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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

Future of India is Hindutva ... Better Change or be ready for getting changed...

Blah blah bull ****...

Hindu Rashtra isn't even part BJP's political manifesto. And more over secularism is fundamental character of constitution which can't be altered by the Parliament and replace a Hindu theoretical state in its place.

Read my post again. I said BJP is just a political outfit of RSS. Nothing goes against RSS's wish in BJP. And RSS wants a Hindu Rashtrya.

Nitin Gadkari thing is nothing but congress Propaganda Media trial ... he is clean ... even Yeddy is clean... he has did nothing wrong ... Gadkari accusation is the classic case of IAC Kangress having hand in hand ... they can dig a mountain but wont find anything ...

neither they could prove anything against Yeddy ... Yeddy is well known for his huge Donation for constructing huge temples in Karnataka on such a scale that Today Karnataka has the highest number of newly constructed Modern Temples in India... Obviously Western Funded doest like it much ... he stood like a wall against Christian Conversion ... & he is hated for that... what BJP did with him is unjustified on the issue of corruption ...as BJP is in Karnataka solely due to his work in Karnataka he has Built the Party with Sweat & Blood... But i dont accept his disrespect to Top leadership... & going against party line... but BJP in Karnataka is very strong now with right next to no opposition party... SM krishna cant change the fortune of congress although he has resigned as foreign minister...

the Delhi election will give the clear picture of the Nations mood along with Maharahtra election ... Gujarat election is lost battle for Congress... Himachal ...hahaha whats gonna happen there when the main leader of Kangress Veerabhadra himself is facing corruption charges for which he had to resign from center ...

BJP has bit internal fight as it is a democratic party unlike Congress where everyone wipes Madams shoes... BJP doesnt follow Nepotism so no one has full power over the party... even at times Senior Leaders like Advani has to face the heat of other members ... & that is actually good ... thats called democratic ...

BJP will get 210-220 seats along with support of SS,TRS,AKALI,ADMK, TDP,MNS will form government with MODIJI as PM...

So Yeddy is clean just because he built some temples(possible by corruption money)? Wow!
I hope you are not among the believers who think that the SIT finding that there was nothing to prosecute Modi for in Mrs. Jafri's complaint is a Supreme Court finding that he was innocent?

Why is that those Muslim youth who are let off considered innocent who have been wrongly implicated while the same thing when done to Modi is considered let off because there was no evidence ?

Isnt that an institutional bias or even prejudice ?

Why are the same people who chant the mantra that those Muslims who are nabbed for terror acts are innocent until proven guilty but for Modi it becomes a ulta when they say Guilty until proven innocent ? Why the double standard ?
Nope, there is a reason why BJP don't do well in national elections. BJP has become a power in many states be it Rajasthan, MP, Bihar, UP, Delhi, Karnataka, HP, Punjab, Jharkhand, etc. but because BJP don't find a pan-India presence like the congress (south India & East India), congress becomes an obvious choice for the voters across India to form a stable govt. at the center. BJP has to understand that the seat for Delhi goes through Indian states, so to become a power at the center, it has to win states like TN, Kerala, AP, Manipur, Arunachal, WB etc. since general elections are those where every vote & every seat counts (who other than BJP can understand this when they lost vote of confidence by just one vote).

I dont know the situation in other southern states - but BJP has to make a deal with Amma to win TN this time.

Where exactly Anna? That BJP is not facade of RSS or RSS doesn't want Hindu Rashtriya.

No the RSS does not want a Hindu Rashtra. Its simply not possible after 64 years. That is why I asked you to google for MRM - Muslim Rashtriya Manch. And the BJP is not a facade of the RSS. Certainly there is a n influence of RSS on BJP due to the organizational strength RSS brings to the table, but its not a facade.
Yes and to have a pan India presence one needs to have an understanding of those respective constituencies. Hindutva isnt gonna cut it. Governing India is not just pandering to one group of people. Its about everybody, and Hindutva is not an inclusive concept. Add to that the lack of unity within the BJP, it just comes across as a weak party plagued by religious extremism.

So is pseudo-secularism. So is pandering to Muslims for their votes. But if this pseudo-secularism is going to be there, then definitely political Hinduism is going to grow. Pseudo-secularism provides a rich breeding ground for right wing groups. Ignore that at your (and my) own peril.
Read my post again. I said BJP is just a political outfit of RSS. Nothing goes against RSS's wish in BJP. And RSS wants a Hindu Rashtrya.

Whats wrong with BJP being guided by the RSS ??
Keep it in the mind that every member of bJP doesn't necessarily come from the RSS background.

Even RSS knows India Can't be a hindu state unless it discards the current constitution of india which isn't objective of the Sangh. Beside that RSS has made it amply clear over the years that Hindu Rastra or Hindu nation it envisages , stands for promotion of india's native cultural nationalism which includes every Indian irrespective of religion, rather than imposition of a Hindu theoretical state as you suggests.
BJP should take more of a moderate right position and not become extreme right wing party and disassociate itself from RSS and other organizations. That will garner maximum support from many Hindus. If not, BJP will not be able to come to power as many hindus are equally afraid of hindutva organizations.
Who cares about power ... we r here as a movement & its called Hindu Nationalism ... we dont want power we want people who believe in our ideology ...

BJP is made to give political voice & power for the Hindu Nationalism movement... without RSS BJP is nothing ... BJP is a part & parcel of Hindutva Movement ... they cant be separated ... u wanna destroy BJP then just target RSS that is what Kangress is doing today ...

Seudo & non Hindu also want the same thing they want to break link between BJP & RSS ... which means the ultimate death of BJP ... & yes BJP takes guidance from RSS...

Our Motive of getting to power is using the power to spread our ideology far & wide ... so ultimately our ideology is bigger for us then making government or getting votes...

& yes we are Secular but unlike western secularism & Kangress concept of secularism we believe in Sarva Dharma Sambhava which is our Indian version of secularism ...

Every BJP member is asked to take a oath ... which includes pledging to commitment to Hindu nationalism, national integration, democracy, positive secularism (Sarva Dharma Sambhava ) , Rashtra Seva & most important Integral humanism...

for refference

Integral humanism (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



our thinking about governance is Small governance

Small government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

our thinking on National defence is

Nation is bigger then its citizens

our idea on Economic front is


Quasi-market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Integral humanism


Swadeshi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economic liberalism

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So our idea is very clear ... unlike other political parties ...
One thing i fail to understand almost all hindu south indian people i have met even the members here are quite religious much more than their northern counterparts but still bjp or other saffron party isn't a major political party there
BJP should take more of a moderate right position and not become extreme right wing party and disassociate itself from RSS and other organizations. That will garner maximum support from many Hindus. If not, BJP will not be able to come to power as many hindus are equally afraid of hindutva organizations.

BJP dissociation from RSS is impossible and they won't do such things for sake of power. People liking BJP because of their firmness in policies and ideology. If they change their stance they will lose fidelity among the people. If people doesn't vote for BJP means its just a set back for that party but ultimate loser would be the people for sure. People having free will to reelect Khangress who is stopping you.
One thing i fail to understand almost all hindu south indian people i have met even the members here are quite religious much more than their northern counterparts but still bjp or other saffron party isn't a major political party there

I'll tell you why -

1)because of the linguistic/caste divide. BJP has not effective strongmen here who can speak the native language. Advani or Vajpayee speaking in Hindi or English dont catch the popular imagination or even connect with the people on the ground.

2)because in TN specifically there is no real intention to vote for any of the "national" party.

3) because we were not affected by Partition for political Hinduism to take root.

4) Not much affected by jehadi terrorism as much as rest of the country.

5) The driver behind the little amount of political Hinduism is due to evangelistic menace which by now has more or less saturated in urban areas there by no real push for any more growth.

BJP should take more of a moderate right position and not become extreme right wing party and disassociate itself from RSS and other organizations. That will garner maximum support from many Hindus. If not, BJP will not be able to come to power as many hindus are equally afraid of hindutva organizations.

I think BJP is already a center-right party and not a pure right wing party as many tend to promote here. Moreover a complete divorce of RSS-BJP is not possible as BJP depends significantly on the grass root organizational strength of the RSS. It's a symbiotic relationship that people will come to accept.
Gandhinagar mayor, 100 Muslim youths cross over to BJP

Mayor Mahendrasinh Rana of Gandhinagar on Wednesday announced that he will join the BJP along with two other corporators. Rana had earlier written to the GPCC calling Chief Minister Narendra Modi the ‘only true man of development’. In his letter, Rana had said that Modi has set the state on the path of development.

The Congress had taken charge of Gandhinagar’s civic body after a close contest in April 2011. They had won 18 out of the 33 municipal corporation seats. The BJP had won 15.

In a related development, over 100 Muslim Congress workers joined the BJP at the party’s minority meet in Surat on Tuesday.
According to an Indian Express report, Ganpat Vasava, Assembly Speaker and MLA from Mangrol spoke at the meeting, “Islam gives message of peace and harmony. Congress party’s policy is to divide and rule. After independence, the Congress party divided brothers and ruled the country. Narendra Modi speaks about six crore Gujaratis, which includes both Hindus and Muslims. He is a secularist as he has never discriminated. Due to the divide-and-rule policy, Muslims have been left behind. Now the community has awakened, and since 2001 when Narendra Modi became CM, we have (seen) development and growth among Muslims too.”

The report also quoted chairman of Waqf Board A I Saiyed, a former IPS officer who joined BJP after retirement, as having said, “I had been in the police department in Gujarat for over 30 years. During my tenure, in a majority of districts I came in direct contact of Congress leaders when they were in power. I found they were using Muslims as goons and had never thought for growth and development of the community.”

When Rana sent his letter in October, the Gujarat Congress had sought to downplay this development and had tried to dismiss it as a sign of Rana’s rising political ambitions. Gandhinagar and its adjacent areas have been a stronghold of the Congress for some time now. Rana’s move to the BJP ends Congress dominance in the area.

Gandhinagar mayor, 100 Muslim youths cross over to BJP | Niti Central

Gandhinagar corporation in BJP hands

In a major setback to the Congress on the eve of the Assembly elections in Gujarat, the Municipal Corporation of Gandhinagar on Wednesday fell to the BJP when its sitting mayor with two other corporators crossed over to it.

Gandhinagar was elevated to the level of municipal corporation only last year, and the Congress had created a stir by capturing the capital city civic body in the first general election, giving a rude shock to Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

Mayor Mahendrasinh Rana, however, developed differences with the State Congress leadership, and a letter recently written by him to State Congress president Arjun Modhvadia, praising Mr. Modi’s “developmental programmes,” gave a clear indication of his possible defection to the BJP. On Wednesday, Mr. Rana, along with two Congress members of the civic body Hansa Modi and Suresh Pandav, formally joined the BJP, bringing its strength to 18 in the 33-member municipal corporation.

Sources close to Mr. Rana claimed that defection of three other Congress corporators were also in the pipeline, but if the party managed to retain the disgruntled members, Mr. Rana and two others would face disqualification under the anti-defection law, putting the Gandhinagar civic body in the limbo. After the three members, including the mayor, crossed over, the Congress strength has come down to 15 in the civic body.

Except Junagadh, which was captured by the Congress more than four years ago, the Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation was the only civic body to provide a silver lining to the Congress’ otherwise pathetic performance in the elections in urban areas in the State. Besides six municipal corporations of the total eight, including Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Jamnagar, the BJP is also in control of over 150 of the 180-odd municipalities.

The Hindu : States / Other States : Gandhinagar corporation in BJP hands
Yet these supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?

Actually, the well known online Modi brigade cares more about seeing a hardcore hindu ruler than real development of India. They have been spreading blatantly lies about Modi's godly handling of economy just so that people would vote for him and he could get his hindutva as* to the PM seat. I see that you are a regular on PDF. Please read and bookmark the following link, and post it on PDF whenever they start harping on him as a development guru... we need to fight back this group that is one of the two great problems facing India (corruption and communalism):

My wordpress blog: wp .me/p2PlLD-1 (remove space; I wasnt able to post links till I have 15 posts)

I have collected data from the Planning Commission, Census, UN Development reports etc etc that clearly shows the kind of lies that that Modi-hindutva group has been spreading!

Jai Hind!
^^ Typical of secularist brigade... support colonial pests aka UPA at any cost. After all, enemies of the state are some people's masters. :no:

BTW I am not a Hindu.
BJP dissociation from RSS is impossible and they won't do such things for sake of power. People liking BJP because of their firmness in policies and ideology. If they change their stance they will lose fidelity among the people. If people doesn't vote for BJP means its just a set back for that party but ultimate loser would be the people for sure. People having free will to reelect Khangress who is stopping you.

Who cares about power ... we r here as a movement & its called Hindu Nationalism ... we dont want power we want people who believe in our ideology ...

BJP is made to give political voice & power for the Hindu Nationalism movement... without RSS BJP is nothing ... BJP is a part & parcel of Hindutva Movement ... they cant be separated ... u wanna destroy BJP then just target RSS that is what Kangress is doing today ...

Seudo & non Hindu also want the same thing they want to break link between BJP & RSS ... which means the ultimate death of BJP ... & yes BJP takes guidance from RSS...

Our Motive of getting to power is using the power to spread our ideology far & wide ... so ultimately our ideology is bigger for us then making government or getting votes...

& yes we are Secular but unlike western secularism & Kangress concept of secularism we believe in Sarva Dharma Sambhava which is our Indian version of secularism ...

Every BJP member is asked to take a oath ... which includes pledging to commitment to Hindu nationalism, national integration, democracy, positive secularism (Sarva Dharma Sambhava ) , Rashtra Seva & most important Integral humanism...

for refference

Integral humanism (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



our thinking about governance is Small governance

Small government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

our thinking on National defence is

Nation is bigger then its citizens

our idea on Economic front is


Quasi-market - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Integral humanism


Swadeshi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Economic liberalism

Economic liberalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So our idea is very clear ... unlike other political parties ...

You guys don't get it - don't you? No extreme right wing/left wing parties can win in India considering the diversity the country has. Even with the limited diversity US has, the most recent presidential elections was influenced by the latino votes in swing states and the the very conservative policies of the Republicans. You guys are again playing into the pseudosecularists hands. Stick to your hindutva policies and play into the psuedosecularists hands or project an inclusive behavior and take over the power. As simple as that.

Or you guys are thinking of a hypothetical situation of a coup or a revolution which will end up in total failure due to the same reason I mentioned above?
hmm may be that is why he tried to follow Hitler's legacy in Gujarat.

Edit: but where did it say he was related to Hitler? don't spread rumours

Why didn't you change the thread title then?
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