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Narendra Modi said teach Muslims a lesson: IPS officer

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we dont need to proove their loyalty. it was you who were worried about them. And so i said open your gates and see for yourself how many of them want to move to your headquaters of Islam....

You don't have to prove their/your loyalty, but they (Indian Muslims) have to prove their loyalty to be accepted by the Indian society. And as I said, Pakistan doesn't care about Indian Muslims as it already has a very high population, but there are many Indian Muslims that are frequently accused of being loyal to Pakistan than to their country, which is why they have to prove their loyalty time & time again.
The Times of India

Another foreign tourist cries rape
TNN, Apr 20, 2006, 02.00am IST

PUSHKAR: Another rape story is swirling out of the deserts of Rajasthan and this time the victim is a Japanese woman who has complained that she was duped by a group of men in Pushkar, drugged at a hotel and raped.Another foreign tourist cries rape
TNN, Apr 20, 2006, 02.00am IST

PUSHKAR: Another rape story is swirling out of the deserts of Rajasthan and this time the victim is a Japanese woman who has complained that she was duped by a group of men in Pushkar, drugged at a hotel and raped.

Another foreign tourist cries rape - Times Of India
Okay i will...

I hate BJP for this that they don't utilies the situation like these corrupt congressi's do..Have you or any one saw BJP making any hue-cry about 1984 riots ? No ,beleive it or not but this Drama of this IPS officer is all scam just to defame Narendra Modi cause of his rising status in country cause of the development. And congressi see it as future threat. thats it.

mate.............issues of Sikhs dont make it to the parliament or central politics............sikhs are very small in number.
NDA (BJP+Akali) always plays that card during elections...................and they have started doing it in punjab as elections are close.
as a matter of fact they have only this card to play.................as they have only looted punjab during there term.......
Bhutan is consider one of the poorest nation of the world.................but its people are happy..............because they have a great leader........to whom they love more than democracy.....................Happiness matters..............not development.
You don't have to prove their/your loyalty, but they (Indian Muslims) have to prove their loyalty to be accepted by the Indian society. And as I said, Pakistan doesn't care about Indian Muslims as it already has a very high population, but it is said that many Indian Muslims are accused of being loyal to Pakistan than to their country, which is why they have to prove their loyalty time & time again.

Forget Indian muslims arent the Talibs in your country who are considered anti national.... we have our own version

what do we call SIMI? It is known fact about them about links with Pakistan who want India to be turned into Islamic republic of India.... and blast of places in India... should we call them patriots.
Yes we have to in order that the same incidents are not repeated there after. Trials continue for those who were involved but we are least interested in mking it a national agenda. And both Hindus and Muslims dont want it to be a reason for the next riot.

But same cannot be said about terrorist who keep on justifying their acts on the basis of that after 10 years down the line.
where is is justice????????
If the pakistani media start publishing good thing about Indian muslims the first thing which people will question is then why the hell pakistan was created if Indian muslims are well off.... Pakistan needs indian muslims to suffer to justify their existance at regular intervals of time

we dont need to proove their loyalty. it was you who were worried about them. And so i said open your gates and see for yourself how many of them want to move to your headquaters of Islam....

Not really, Pakistan was created for everyone that wanted to go there. Indian Muslims made their choice & stayed back, Pakistan has got nothing to do with them, & wishes them the best of luck. However, it is disheartening to see that Indian Muslims have to continuously keep proving their loyalty, & are accused of being loyal towards Pakistan; but there is nothing Pakistan can do about it. The Indian Muslims have to rectify their own problems which they face in India, & popular support for people like Modi who "sanction their murders" pushes back their efforts.
are you justifying those killings ? you are not answering the question

No one is Justifying the killings mate, Justice is coming, it will take time. What do you expect us to do. Live our lives only after Justice is served.???
where is is justice????????

judiciary follows its own course. it is better to serve justice then just hang someone in a moment. Both hindus and muslims are convicted equally for the riots.

there are reports of modi being involved, there are equal number of reports of him not being involved but it is the selective reading in Pakistan which creates this mentality. Let the courts decide....
Forget Indian muslims arent the Talibs in your country who are considered anti national.... we have our own version

what do we call SIMI? It is known fact about them about links with Pakistan who want India to be turned into Islamic republic of India.... and blast of places in India... should we call them patriots.

Why should every Indian Muslim be asked to prove that their loyalty lies with India just because there are a few SIMI, IM terrorist organizations? Why aren't Indian Hindus asked to prove their loyalties towards India when there are plenty of Hindutva terrorists in India as well?
Not really, Pakistan was created for everyone that wanted to go there. Indian Muslims made their choice & stayed back, Pakistan has got nothing to do with them, & wishes them the best of luck. However, it is disheartening to see that Indian Muslims have to continuously keep proving their loyalty, & are accused of being loyal towards Pakistan; but there is nothing Pakistan can do about it. The Indian Muslims have to rectify their own problems which they face in India, & popular support for people like Modi who "sanction their murders" pushes back their efforts.

pakistan was created because people feared that they will be over dominated by hindus in the sub continent. So now you guys need trumpet to blow to say "see we said so"... Lol no one in Pakistani media ever discusses mr pemji or akhtar or the bollywood dominance of muslims. lol they become non muslims in a moment. No one ever cares about that India being a secular country gives muslims their own laws. What do we call that?

as far as your loyalty question goes i have already replied to the same.
Not really, Pakistan was created for everyone that wanted to go there. Indian Muslims made their choice & stayed back, Pakistan has got nothing to do with them, & wishes them the best of luck. However, it is disheartening to see that Indian Muslims have to continuously keep proving their loyalty, & are accused of being loyal towards Pakistan; but there is nothing Pakistan can do about it. The Indian Muslims have to rectify their own problems which they face in India, & popular support for people like Modi who "sanction their murders" pushes back their efforts.

Dude the same can be said of the Hindus and Christian in your country right??...but then replying to you in the same tone does not make all the ills go away and it will be trolling aint it??
I believe that the attraction of Modi on top on the national scene cuts across communal lines. I believe that most Indians want strong leadership at the helm of affairs to present a strong firm but fair front to the outside world as we wield increasing influence on the global stage. I believe for most Indians the jury is still out about his role, more by omission than commission, in the riots. But I also believe that the nation has moved on long ago. A lot of water has passed under that bridge since then. And that was not the first or only time that a part of India has erupted in communal violence. As a nation we have seen much worse in the 70s and 80s and early 90s. Why only Gujarat is singled out again and again is not difficult to understand though.

It is the only stick the Congress has to beat an existential power threat with. Cause the Congress knows that the writing is on the wall, when the nation loses patience with even such a luminary as MMS. And remove him from the picture, and you have Modi as a much younger, cleaner, more efficient, and stronger national alternative than anything the Congress has internally or can plausibly throw up. So expand a communal riot into Hitler-esque genocidal proportions and keep fanning the flames of communal divide. Typical Congress stratagem since before divided India. But as is evident from the Indian forum posters here, the nation has seen through this ploy, and Modi's time has come. Let us hope that he does not disappoint.

The riot stans out may be bacause it was during BJP time (both at ceneter & stae).........BJP from very beging was potrayed as a communal party than a democratic party......and BJP is to blame itself for that.

The congress has used that BJp image wisely........Even though we saw much worse riots under congres..............Yes its harsh on BJP.........

I may support BJP but i am never going to support Narendra modi becuse i still think he has played active role in riot and its palnning...........let the truth come out..........
Why should every Indian Muslim be asked to prove that their loyalty lies with India just because there are a few SIMI, IM terrorist organizations? Why aren't Indian Hindus asked to prove their loyalties towards India when there are plenty of Hindutva terrorists in India as well?

As i said modi is innocent until proven guilty.

And if it was so then unlike kashmiri pakistan no muslims in india are asked to give certificate of their patriiotism towards India. None of the groups which were ivolved in terrorism which were hindus have aid from Pakistan and so no point of asking for it.

As far as the riot goes it was a knee jerk reaction for the train burned full of hindus. It had nothing to do with Pakistan
Not really, Pakistan was created for everyone that wanted to go there. Indian Muslims made their choice & stayed back, Pakistan has got nothing to do with them, & wishes them the best of luck. However, it is disheartening to see that Indian Muslims have to continuously keep proving their loyalty, & are accused of being loyal towards Pakistan; but there is nothing Pakistan can do about it. The Indian Muslims have to rectify their own problems which they face in India, & popular support for people like Modi who "sanction their murders" pushes back their efforts.

Pakistan was created for the selfishness of a few people. The official reason is to create a land for the subcontinent's muslims who were not economically or politically strong. But in reality, all the rich muslims ran away to Pakistan leaving the poorest muslims behind on whose name Pakistan was created. And now you guys are shedding crocodile tears for the Indian muslims.
Lol no one in Pakistani media ever discusses mr pemji or akhtar or the bollywood dominance of muslims.

How can you even claim that, when almost everyone in Pakistan watches Bollywood movies; & the common Pakistani loves Indian Muslim actors such as Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Saif Ali Khan etc? Get out of this mindset that Pakistan doesn't want Indian Muslims to succeed, it does. It just gets disheartened when Indian Muslims have to prove their loyalty to India time & time again. But of course it can't do anything about it, the Indian Muslims have to solve their own problems.
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