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I resolved Kashmir problem - Pm MODI

Well, UN military observer group for Kashmir is still operating from 1 A B, Purana Qila Road, New Delhi .. they can be reached at:
[email protected]
+91-11-2338 5084

If the problem is resolved, then what's the UNMOGIP still doing in India? Why is Kashmir still on the UNSC agenda as an unresolved international dispute?
Well, UN military observer group for Kashmir is still operating from 1 A B, Purana Qila Road, New Delhi .. they can be reached at:
[email protected]
+91-11-2338 5084

If the problem is solved, then what's the UNMOGIP still doing in India? Why is Kashmir still on the UNSC agenda as an unresolved international dispute?
That office can remain there forever.
India has taken a stance that varies from that of Pakistani side.

UNMOGIP hasn’t achieved anything. It didn’t stop Pakistan from 1965 and 1999 misadventures.

This sums up position of both sides on UNMOGIP.
That office can remain there forever.
India has taken a stance that varies from that of Pakistani side.

Until and unless you are able to kick UNMOGIP out of New Delhi, your claims regarding Kashmir being integral part of India carry no weight. It's just hollow rhetoric meant for domestic consumption

And it's not about Indian stance or Pakistani stance. What matters is the UN position. And as per UN, the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan or India is yet to be decided (in accordance with the will of the people of Jammu & Kashmir) and Kashmir remains a disputed territory under international law, and as an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of United Nations Security Council. No amount of propaganda and whining from the Indian side can change this simple fact.
Until and unless you are able to kick UNMOGIP out of New Delhi, your claims regarding Kashmir being integral part of India carry no weight.
India doesn’t want to send them packing, while not allowing them any meaningful work. Best way to keep an issue at low key. While doing what one wants to do. Which India has done.
What matters is the UN position.
UN is as effective as the desire of strong nations to enforce its resolutions. And we know how keen the big nations are on Kashmir issue.
Kashmir remains a disputed territory under international law, and as an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of United Nations Security Council. No amount of propaganda and whining from the Indian side can change this simple fact.
India isn’t whining. India is doing what it wants to.
Any idea who would enforce this international law? India has made it clear that it is a bilateral issue as per Simla accord.

India has set the ball rolling. I don’t see any interference by anyone in this regard.
Kashmir issue is not resolved so long as India and Pakistan publish official maps with claims and counter claims on held and occupied territory in the region. :coffee:
Kashmir issue is not resolved so long as India and Pakistan publish official maps with claims and counter claims on held and occupied territory in the region.
That would be the ultimate goal.
Till that happens, India can find solace in having a peaceful Kashmir on its side.
That would be the ultimate goal.
Till that happens, India can find solace in having a peaceful Kashmir on its side.
The current status quo in LoC is certainly an improvement from the past. But this does not mean that the Kashmir issue is resolved. Resolution signals finality, which is not what we have right now. Borders can flare up anytime and tensions may rise. PM Shehbaz is many times more critical than ex-PM Imran when it comes to Kashmir issue with India.

The repeal of Article 370 is India's official change on internal perception of Kashmir as a quasi-autonomous region within the country. While it reflects the super majoritarian sentiment within the country, outsiders will find that irrelevant. :coffee:
While it reflects the super majoritarian sentiment within the country, outsiders will find that irrelevant.
Yeah, outsiders may disagree. The good part is that there aren’t very many outsiders other than Pakistan who are keen to raise this issue. These are good times for India vis a vis US. Since US is playing coy due to China factor.
But this does not mean that the Kashmir issue is resolved.
Fully agreed. These claims are just a rhetoric and have no value. Best situation for India would be a peaceful Kashmir.
Borders can flare up anytime and tensions may rise.
Pakistan knows very well that flaring up the LOC wouldn’t help the cause. It is just internal politics that lead to these flares. India is determined more than ever to not allow Pakistan to play spoil sport by providing men and material support. These are the worst times for Pakistan too due to it’s economic state to raise the tempers.

I would wait and watch. Time frame is atleast a decade before anyone can celebrate and throw a party.
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India is determined more than ever to now allow Pakistan to play spoil sport by providing men and material support.
In my view, there was never a period that India had anymore or less determination than what it has to today to keep as much of Kashmir in its control as possible. The territory that the Indian side managed to control in '47 is still more or less deprived from Pakistan. In fact, Siachen has been added to actual Indian control after that. There have been some rumors in the past decades about India - Pakistan back channel talks that could have made the LoC to IB. That may still happen in future, but it can only apply to claimed territories that is not under actual Indian control. :pop:
Pakistan back channel talks that could have made the LoC to IB.
Unlikely to happen due to domestic political reasons.

Best would be for both sides to have sane minds, water down rhetoric and let the peace prevail. Without outside support it isn’t likely to keep burning the way it has since late 80s.

Normalcy can be brought in with new industries, jobs, development, education, tourism. There has been some effort towards that. But atleast one and a half generation has seen only violence and that wouldn’t heal quickly.

The current government is more determined than any other government since independence to get things better. The reason is to prove that they were right to repeal 370. They cant be seen to loose face and proven wrong.

Baki to time batayega ki kaun sahi tha aur kaun galat.
We've been given no reason to believe they wont uphold it. Trouble is, our guys have been as stubborn in claiming the whole damn thing just as much as your guys.. LOC to IB and be done with it, we can always figure relaxed visas for people from across and other things later.
Depends on the hawks on that side
The people who follow the politicians is very less. If people believed the politicians then same set will come to power again and again. Indian common bloke is very smart in this regard and they know the place of politicians in integrity matrix. Which isn’t very high.

Nobody believes that Kashmir has been resolved yet. Effort has been made to change the status quo after 70 years. Status quo that didn’t take us anywhere. Pakistani interference has been reduced quite a lot which has had some impact.

There have been efforts to bring industries and jobs. Tourism has been at it’s highest in a long time.

The initial impact of changes made by this government appear to be positive. The real picture would take atleast a decade to emerge.
The reality is that the current government first made it worse before using brute force and illegal demographic changes to “solve” the problem.

Kashmir was on its way to resolution ten years ago and the youth was giving up on armed struggle to focus on their growth - the imposition of repealing Article 370 and other measures actually rekindled what was effectively a dying movement,
The problem with Pakistan is that nobody listen to them though they issue Nuclear threat. Ab koi kare to bhi kya kare?

It is your perception that Pakistan's concerns fall on deaf ears.
It is your perception that Pakistan's concerns fall on deaf ears.

Than what is the reality?
@waz What do you perceive the endgame will be. As a mirpuri, where do you think the this conflict is going in next 20 years?
Ghanta resolve kiya. Today, a pundit is killed.
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