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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

Well first do something about the vanishing non-Muslims in your country before talking about ours.

At least we have a positive population growth of all communities here unlike yours where religious conversions after kidnapping is a common sport after cricket.

Forget our own media, even non-Indian media has begun to start reporting it. What'd you call that? A zionist propaganda?

Remember 10,000,000 muhajir ppl have already migrated to Pakistan and stilll i thousands they are coming... You just have a high pop. growth cuz there's more Muslims being born than dying in India (hard to believe)

Even lots of groups have rated India as top 10 unsafest place for Christian s!! Almost everyday a anti Christian incident happens in Hindustan

And that is your worthless opinion, no Indian cares for an attention seeking person who is beneath my bed for unknown reasons..

Show me a pro Muslim Indian thats not Muslim then :cheesy:
Show me a pro Muslim Indian thats not Muslim then :cheesy:
Joe Sheared and Wickerman..

For than matter why someone has to be pro anything, is that not the mother of all the problems?

Get a life and don't bring religion here, everything gets messed up with religion..
One more thing - people who want the RSS,VHP influence on BJP reduced, vote for Modi considering that he has sidelined the VHP, RSS so much in Gjarat that they are supporting Keshu bapa in his rebellion against Modi. :lol:
Whether he is fascist or nazist is not matters , our country will prospers under his leadership thats enough for us.

Its good for us but following those kind of legacy would be nightmare for Pakistan for sure :azn:.

what else can b expected from Greedy people n blackmailers
Joe Sheared and Wickerman..

mech is also not a Muslim.

Another this discusssion has nothing to do with pro-Muslim or anti-Muslim. It is do with the communalism of certain parties that are heralded as secular.
Remember 10,000,000 muhajir ppl have already migrated to Pakistan and stilll i thousands they are coming... You just have a high pop. growth cuz there's more Muslims being born than dying in India (hard to believe)

Even lots of groups have rated India as top 10 unsafest place for Christian s!! Almost everyday a anti Christian incident happens in Hindustan

Show me a pro Muslim Indian thats not Muslim then :cheesy:

Why do we show that we are pro muslim people?.. muslims are free to practice their religion and they are abide be rule of land. There is no love affair between indian constitution and muslims. Hope I am clear to you.
You forgot the most important and destructive consequence. The growth of Right wing groups that now have a convincing reason to appeal to the majority - "see, in the country where we are in a majority, we are being discriminated against and the muslims pandered to because of vote bank policies" - which in my opinion is far more dangerous in the long term, as we Indians will find out.

It is because of discrimination of minorities that the government had to enact laws to protect them. This is in no way discriminating against the majority. If you call this minority appeasement politics, then I'd argue that the BJP plays majority appeasement politics. Which is far more dangerous. We dont want a Sri lankan tamil type of situation where minorities are oppressed. Right wing groups like VHP and Bajrang Dal were offshoots of the RSS, which itself was formed way before independence. Even before India existed. Also, the BJP supports Shiv Sena. Which is actually fascist.

Hardly they kept the tensions low. Did you forget the Shah Bano case

I personally dont agree with the religious personal laws. Because I am a secularist. And I personally think that both the judgement and the subsequent Muslim womens act that was passed because of Muslim pressure was despicable to say the least.But Muslims asked for it.

Even in Gujarat riots, on the ground level plenty of Congress workers and functionaries were involved - both in Godhra carnage and the ensuing retaliation.

Is there any proof for this? I have never seen one.

Please explain what openly non-secular means ?

I shouldnt have used the word secular, because this doesnt have anything to do with law making, however I am not sure what other word I should use. Non-religious? Minority politics is different from openly supporting organizations that are far right wing and extremely religious. And they are from the majority demographic. Such parties if given power will surely cause tensions. They do even when they dont have power.

Babri structure was not a masjid first of all. It was just a dilapidated structure in ruins built on top of one of Hinduism's most sacred spots by a foreign invader after demolishing the existing temple there. We should not tolerate such structures as Indians which symbolize our defeat in front of a foreign power.

Excessive, unnecessary nationalism. There was no concept of India as far as I know when that mosque was built. Whether it was dilapitated or not, doesnt matter. And yes it was a mosque, not a "structure". So this only goes to show that if the majority doesnt like it, they can demolish anything. Without recourse for minorities. That is why I dont support the BJP. Infact the BJP top leadership at that time, Advani and others were AT THE LOCATION!! This was obviously planned. Hindu holy site? Please give me one shred of proof that Ram was a person that even existed in history. These guys started a religious conflict based on myth!!

Regarding the '92 riots, I dont know about rest of India, but insofar as Mumbai was concerned it started with the killing of 6 Hindus at radhabhai chawl.

Who started it ? or what started it ?

It all started with the killing of a Hindu leader Lakshamananda by the evangelists and moreover it was not even a religious issue to begin with. It was a land sharing dispute between the tribal Kondhs (who happened to be majority Hindus) and the SC Panas (xtians) in which the Panas were usurping the tribal lands and that Swami was opposing that. This was given a communal color by the likes of John Dayal in the media studios of New Delhi.

Who started it does not matter. How does this justify the ensuing riots ? Of course you would agree that riots are never justified. But the fact that the BJP is associated with groups that have been known to involve in religious persecution at various times is what matters. You accuse congress of associating itself with 3 parties that have "alleged" terrorist links. Where is the proof for it? Has it ever been proven?

Every party in India - I mean every fricking party - uses religion, language, caste or ethnicity for vote catching

Yes they do. But there are other factors that one has to consider too. Economic policy based on a case study in Gujarat alone cannot be used to elect a person into power.

anti- Muslim Indians are the majority in this forum... There's no such thing as pro-Muslim Indian in India or PDF... It's either anti-Muslim or having no say on it..

Well, I happen to be anti-Icewolf. And you just happen to be Muslim. Dude, take a hike and stop trying to derail this thread with some nonsense about how horrible India is and how intolerant Indians are.
Remember 10,000,000 muhajir ppl have already migrated to Pakistan and stilll i thousands they are coming... You just have a high pop. growth cuz there's more Muslims being born than dying in India (hard to believe)

Even lots of groups have rated India as top 10 unsafest place for Christian s!! Almost everyday a anti Christian incident happens in Hindustan

Excellent. Since you get the point, please take them along with you as they're incompatible with us despite our constitution giving them every chance to stand equally.

Show me a pro Muslim Indian thats not Muslim then :cheesy:

What do you make of the secularist jerks that clean you guys up daily when water is running short? :P Be it on this forum or in real life, you can always find them worshipping everything that originates from your place or your religion against the Hindus or even now us (after the Burma situation).
Look through some of their posts... I have been on PDF longer than you and I can safely say theres no pro-Muslim Indians

Wow. There are no "pro-Muslim" , non-Muslims. They are not Muslims because they aren't "pro Muslims". If you're still confused and angry, you have my sympathy.

Look through some of their posts... I have been on PDF longer than you and I can safely say theres no pro-Muslim Indians

Wow. There are no "pro-Muslim" , non-Muslims. They are not Muslims because they aren't "pro Muslims". If you're still confused and angry, you have my sympathy.
It is because of discrimination of minorities that the government had to enact laws to protect them. This is in no way discriminating against the majority. If you call this minority appeasement politics, then I'd argue that the BJP plays majority appeasement politics. Which is far more dangerous.

No. The absence of appeasement of the Muslims makes it seem that the BJP appeases Hindus. And you have not convinced me that this rampant pseudo-secularism is not feeding a active revival of the Hindu right wing. Look around you - in Hyderabad, in Kerala.

And what laws are you talking about ? LIke the recent attempt at a communal violence bill that explicitly states that only minorities are eligible for protection and implies that its always the Hindus who start the riots ?

Is the AIMPLB secular ? Why is that Uniform Civil Code which is put forth by parties like BJP decried as communal when that is actually secular ?

Even right wingers like me are unable to confront the extremists among the right wingers because there is some merit in their argument that its religion and not constitution that determines how the govt,media etc deal with the same issue done by different people. For example if a Hindu starts a riot the headline would be "radical saffronist attacks Muslims", but when the situation is reversed it is like "youth from a particular community attacks another community".

This pathetic situation in the name of secularism is like valuable oxygen for the militant jehadhis who know they can get away from law by playing the minority card which in turn helps the RW groups that are growing exponentially than ever by playing on that. The Hindu right wing is purely a reactionary group.Once you cut off the action, then automatically they will loose their relevance.

And adding to this there is explicit discrimination against the majority too - like Article 30 and the Govt administration of Temple assets while leaving the church and waqf properties untouched.

We dont want a Sri lankan tamil type of situation where minorities are oppressed. Right wing groups like VHP and Bajrang Dal were offshoots of the RSS, which itself was formed way before independence. Even before India existed. Also, the BJP supports Shiv Sena. Which is actually fascist.

No one irrespective of minority or majority must be discriminated. Period. And if Shiv Sena is fascist so are the secular comrades of the secular congress - the MIM, AIUDF, IUML, JUH etc.

I personally dont agree with the religious personal laws. Because I am a secularist.

Try telling that and you will be labelled by the minorities as communal, fascistic, Hindutva thug. True story.
Mr. Buddhist, you have no say on making Muslims leave India because,

1. You are a smaller minority than Muslims in India
Thats not how things are done in India, every country is not Pakistan.

2. You as a Indian, are a minority on PDF
Not worth replying, this topic is not about this forum.. :rofl:

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