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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

I know you hate modi a lot but suppose in 2014 if you have to choose between Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi for the post of PM who would you choose

I'd emigrate and write books.

Narendra Modi, by his policies or actions have not caused any harm to anyone outside Gujarat state, let alone anyone in Pakistan. I cannot understand why Pakistan have so much hate for him.

He has harmed the Indian Union.

That is a trivial issue for you?
I'd pray for early polls.

2014 is too far away.
Riot's tarnish apart Narendra Modi's philosophy is highly Indic in nature.
His role model is swami Vivekananda.


Intelligent choice.

A live Swami V would have been liking his guts out at the thought that he had inspired Modi.
Joe be practical please.

What are your options for our nation for the next 5 years?

More of the same?

A non-existent third front?

A messiah?

P.S. Emigrating is not an option for me.
Leaving aside all the Gujurat massacre banter (Modi was found not guilty by an independent judicial enquiry by the way), Modi is a financial genius whose financial mind can be equated to that of the current PM Singh when he was in charge of the financial cluster. India's economic growth will surely be positive if Modi is given the hotseat

Please don't reproduce these egregious Sangh Parivar lies.

The SIT found that on one specific complaint, no charges could be laid against Modi.

No court, anywhere, has exonerated him.
Modi has done more damage to the Indian union than the entire RSS and Shiv sena brigade combined.

If such a man gets elected, the country will burn and everyone knows this.

Yet these supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?
Joe be practical please.

What are your options for our nation for the next 5 years?

More of the same?

A non-existent third front?

A messiah?

P.S. Emigrating is not an option for me.

I have the same question for him - the pseudosecularist congress who have sikh blood in their hands vs BJP who have muslim blood in their hands. One can hate both but have to pick one else Indian democracy will not survive if most Indians think that way.
BJP, if elected to power would be wise to field the more sane leaders for the PM seat. Like sushama, or jaitley. Under their guidance, the country might actually make some progress.

Confine modi to gujarat, we dont want his poison to defile the rest of the union.
Modi has done more damage to the Indian union than the entire RSS and Shiv sena brigade combined.

If such a man gets elected, the country will burn and everyone knows this.

Yet this supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?

Like the US electorate, the Indian one is slowly evolving into a pocket book electorate.

When India votes, it votes for its pocket.

We can afford niceties of lofty sermonizing when every Indian has food to eat, 100% vaccine coverage, negligible maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, and a better future for their children than what they got from their parents.

Enough already with missing the forest for the trees.

Bahut ho gaya Modi Modi.

Nahin accha lagta hai aapko, vote mat do.

Dimaag ka dahi mat karo please yeh mass murderer BS se.

Again and again.
Joe be practical please.

What are your options for our nation for the next 5 years?

More of the same?

A non-existent third front?

A messiah?

P.S. Emigrating is not an option for me.

I have no belief in individuals, otherwise I'd have curled up and died on the 26th of June 1975.

At every critical turn, the good sense of the people of India has shone through, and we have struggled our way out of more than knee difficult situation. I believe that the politicians will get their act together, at least partially, and that we may hope to see a less scummy lot come to office. I know that the electorate, all of us acting in collective fashion, will come to the right conclusions. Maybe the electorate will start throwing out the more openly corrupt. Maybe those elected will do a Nitish Kumar on us. Maybe the BJP will be voted in and it will reject Modi because of it not being acceptable to the allies, and the rest of them will give us a good government for five years. Maybe that enthu bataani Rahul the Witless will wittier along and allow a team of senior ministers a great deal of latitude.

Who knows? Rumors to the effect that I am Bejan Daruwalla are wildly exaggerated.
Modi has done more damage to the Indian union than the entire RSS and Shiv sena brigade combined.

If such a man gets elected, the country will burn and everyone knows this.

Yet these supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?

Our loyalty is with indian union thats why we dont want idiot like Rahul Gandhi become its leader
He has harmed the Indian Union.

That is a trivial issue for you?

Whether Modi has "harmed the Indian Union" is debatable issue. His role in 2002 Gujarat riots is definitely not a trivial issue for every Indian. As a Indian first and a non-Hindu, I'm definitely not a supporter of Modi or his politics or policies.
My issue is what has what happened in Gujarat got to do with Pakistan or Pakistanis? Does Pakistan consider the the custodians for the Indian Muslims? Do the Indian Muslims feel that they need the protection from or obligation to Pakistanis?
What is Pakistanis beef with Narendra Modi?
Whether Modi has "harmed the Indian Union" is a debatable. His role in 2002 Gujarat riots is definitely not a trivial issue for every Indian.
My issue is what has that got to do with Pakistan or Pakistanis? Does Pakistan consider the the custodians for the Indian Muslims? Do the Indian Muslims feel that they need the protection from or obligation to Pakistanis?
What is Pakistanis beef with Narendra Modi?

It has nothing to do with Pakistan or with Pakistanis.

Our loyalty is with indian union thats why we dont want idiot like Rahul Gandhi become its leader

+1,if there's any space.
Modi has done more damage to the Indian union than the entire RSS and Shiv sena brigade combined.

If such a man gets elected, the country will burn and everyone knows this.

Yet these supposedly "patriotic" "nationalists" in PDF who talk all day of preserving national integrity find it easy to support him. Which leads me to question where their loyalties lie......to a mass murderer or the Indian union ?

Its nothing. They just read about Gujarat's development, industrially and otherwise. Combine that with India's economic development for the past 20 years since liberalization, the country is too hopeful and impatient, so they are willing to overlook what Modi is all about. And they support him. Being at the helm of a nation is not just about economic policies, its also about dealing with the vast population of minorities, backward castes, tribals, religions, linguistic groups and improving living standards for everybody. This cannot be done Gujarat style.

People should really reflect on ground realities before starting to dream too much, and getting out of their league. Given the fact that at the center its all about coalition politics, would Modi really be able to do as much as he has done in Gujarat? Debatable.

Also am not sure how people are ready to overlook an atrocity like the Gujarat riots and "put that behind them". Would they extend the same hand to him if he was Muslim? Doubt it.

This also doesnt mean I support Rahul Gandhi. I just feel I dont have choices :lol:
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