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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

^^ Typical of secularist brigade... support colonial pests aka UPA at any cost. After all, enemies of the state are some people's masters. :no:

BTW I am not a Hindu.

Make no mistake - UPA needs to be crushed for the pest that it is. But that does not mean we put a cobra in its place! Do read that blog entry to educate yourself how Modi's own economic dept data contradicts what Modi and his online brigade has been passing. There is a whole new thread here at PD thats discussing the facts in this blog, and none have been able to show that the facts are wrong or untrustworthy. Take a try here:
Why dont I prefer Modi?
Make no mistake - UPA needs to be crushed for the pest that it is. But that does not mean we put a cobra in its place! Do read that blog entry to educate yourself how Modi's own economic dept data contradicts what Modi and his online brigade has been passing. There is a whole new thread here at PD thats discussing the facts in this blog, and none have been able to show that the facts are wrong or untrustworthy. Take a try here:
Why dont I prefer Modi?

No point trying to convince the fan boys, namo is new icon for them.
No point trying to convince the fan boys, namo is new icon for them.

Hmm, I tend to agree. But these fan boys go around posting half-truths and blatant lies about Modi as a development messiah. In that process, they are molding the opinion of public who are not so informed of current affairs to think that may be Modi has done enough on development to deserve a pardon and a second chance. Now, this is why I want people like us to counter their infestation of public forums and opinion molding. Please do spread these facts widely.
public who are not so informed of current affairs to think that may be Modi has done enough on development to deserve a pardon and a second chance

pardon for what??? You cant pardon him until he is found guilty
pardon for what??? You cant pardon him until he is found guilty

So, will you vote for UPA because official and recorded growth rates in UPA-1 & 2 were much higher (7-8%) than during NDA (5-6%), while none from the UPA-1&2 have been convicted by courts yet, and its all just prima facie evidences so far? Hypocrisy of Modi-wallahs at its best! :D Hide behind procedures and legality, when convenient - not at all different from congress stooges!
(As for prima facie evidences against Modi, read Part-2 of my blog linked in another thread.)
Here is an unbiased American diplomat's perspective on modi

Will Modi Be India's Prime Minister? Views From Western India

Hmm. But thats an old perspective. Much has changed since then, and Modi machinery has been planting even more stories since then, molding opinion of even more clueless public. But that hasnt translated to votes though (his vote shares have been decreasing even within gujarat), but still his rabid machinery needs to be contained.
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