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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

^Non-existent ? Sahib, it has happened before. You are right, the plebs dont care but, -- the plebs can still be mobilized by "other parties" with vested interests. Emotional outrage which dies out just as well as it arises, over every single issue--speaks volumes about our maturity as a people of a nation.

Thats the beauty of democracy where the ruler is NOT subject to the approval by all. Who gets most votes, governs. That is why there is concept called "opposition party". If a PM was supposed to be approved by all then that means only a party that wins 543 MP seats should be allowed to form the Govt and not 272. Why should Modi be exempt from that dictum ?
And why do you think Congress are less communal than BJP ? The analysis of how many riots occurred under Congress rule vs how many under BJP rule, how many communal acts under Congress rule vs those under BJP rule throws only one winner - Congress. The secular congress has alliance with three explicit communal parties (with connections to terrorists) and it was the same Congress that sidelines moderate Muslims like Arif Mohammed Khan and pandered to the Mullahs in the Shah Bano case. It was the same Congress that propped up Bhindranwale to counter the Akalis and then ended up butchering the Sikhs in the worst communal riots since 1947, it was the same Congress that opened the locks of Ayodhya.

I just cant believe how people as informed as you still think BJP is more communal than Congress irrespective of the facts that are in direct contrast to it. Its just un-fricking-believable.

Congress has ruled India more than anyone else. As such anything that goes on can be very easily attributed to them. And it should, am not denying it. They were the ones in power, they are responsible. But India has always been prone to religious tensions. When you elect a pseudo secularist party into power that panders to minorities just for votes and then doesnt care, it leads to hypocritical governance with tons of corruption. But it atleast attempts to keep religious tensions low. After the anti-Sikh Riots I dont think anything can be solely attributed to the Congress.

However when you elect an openly non-secular party with connections to far right wing groups such as VHP, Bajrang Dal etc, things get insecure for the minority groups. Because these far right wing groups now have political power more than ever, with one of their own men sitting in the PMO. These are the same guys that demolished the Babri Masjid, which I concretely think was wrong. That was the reason for the 92 riots. Then the Gujarat riots. Anti-Christian violence with nuns being raped, churches being demolished, kids being burnt alive etc etc. I mean I would be the happiest man in the world if religion goes to hell in this world :lol:, but I believe everyone should be able to practice their religion without being persecuted. As such am not afraid of BJP, but I dont like their stance on religion or their connections to these groups. If they never talked about religion, Id vote for them, but sadly every elections I hear them saying they will build the Ayodhya temple, which they wont, but saying it in itself is despicable given that we have a lot more problems to deal with.

People prefer Modi for his economic policies, but I dont think one should vote like that. I think we should know all of BJP and Congress' position before deciding who to vote for. Just going by what Modi did in Gujarat, is not the right way to go in my opinion. I believe his options will be extremely limited at the national level because of coalition politics.

I also do not agree with right wing economic policies or excessive privatization, but that's another debate.
Before I go into you post in detail, please define what secularism is and whether Congress' alliance with three openly communal parties with alleged terrorist links qualifies that secularism criteria.
Most Indian minus the pseudo secular apologist wants a strong no nonsense PM who provides efficient governance. Modi is that guy with already proven track record.
Congress has ruled India more than anyone else. As such anything that goes on can be very easily attributed to them. And it should, am not denying it. They were the ones in power, they are responsible. But India has always been prone to religious tensions. When you elect a pseudo secularist party into power that panders to minorities just for votes and then doesnt care, it leads to hypocritical governance with tons of corruption. But it atleast attempts to keep religious tensions low. After the anti-Sikh Riots I dont think anything can be solely attributed to the Congress.
I do not care either for Modi or for Congress but I do see a mindset here that keep things down whatever it takes, is that the model for India to develop? Not to face its demons and keep them in some dungeons lest they become free and consume everything around?

This "At least keeping peace" has its negative impact on the people who are on the winning side of the things. I do not say that Muslims have to be marginalized but hey thats not the solution.

However when you elect an openly non-secular party with connections to far right wing groups such as VHP, Bajrang Dal etc, things get insecure for the minority groups. Because these far right wing groups now have political power more than ever, with one of their own men sitting in the PMO. These are the same guys that demolished the Babri Masjid, which I concretely think was wrong. That was the reason for the 92 riots. Then the Gujarat riots. Anti-Christian violence with nuns being raped, churches being demolished, kids being burnt alive etc etc. I mean I would be the happiest man in the world if religion goes to hell in this world :lol:, but I believe everyone should be able to practice their religion without being persecuted. As such am not afraid of BJP, but I dont like their stance on religion or their connections to these groups. If they never talked about religion, Id vote for them, but sadly every elections I hear them saying they will build the Ayodhya temple, which they wont, but saying it in itself is despicable given that we have a lot more problems to deal with.
Agree completely.
When you elect a pseudo secularist party into power that panders to minorities just for votes and then doesnt care, it leads to hypocritical governance with tons of corruption.

You forgot the most important and destructive consequence. The growth of Right wing groups that now have a convincing reason to appeal to the majority - "see, in the country where we are in a majority, we are being discriminated against and the muslims pandered to because of vote bank policies" - which in my opinion is far more dangerous in the long term, as we Indians will find out.

But it atleast attempts to keep religious tensions low. After the anti-Sikh Riots I dont think anything can be solely attributed to the Congress.

Hardly they kept the tensions low. Did you forget the Shah Bano case and the compensatory opening of the Ayodhya locks ? Even in Gujarat riots, on the ground level plenty of Congress workers and functionaries were involved - both in Godhra carnage and the ensuing retaliation.

However when you elect an openly non-secular party with connections to far right wing groups such as VHP, Bajrang Dal etc, things get insecure for the minority groups.

Please explain what openly non-secular means ? I mean has BJP said anytime that once they come to power all Muslims/Xtians will be disenfranchised, or they would be deported or India would be made a Hindu Rashtra or so on. The perception of BJP as being "non-secular" is highly ridiculous especially when compared to the likes of Congress and parties like SP, RJD etc.

This phenomenon has everything to do with the perverse definition of "secularism" we have in India where anything spoken in the name of Hinduism is lablled communal and anything in the name of other religions like Islam, xtianity are automatically labelled secular.

Because these far right wing groups now have political power more than ever, with one of their own men sitting in the PMO. These are the same guys that demolished the Babri Masjid, which I concretely think was wrong. That was the reason for the 92 riots.

Babri structure was not a masjid first of all. It was just a dilapidated structure in ruins built on top of one of Hinduism's most sacred spots by a foreign invader after demolishing the existing temple there. We should not tolerate such structures as Indians which symbolize our defeat in front of a foreign power.

Regarding the '92 riots, I dont know about rest of India, but insofar as Mumbai was concerned it started with the killing of 6 Hindus at radhabhai chawl.

Then the Gujarat riots.

Who started it ? or what started it ?

Anti-Christian violence with nuns being raped, churches being demolished, kids being burnt alive etc etc.

More disinformation. It all started with the killing of a Hindu leader Lakshamananda by the evangelists and moreover it was not even a religious issue to begin with. It was a land sharing dispute between the tribal Kondhs (who happened to be majority Hindus) and the SC Panas (xtians) in which the Panas were usurping the tribal lands and that Swami was opposing that. This was given a communal color by the likes of John Dayal in the media studios of New Delhi.

If you are talking about the anti-xtian violence in Karnataka, then please take your time and read this report compiled by a member of the Karnataka minorites commission about the "violence" and who are behind that. link.

Things are not that simple as you like to believe where there is one villain and one hero, the villain does the trouble and the hero defeats him.

I mean I would be the happiest man in the world if religion goes to hell in this world :lol:, but I believe everyone should be able to practice their religion without being persecuted.

Every party in India - I mean every fricking party - uses religion, language, caste or ethnicity for vote catching. Please learn to live with it and try electing the lesser of evils which in my case, and which should be factually, the BJP
This KS guy shows the mentality Indians have for Muslims.... Sad, sad secular nation
This KS guy shows the mentality Indians have for Muslims.... Sad, sad secular nation

Maybe you missed Wickerman, Joe Sir and Mech.. Oh I see you just need to jump in between and give us the final verdict! Appease our minorities in some other thread..
Well BJP is just facade of RSS and RSS does want a Hindu Rashtrya or Dharmic Rashtrya or whatever.
This KS guy shows the mentality Indians have for Muslims.... Sad, sad secular nation

Well first do something about the vanishing non-Muslims in your country before talking about ours.

At least we have a positive population growth of all communities here unlike yours where religious conversions after kidnapping is a common sport after cricket.

Forget our own media, even non-Indian media has begun to start reporting it. What'd you call that? A zionist propaganda?
Maybe you missed Wickerman, Joe Sir and Mech.. Oh I see you just need to jump in between and give us the final verdict! Appease our minorities in some other thread..

anti- Muslim Indians are the majority in this forum... There's no such thing as pro-Muslim Indian in India or PDF... It's either anti-Muslim or having no say on it..
anti- Muslim Indians are the majority in this forum... There's no such thing as pro-Muslim Indian in India or PDF... It's either anti-Muslim or having no say on it..
And that is your worthless opinion, no Indian cares for an attention seeking person who is beneath my bed for unknown reasons..
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