyone's way...

My English grammar is crap plus keyboard buttons are stiff. Tuba fixing pak is hard game first we must not be slaves to any policy then do business that is our interest and then keep out of other people stupid wars disguised as islamic but for resources. be aggressive about protecting our expat worker pak abroad . change mentality of pak believe in themselves rather than look else where. internet and bijli can improve education as they can research themselves on computer for info and knowledge. have national humiliation day for bribe takers and other criminal activities the donkey and black paint work best. .
I find that same hypocrisy more stifling than you ever can for I have to live through it every single day which is not to say that I'm not hypocritical myself for I am but I'm conscious of that as well & no I'm not from the elite either or anything like it in fact right now without my Dad this Buttt wouldn't be able to buy a torn, worn out piece of rag to cover his bum with. :D

But the fact of the matter is, to paraphrase one of Imran's election slogans, 'if not us...then whom ?' and 'if not now then when ?'. Our ancestors gave enormous sacrifices to get this country; I was listening to the tale of a frail old relative of ours who lost his entire family in Jammu in '47 - his parents & siblings, except two younger brothers who were protected by a Hindu family friend of theirs & kept in safe keeping till he reached Jammu himself a year later. He related how when the news that his two brothers lived broke to them...he took the train, the tonga & than traversed on foot till he reached Jammu & from there under the cover of night they - the 3 of them - ran, hid & ran some more till they finally reached a place they heard the Fajr Azan in the back drop ! They asked the first person they could find whether they had reached Pakistan & on finding that out they wept with joy & fell in prostration there & then in the muddy field. Thats the generation that gave their everything for Pakistan ! And this is the generation from now who're more interested in buying their crazy arsed trinkets, imitating the American accent & butchering the language in the process, feeling a sense of shame speaking Urdu & ditching Pakistan for greener pastures at the first opportunity available. This is my generation ! But if we are to take over the mantle of leadership of this country & I don't mean that in a political sense but across the board through all walks of life, then we owe it to Pakistan, our ancestors who fought for it, to the Quaid-e-Azam to God himself to serve Pakistan to the best of our abilities with grim determination & hope for the future we (Pakistan) were born for.

So come back & serve Pakistan...no ifs no buts ! The country needs you.

I love the country but I can not tolerate the people and their thinking...It suffocates me! I am willing to spend money as well as pass knowledge but to deal with the hypocrisy and people on a daily basis...ALLAH needs to help me build more patience for that!
My English grammar is crap plus keyboard buttons are stiff. Tuba fixing pak is hard game first we must not be slaves to any policy then do business that is our interest and then keep out of other people stupid wars disguised as islamic but for resources. be aggressive about protecting our expat worker pak abroad . change mentality of pak believe in themselves rather than look else where. internet and bijli can improve education as they can research themselves on computer for info and knowledge. have national humiliation day for bribe takers and other criminal activities the donkey and black paint work best. .

We are trying in the education sector...My dad's sister used to run a school and we give our zakat to madrassah to help Islam and also dad specifically gives to Dr. Zakir Naik's charity because he thinks Dr. Zakir is doing a good job of spreading the message of Islam in a new light...EVEN with all the BS propaganda against Dr.Zakir ...we can not deny he DID some good...ALLAH is ready to accept an atom's worth of good and us people are ready to attack him based on some media channel showing glimpse of 3-4 of his lectures merged as 1 and over looking ALL the other goo he did?

I mean even I can cut and paste some speeches from a video and show it to people to mean a whole new thing...

Apart from this I am not sure whatelse we can do....

I want to improve the education system, but to reach up there I need to be someone...I have gathered a few people who have this common interest...We are just waiting and thinking of how to play this card...
I love the country but I can not tolerate the people and their thinking...It suffocates me! I am willing to spend money as well as pass knowledge but to deal with the hypocrisy and people on a daily basis...ALLAH needs to help me build more patience for that!

There are also many exceptional people here & may I say it more so than those present in Britain. For example a family friend of ours decided one day to help the poor & the needy so she came up with this idea of gathering all the poor children from the neighborhood & there & about & providing them education & a meal for the day. To that end she ended up starting a school operating out of her garage which she financed partly through what she could spare & partly she asked the entire neighborhood to give her their old things so that she could sell it as scrap or hand-me-downs to the scrap dealer/collector for a paltry sum to fund the meals, the books, the teachers & other overheads. 5 years or so down the lane shes operating 3 full fledged schools with more or less a 1000 children being provided education, one meal a day, uniform, books & the sort, all on a sustainable basis. And this is just one small if significant example out of thousands of more in my city alone.

There are people here who want the status quo to change, for the corruption & nepotism to end, for the Nation to realize her true..god given potential & achieve the zeniths it was destined for & their numbers are increasing. Amidst the decadence, the corruption, the vain gloriousness & the elitist mentality, many of us are striving to contribute whatever we can to Pakistan & by God if not in my life time than that of the generation after me...this country would have achieved the dreams that our ancestors held so dear when they fought for a homeland of their own.

The onus is on us & you to perform, to pay the debt we owe to God, our people, the Quaid & their Pakistan.

If we're going to ditch it in favor of something else than who is going to build this country up ? If we're going to cry the enormity of the task then who is going to take this country forward ?
We are trying in the education sector...My dad's sister used to run a school and we give our zakat to madrassah to help Islam and also dad specifically gives to Dr. Zakir Naik's charity because he thinks Dr. Zakir is doing a good job of spreading the message of Islam in a new light...EVEN with all the BS propaganda against Dr.Zakir ...we can not deny he DID some good...ALLAH is ready to accept an atom's worth of good and us people are ready to attack him based on some media channel showing glimpse of 3-4 of his lectures merged as 1 and over looking ALL the other goo he did?

I mean even I can cut and paste some speeches from a video and show it to people to mean a whole new thing...

Apart from this I am not sure whatelse we can do....

I want to improve the education system, but to reach up there I need to be someone...I have gathered a few people who have this common interest...We are just waiting and thinking of how to play this card...

Few years back my uncle came to pak he is telecommunication engineer or director basically he has some power, he contacted army for this project i think it was like sim card network anyway he had towers built for communication after few years it went down i was told due to bombing but that bull it cos of corruption. i also was told a British engineer went to pak and started a solar fan project imf contacted governmnet and had closed. you dont pay bribes it aint happening. go to pindi airport how they hound you like dogs for money and u give money to poor the whole tribe comes next day again and again. They dont want to work some of them just play poor and next thing you know man got motorbike riding off.. They have habit cheating you on goods. waliathi pakistanis dont have a chance.
There are also many exceptional people here & may I say it more so than those present in Britain. For example a family friend of ours decided one day to help the poor & the needy so she came up with this idea of gathering all the poor children from the neighborhood & there & about & providing them education & a meal for the day. To that end she ended up starting a school operating out of her garage which she financed partly through what she could spare & partly she asked the entire neighborhood to give her their old things so that she could sell it as scrap or hand-me-downs to the scrap dealer/collector for a paltry sum to fund the meals, the books, the teachers & other overheads. 5 years or so down the lane shes operating 3 full fledged schools with more or less a 1000 children being provided education, one meal a day, uniform, books & the sort, all on a sustainable basis. And this is just one small if significant example out of thousands of more in my city alone.

There are people here who want the status quo to change, for the corruption & nepotism to end, for the Nation to realize her true..god given potential & achieve the zeniths it was destined for & their numbers are increasing. Amidst the decadence, the corruption, the vain gloriousness & the elitist mentality, many of us are striving to contribute whatever we can to Pakistan & by God if not in my life time than that of the generation after me...this country would have achieved the dreams that our ancestors held so dear when they fought for a homeland of their own.

The onus is on us & you to perform, to pay the debt we owe to God, our people, the Quaid & their Pakistan.

If we're going to ditch it in favor of something else than who is going to build this country up ? If we're going to cry the enormity of the task then who is going to take this country forward ?

Hahahaha...I cant even ditch it even if I wanted to :p
My passport and that of my familys is still Pakistani...My sis just got rejected her shengen visa to visit me...Yup that is how scary or powerful our passport is :D
We are trying in the education sector...My dad's sister used to run a school and we give our zakat to madrassah to help Islam and also dad specifically gives to Dr. Zakir Naik's charity because he thinks Dr. Zakir is doing a good job of spreading the message of Islam in a new light...EVEN with all the BS propaganda against Dr.Zakir ...we can not deny he DID some good...ALLAH is ready to accept an atom's worth of good and us people are ready to attack him based on some media channel showing glimpse of 3-4 of his lectures merged as 1 and over looking ALL the other goo he did?

I mean even I can cut and paste some speeches from a video and show it to people to mean a whole new thing...

Apart from this I am not sure whatelse we can do....

I want to improve the education system, but to reach up there I need to be someone...I have gathered a few people who have this common interest...We are just waiting and thinking of how to play this card...

Oh Christ...to that silly old buffer ! Okay forget what I think about him & his views as a 'scholar'; to an Indian ? Why didn't you bury me before telling me this ? :hitwall:
Few years back my uncle came to pak he is telecommunication engineer or director basically he has some power, he contacted army for this project i think it was like sim card network anyway he had towers built for communication after few years it went down i was told due to bombing but that bull it cos of corruption. i also was told a British engineer went to pak and started a solar fan project imf contacted governmnet and had closed. you dont pay bribes it aint happening. go to pindi airport how they hound you like dogs for money and u give money to poor the whole tribe comes next day again and again. They dont want to work some of them just play poor and next thing you know man got motorbike riding off.. They have habit cheating you on goods. waliathi pakistanis dont have a chance.

Lolzzz...I do not mind giving to poor...we do it all the time...What pisses me is when they refuse to work for their bread because they know they can juice us for the money :(

Oh Christ...to that silly old buffer ! Okay forget what I think about him & his views as a 'scholar'; to an Indian ? Why didn't you bury me before telling me this ? :hitwall:

Lolz...We do not see race when it comes to religion..Thats what ALLAH teaches me...We also gave to Farhat Hashmi's school...forgot what it is called...
Oh Christ...to that silly old buffer ! Okay forget what I think about him & his views as a 'scholar'; to an Indian ? Why didn't you bury me before telling me this ? :hitwall:

Why do you hate him?

As a Muslim, I found nothing wrong with his quotes from the Quran...Abu printed out his books and other reading material, opened the quran and double checked the translations of each and every one before allowing us to read any :P

As a scientist I found nothing wrong with his Science...
I love the country but I can not tolerate the people and their thinking...It suffocates me! I am willing to spend money as well as pass knowledge but to deal with the hypocrisy and people on a daily basis...ALLAH needs to help me build more patience for that!

what is country with out people? :D just lands, mountains, rivers, grass which is present in almost all countries

I have spent many years abroad and i have also spent my childhood and college time in Pakistan and i can tell you with my experience that Pakistani people are not bad . they are not reserved people, they are friendly people who get social with you easily and don't keep distance , they also listen to your problems by giving you their precious time. I remember i lost my identity cards and other document in one city of Pakistan and this guy travelled from one city to my city just to give me all these documents and i have tried to give him some cash as a reward and he refused to accept it and just asked me to make dua for him. What i like about Pakistan is good social life there and no feelings of loneliness and emptiness. Have you ever wondered why same Pakistani when come abroad they become good hard working citizens and follow all rules and laws more than others? what they lack in pakistan is competent leadership and someone who provide them direction and good working system which they just have to follow..rest good and bad people are everywhere and its just matter of perception and personal experiences which forms our opinions. I end my gibberish here :)
Lolz...We do not see race when it comes to religion..Thats what ALLAH teaches me...We also gave to Farhat Hashmi's school...forgot what it is called...

I don't care what his race is...its his nationality that counts !

Why do you hate him?

As a Muslim, I found nothing wrong with his quotes from the Quran...Abu printed out his books and other reading material, opened the quran and double checked the translations of each and every one before allowing us to read any :P

As a scientist I found nothing wrong with his Science...

Think of it this way if I found out that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an Indian, I'd be an apostate the very next second & I'd much rather be eternally damned than to look up to an Indian.
what is country with out people? :D just lands, mountains, rivers, grass which is present in almost all countries

I have spent many years abroad and i have also spent my childhood and college time in Pakistan and i can tell you with my experience that Pakistani people are not bad . they are not reserved people, they are friendly people who get social with you easily and don't keep distance , they also listen to your problems by giving you their precious time. I remember i lost my identity cards and other document in one city of Pakistan and this guy travelled from one city to my city just to give me all these documents and i have tried to give him some cash as a reward and he refused to accept it and just asked me to make dua for him. What i like about Pakistan is good social life there and no feelings of loneliness and emptiness. Have you ever wondered why same Pakistan when come abroad they become good hard working citizens and follow all rules and laws more than others? what they lack is competent leadership and someone who provide them good working system which they just have to follow..rest good and bad people are everwhere and its just matter of perception and personal experiences which forms our opinions. I end my jibberish here :)

I agree with you...Its just that I hate the government and I have only met few people from Pakistan, mostly family, family friends and family's neighbors...We rarely to never meet anyone from outside....so most of my idea about Pakistanis are from these few I meet in real life and rest from online...

I am pissed with the government, the frauders and the low mentality where they are quick to judge but not quick to apologize...
Lolzzz...I do not mind giving to poor...we do it all the time...What pisses me is when they refuse to work for their bread because they know they can juice us for the money :(

we bought big amount of rice for khatam the guy mix the crap rice with good rice and cheated us. bought atta machine it was fake. go town they jump on you paisa paisa . come on they have much better than us i say to them come and see our beggars you must at least be able to juggle balls to get ten pence in the cup for coffee. at first i was oh god i must help after bit they take advantage. Then the bijli guys play games they know we uk pak so they cut off our bijli and try asking for money.
i buy credit telnet robs it buy internet they cut off after n hour. There is only one market that i may explore and do good and that is welding and build four wheelers or two wheelers just might work. or build inverters. I took night vision goggles could not sell them cos no one know what it was, took radios they didn't know what it was so i could not sell them to buy motorbike.
The only great thing was girls did everything for me cook food, wash the lot so i used to buy them uk style ice cream that was ridiculously priced it cheaper in UK. bought them uk biscuits big box to try and bought strawberry they never had strawberry in their life. all the good food and fruits cos that all you can buy.

But old people were great they listen and had fun joking about with them and they believe in you.
I don't care what his race is...its his nationality that counts !

Think of it this way if I found out that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was an Indian, I'd be an apostate the very next second & I'd much rather be eternally damned than to look up to an Indian.

Hmmm....That is the thing...When we want to do good for Islam we do not look at their race, colour, nationality (Like Ahmad Deedat used to quote from the quran: "you discriminate on grounds of race, language, colour and riches, you will perish")
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