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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

I don't understand why Media & my Pakistani friends give so much importance to NM...........He is only a CM of an Indian State..........Having Dream of becoming Pm of India........Poor Chap doesn't Know That From CM to PM is not only a change of word from C to P but that P stands for Pan India acceptance.............
hmm may be that is why he tried to follow Hitler's legacy in Gujarat.

Edit: but where did it say he was related to Hitler? don't spread rumours

Isn't changing the title of the thread against the rules??

I don't understand why Media & my Pakistani friends give so much importance to NM...........He is only a CM of an Indian State..........Having Dream of becoming Pm of India........Poor Chap doesn't Know That From CM to PM is not only a change of word from C to P but that P stands for Pan India acceptance.............

As if MMS has wide acceptability across India, dude he came from nowhere & became the PM of India, he cannot even fight for a LS seat.
There you go, you have tons of poverty and illiteracy and you go talking nonsense about creating great kingdoms through someone else's bloodshed. Yeah, US and UK killed more people than the Nazis and Stalin, so its Okay to excuse what Hitler and Stalin did. Sheesh. You might wanna pull your head out of your rear before you talk.

Once again you proved as an idiot when I suggested India to create great kingdoms in someones blood shed?. I just talked about history , in the world nobody is perfect everybody having setbacks. Ok genius tell me one flawless leader in the world or suggest some role model.

If you and Joe belongs to minority group that doesn't means that every people should hate Modi.
I have the same question for him - the pseudosecularist congress who have sikh blood in their hands vs BJP who have muslim blood in their hands. One can hate both but have to pick one else Indian democracy will not survive if most Indians think that way.

u can hate both BJP & Congress , but believe me a secure & a stable nation can be only formed when either of the 2 national parties are at the helm, we have seen what happens when regional parties form a central govt. somehow, the result is instability & loss of credibility of the Nation in International platforms.
Once again you proved as an idiot when I suggested India to create great kingdoms in someones blood shed?. I just talked about history , in the world nobody is perfect everybody having setbacks. Ok genius tell me one flawless leader in the world or suggest some role model.

If you and Joe belongs to minority group that doesn't means that every people should hate Modi.

having shown you are short on intelligence, you now insist on showing that you are short on manners. what are you good for?

What sort of logic is it that assumes that Wickerman or I have to be from the minorities to dislike Modi? and if we were, does that mean that our position is based on personal benefit? It is precisely this kind of thinking that is a cancer in the country.

I suggest you wash your brains out before continuing to post. You have a ****** mind, and an empty one at that.
I want to ask Joe sir (or any other Indian hating modi) a question - sir u cannot negate the fact that Modi has done wonders for Gujarat in the last 10 years of his rule, when our country Avg. GDP growth was around 6-7% for the last decade, Gujarat scaled a near 10%. I acknowledge that Gujarat riots were a shame for our country, but every party, every leader has done something or other wrong in his/her life, no one is completely innocent. Than why not give Modi a chance to rule the country for 5 years, if he does wrong, we all know that the pressure from opposing parties will bring the govt. down or even if somehow he rules for 5 years even after committing crimes than just simply never re elect him not even BJP if that is what u want, but why not a chance of 5 years in the hope for the betterment of India??
I am from a minority and I will vote for Modi. Not BJP. But Modi.

I am very clear in my thinking.

And I give two figs to any labels people may choose to stick on to me.

It is time we had a strongman at the helm.

It is time we had the hand of benevolent Hindutva guiding the nation out of the morass of minority appeasement politics and weak international leadership.
u can hate both BJP & Congress , but believe me a secure & a stable nation can be only formed when either of the 2 national parties are at the helm, we have seen what happens when regional parties form a central govt. somehow, the result is instability & loss of credibility of the Nation in International platforms.

That is exactly my point. We all saw what anarchy prevailed post - Rao period in 1990s. There are 2 national parties now and Indians need to make a pick.
Between the bad and worse, its better to give bad a chance.

He doesnt hate Hitler because Hitler used a Swastika... Most Indians dont hate Hitler, thats why these shops named "Hitler" are opened all over in India


Even an wife of a peasant in a nearby village to me respects Hitler so much that she draws swastika on the walls,Doors on every holy occasions.We are just crazy of Hitler.
You guyz hate modi without even listening to him. See as many speeches of his as u can and u will discover, hes the only leader in India who walks the talk. Who doesnt believe in vote bank politics like congress. He believes in development and wins on that criteria which is superior than any communal vote bank political attitude.
I agree. That's what I meant about being practical.

We have a country to run.

Not a debating or moral science club.

And thanks doc for bringing some practical sense into discussions.
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