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Phoenix, I was a little rough in my above post ! A lot rough in fact !

Even I didn't expect that from you. In fact, this was the first time I saw your 'Butttt side'.
Butttts don't always play rough, but when they do, they produce more friction than cast iron.
True Story. Two of my best friends are 'Buttts'.
I'm not a pathan, let alone Bunnu ka pathan. Btw, there are at least three more girls (and some middle-aged khatoon with pink avatar) you didn't make any mention of. Shhhh... I'm performing confirmatory tests on them by following their tweets to make sure they are genuine girls. :smokin:

MIDDLE AGED PINKY? NAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (dramatical music and scene where one falls to their knees while saying NAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII!!) YEH HO NAI SAKTA!
Whaaooo..when did WW3 start and why on earth on this thread? :pop: This is the whatever thread different from rest of the threads!

No fighting and no getting serious was the main theme...No bringing in politics...We have more than enough threads for that headache!!!!

I just got on...Let me read both sides! Butt saab! What happened? You have not misbehaved ever since the starting of the thread what caused all this crap?
Watch your mouth! It is you that is pulling crap out of your arse! I didn't mock you in my previous posts, & if you are not going to be respectful, I assure you I can be just as disrespectful. If you do not like having discussions with me, then avoid responding to my posts, it's as simple as that.

If no sense of unity or belonging exists on the basis of culture & heritage, it would be ignored by most individuals in an instant. Why would a person care for his heritage if his only identity is Islam or being a Muslim? Aren't there Pakistani pan-Islamists that are deluded in to believing that they at some point ruled Spain? Why do you think they are so deluded? It's because in their minds, the only identity they believe they have is Islam, thus; they believe it's acceptable to claim things that had nothing to do with them. If they had valued both heritage & religion, it would have been obvious to them that while they should take pride in their religion, it does not require claiming someone else's heritage & disregarding your own. You did not create your heritage, culture, or language. Heritage, bloodline, languages are created by God or nature, whatever you choose to believe in. There are man made languages like Esperanto, but I assure you that none of our languages happen to be artificial. In fact doesn't God say that He divided us in to groups, nations, & tribes, & that our different languages are a sign from Him? Are you saying that these divisions that He created were in fact created by us? Isn't that shirk?

Didn't you misconstrue me when you failed to realize that I am not against religious nationalism except that it should exist alongside other forms of nationalism? By the way, I don't know if you remember it, but I recall you claiming in a post that wasn't directed at me that Kashmiris & Punjabis are "races" apart. That made it obvious that you had misconception regarding the 2 terms. In fact, take a look at your post below.

Do you actually believe that we invented identities around races? Some people in the west believe that race is a social construct, but they foolishly reject the differences that exist among them.

I don't think you should be giving out personal information in a public forum at all. I don't care if you do or do not act like you have a rod up your arse. The rest of us do not act like that even though we are proud of our identities. Go & discuss your sexual fetishes with someone else.

Patriotism refers to love for one's country. As long as you want whatever is best for your country alone, you can easily be classified as a patriot. Nationalism isn't blind patriotism, there is nothing wrong with being nationalistic. The problem here is your misconception of the term nationalism. I am nationalistic, I don't view myself as being superior to anyone by race, language, etc. There are a variety of different forms of nationalism, & they don't necessarily involve feelings of racial supremacy. Don't you know that Pan-Islamism is essentially Islamic nationalism or what can be more generally described as religious nationalism? Does that mean that a pan-Islamist feels superior to followers of other faiths? Going by your logic, wouldn't religious nationalism also give rise to different conflicts & rivalries of their own? By the way, feelings of superiority exist in all human beings. For example; most people are attracted to women of their own races. The reason for that is simple, they believe that their women's attributes are superior to those of women from other races. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, & it can not be classified as racism. Nazi Germany despised the Jews for a variety of reasons, but they are not the subject of our discussion. In any case, nationalism is not equal to Nazism.

Actually, most Pakistanis are not proud or even aware of their history, language, culture et cetera at all. They are ruining their national language, & I explained how they are doing that in a previous post of mine. I have been to Pakistan many times, & I really don't think ordinary Pakistanis give a crap about their language at all. They don't even try to speak their language eloquently, what could they possibly know about respect for it? Speaking English is synonymous for being educated for many Pakistanis. What do you think of people that falsely claim Semitic descent? Don't many Balochis claim they originate in Syria? Why do you think they do that? It is because they long for an identity they don't really have. If not that, they feel inferior to Arabs because Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) was an Arab. By claiming Semitic descent, they are essentially trying to eradicate this inferiority complex. Didn't you claim that you believed in the possibility that Kashmiris were Hebrews? Don't you know why that theory was spread about at some point in time? It was done to establish some sense of connection with the Prophets even though genetic, linguistic, & cultural studies generally reject that theory.

Once again, nationalism doesn't mean having a superiority complex, neither does it involve thinking that "we are better than the other". People should stick out for their own, if they do not help or respect their own, why would they ever help or respect others? Those who do not care about their own aren't worthy of respect. Even foreigners won't respect you if you do not respect, love, & stick out for your own, & there is absolutely nothing racist about that. I actually like Arab nationalism, in fact; I like people who have pride & respect for themselves. However, I don't like Pakistanis that embarrass themselves in front of others by claiming stuff from the Islamic Golden Age that has nothing to do with them.

I have met a few Indians that think they are Vedic Aryans even though they don't resemble them at all. I found that hilarious. Anyway, Muslims are one nation from the religious perspective, but not the genetic one. Pakistani ethnic & linguistic groups have a hell of a lot in common, & many of those indigenous ethnicities share a degree of common heritage. That common heritage along with a combination of religion & culture can easily help Pakistanis create an identity that is far stronger than the one existing now.

There will be no Islamic unity until Prophet Jesus returns, & even then I am sure that the Prophet would celebrate the diversity of the people he rules. A Pasthun & a Punjabi are a lot closer to each other than you think. There have been many studies on the Pakistani populace that signify links prevalent between all ethnicities in Pakistan. I had an excellent source that discussed the similarities between the Indo-Iranian & Vedic people. Unfortunately, I no longer have the link to that source, but I do remember a lot of what was stated in it. An Arab & a Malay are extremely different from you, but the Arab is closer to you in the sense that he or she scientifically belongs to the Caucasian race. I think you should try, & get other people to accept you as their own. Carry out this experiment by going up to the most religious Muslim Arabs, Africans, or Asians. I bet that they will never truly be able to accept you as their own. I myself would find it extremely difficult to consider let's say a Chinese Muslim as a brother or a sister. The difference in race & appearance would be a consistent reminder of the fact that we have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

I don't accept your apology. Stop interacting with me & do not thank any of my posts, let's just leave it at that.

Being brave online is extremely different from being brave offline. ;)

never expected this long serious post in nuswar corner :D

You have valid points there

Relax guys

This topic is about friendly conversation :)
Aleesha ka koi relative :P

O maybe some sweets only Aleesha seems to be getting!!

hmmm .... may be - I don't have the fagest of the ideas. But she needs to brush her teeth well as more sweets are not healthy for a healthy denture.

yahan to lagta hai jang e azaeem soem shuru hai.

Kya Hyp ki gher maujudgi mein naswar ziyada issue ho gayee hai.
hmmm .... may be - I don't have the fagest of the ideas. But she needs to brush her teeth well as more sweets are not healthy for a healthy denture.

yahan to lagta hai jang e azaeem soem shuru hai.

Kya Hyp ki gher maujudgi mein naswar ziyada issue ho gayee hai.

Yea! I feel upset am reading some old posts to figure out what these pages of nonsense is about!

I am hiding in this thread from all that crap on the forum and idher bhi kissi nay hamla kitta
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