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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

So what do you propose? Do you expect me to support Hitler,

No I dont. I'm not a Holocaust denier.

even though he didnt do anything to India

Thats true. Actually on the contrary he might have did our independence movement a great favor by starting the WWII and depleting the Brits financially,physically and morally.

just because some rulers in our own land brutalized us in the past? What is your logic here and what do you wanna say?

The logic is while some of us Indias are so vocal and explicit about condemning Hitler and/or Stalin for the crimes they committed - yes they committed crimes, huge criimes - we somehow become pussilanimous in extending that same condemnation or dare I say hate towards the tyrants close home like Babur or Aurangazeb or even Tipu and most if not all their crimes are whitewashed in the name of communal harmony. I'm just pointing out the utter double standards in that stand and my proposal is to be quite explicit in condemning and hating both. And making sure the younger generation do know about the atrocities these invaders wrought on our lands as much as making sure they also know about the location of Auschwitz and its morbid significance.
Exactly what I am trying to say. The history taught in Indian schools is highly India centric uptil the point of independence. They present hitler as a dictator but dont talk about the holocaust and other atrocities. Yes we should change our syllabus to reflect all of these recent histories.

I'd rather say its highly Ganges Valley centric and the only exception to that rule is Maratha empire which is given a passing mention.
Modi has done more damage to the Indian union than the entire RSS and Shiv sena brigade combined.

If such a man gets elected, the country will burn and everyone knows this.

Yet these supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?

Please tell us how the nation will burn when the people of India exercise their constitutional right to vote and chose him through the power of the ballot.

Are you an spokesperson for an anti-democratic forces like but not limited to Indian Mujaheddin that is issuing silent threats to people and try influence their voting behaviour ?

And btw if your loyalties are towards the Indian Union you would be the first to respect the democratic choice of the people. But since you have said you are going to burn the nation if he is elected, I doubt you have any credibility to question the loyalties of others.
The logic is while some of us Indias are so vocal and explicit about condemning Hitler and/or Stalin for the crimes they committed - yes they committed crimes, huge criimes - we somehow become pussilanimous in extending that same condemnation or dare I say hate towards the tyrants close home like Babur or Aurangazeb or even Tipu and most if not all their crimes are whitewashed in the name of communal harmony. I'm just pointing out the utter double standards in that stand and my proposal is to be quite explicit in condemning and hating both. And making sure the younger generation do know about the atrocities these invaders wrought on our lands as much as making sure they also know about the location of Auschwitz and its morbid significance.

Agreed. But we are never taught about those atrocities too. I dont remember reading anything about Aurangazeeb or anyone else's atrocities in history class !!

Although I should say that the Nazi killings were on an industrial, planned scale. The other was communal violence. They are kind of different with the former being a little bit more sinister so to speak.

But yes, all of these killings are despicable and need to be condemned.

I'd rather say its highly Ganges Valley centric and the only exception to that rule is Maratha empire which is given a passing mention.

Really? Hmm. I remember reading about the Cheras, Chozhas, Pandyas and Pallavas too. But to what depth is debatable cuz I dont remember anything from what I read 14 years ago :lol:

Please tell us how the nation will burn when the people of India exercise their constitutional vote to right and chose him through the power of the ballot.

Are you an spokesperson for an anti-democratic force that is issuing silent threats to people ?

And btw if your loyalties are towards the Indian Union you would be the first to respect the democratic choice of the people. But since you have said you are going to burn the nation if he is elected, I doubt you have any credibility to question the loyalties of others.

He means there will be communal violence. Nothing else.
I have the same question for him - the pseudosecularist congress who have sikh blood in their hands vs BJP who have muslim blood in their hands. One can hate both but have to pick one else Indian democracy will not survive if most Indians think that way.

he he..the Congress has more Muslim, Hindu and Sikh blood on their hands (and buckets) than rest of the parties combined. There is simply no competition.

Although I should say that the Nazi killings were on an industrial, planned scale. The other was communal violence. They are kind of different with the former being a little bit more sinister so to speak.

The difference is while those killings did not affect our nation/history, the latter directly played a destructive role on our nation. So IMO the latter takes importance than the former. Its like saying to an Inca you should worry more about Hulagus sack of Middle East than about Spanish Inquisition. People should first know about the history that directly affected them, their lands than history in some far away land which had no cognizable effect on their own destiny.
he he..the Congress has more Muslim, Hindu and Sikh blood on their hands (and buckets) than rest of the parties combined. There is simply no competition.

It could also be because they have been in power for a long time and the others havent, and India itself is prone to these type of things.

Its the same with corruption. Congress is the most corrupt cuz they have had the most opportunities :lol:
Yes. Because the grouse and the slander against Modi is definitely not related to Gujarat riots. It's a larger political ploy to keep him limited to Gujarat by constantly harping on the riots so that the First Family is safe in Delhi. Modi is the only threat even within the BJP to the First Family (the Delhi leadership is largely wimpish and lacks that aggressive attitude at best or is in active collusion with the FF at worst) and the FF recognizes that. The harping against the Guj riots are only a ploy/medium to realize these ulterior political ambitions.

My take is people will not leave NM alone even after SC absolves him. Especially when people trying to equate him with Nazis - The stark difference is about a momentary lapse in judgement(disclaimer - this is my personal view and I do not have evidence) vs declared policy. But what is there on the other side - congress with its support for religious fundamentalists(and not moderates like Arif Mohammed Khan) and blood of sikhs.
If "fascist" , "hitler" Modi becomes the PM in 2014 will Pakistan break diplomatic relation with India? And what will the sikularists of India do?
My take is people will not leave NM alone even after SC absolves him. Especially when people trying to equate him with Nazis - The stark difference is about a momentary lapse in judgement(disclaimer - this is my personal view and I do not have evidence) vs declared policy. But what is there on the other side - congress with its support for religious fundamentalists(and not moderates like Arif Mohammed Khan) and blood of sikhs.

Congress is in alliance in three states with explicit communal forces - AIUDF in assam, MIM in Andhra and IUML in Kerala of which all three are alleged to have links with terrorist outfits like Indian Mujaheddin, HuJI and Al-Umma. And people castigate BJP of being communal.

Anyway if these so called seculars go about with their head sticking in the rear and vote in Congress again in the next election, then that means I have lost all hope for India.

If "fascist" , "hitler" Modi becomes the PM in 2014 will Pakistan break diplomatic relation with India? And what will the sikularists of India do?

Migrate. I hope atleast for that sake Modi wins.
It could also be because they have been in power for a long time and the others havent, and India itself is prone to these type of things.

Its the same with corruption. Congress is the most corrupt cuz they have had the most opportunities :lol:

So are we going to give them 5 more years and many more opportunities ? I think yes, given the misplaced priorities of some Indians.

BJP, if elected to power would be wise to field the more sane leaders for the PM seat. Like sushama, or jaitley. Under their guidance, the country might actually make some progress.

Confine modi to gujarat, we dont want his poison to defile the rest of the union.

Please speak for yourself and look up the appropriate article of speech for that. Dont misuse the word "we".
Why there would be communal violence ?

In the secular UP govt there have been 7 riots in as much as months while in 10 years of Modi govt there have been no riot.

So whom should I believe ?

And under the Modi govt the Gujarat riots.

So are we going to give them 5 more years and many more opportunities ? I think yes, given the misplaced priorities of some Indians.

It is not just the communal angle. People could disagree with his other policies too. Minorities, lower castes, tribals, poor people etc may not trust the BJP.
Its nothing. They just read about Gujarat's development, industrially and otherwise. Combine that with India's economic development for the past 20 years since liberalization, the country is too hopeful and impatient, so they are willing to overlook what Modi is all about. And they support him. Being at the helm of a nation is not just about economic policies, its also about dealing with the vast population of minorities, backward castes, tribals, religions, linguistic groups and improving living standards for everybody. This cannot be done Gujarat style.

Since you seem to have researched on the character profile of Modi please tell us what "he is all about".

Yes it is also about dealing with a large number of minorites (not sure why you mentioned the backward classes, SCs etc here.). So how has Modi dealt with the minorities that you did not like? Sure he does not appease them for votes, does not host fake political iftar parties, does not publish posters wearing a skull cap and doing namaj. But is that your definition of "dealing with minorities" ? mamta, Mulayam and Bollywood ishtyle ? My definition of dealing with minorites would be attemting to provide them with development and opportunities so that they could come up in life which I think he has done - atleast considering the mass-murdering, Nazi, muslim eating image that is being portrayed of him.

I dont know how he would falter as the PM given that ours is a very federal form of Govt and actually as a CM you have better connectivity with the people than as a PM.

People should really reflect on ground realities before starting to dream too much, and getting out of their league. Given the fact that at the center its all about coalition politics, would Modi really be able to do as much as he has done in Gujarat? Debatable.

This part I agree with. If Modi is to become the PM, BJP has to secure 200+ seats so that Nitish can be brought in line (rest of allies have no problem with him). If it secures less than 200 seats then the PM post might be subject to coalition compulsions.

Also am not sure how people are ready to overlook an atrocity like the Gujarat riots and "put that behind them". Would they extend the same hand to him if he was Muslim? Doubt it.

We need not overlook nor look overly at the riots. They were just one in a long line of riots in post-independence India starting with the Partition massacres.
And under the Modi govt the Gujarat riots.

A riot that happened a decade ago. A riot that was started by the Muslims. If that's your logic then the worst communal riot - the Partition massacre happened under the Congress.

Look when he was in power during that riots he was a complete green-horn which is not the case now. I think that was his first administrative job and in that he did the best he could under the most trying circumstances like the denial of additional police forces from neighboring congress ruled MH, RJ and MP which might have made his counter-riots initiative more effective.

But after that there were many causes for riot - for example the attack on Akshardham temples in 2004. But he had learned from 2002 and made sure there were no communal disturbance and so has the case been for the last 10 years in which Guj saw no communal disturbance.

It is not just the communal angle. People could disagree with his other policies too. Minorities, lower castes, tribals, poor people etc may not trust the BJP.

I dont know why you bring in lower castes and tribals into it. Sure Muslims might hate Modi, that is their choice, but I dont know why backward classes (Modi himself is a BC in a party leadership dominated by FC) or tribals might hate him. Can you elaborate ?
So are we going to give them 5 more years and many more opportunities ? I think yes, given the misplaced priorities of some Indians.

Please speak for yourself and look up the appropriate article of speech for that. Dont misuse the word "we".

Dipshit sahib, "we" doesn't stand for RSS goons either.
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