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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

Neither Aurangzeb nor his terrorist ancestor Babur were us.. they were Uzbek barbarians who had nothing to do with our country. Only secularist losers pray them like gods and clean their rears by glorifying rubbish propaganda.

Here we go; the uneducated in full pursuit of the unashamed.
Here we go; the uneducated in full pursuit of the unashamed.

I know you hate modi a lot but suppose in 2014 if you have to choose between Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi for the post of PM who would you choose
Yet another thread with a doctored title to suit the imagination / wish list of the poster !
Narendra Modi, by his policies or actions have not caused any harm to anyone outside Gujarat state, let alone anyone in Pakistan. I cannot understand why Pakistan have so much hate for him.
The problem with Pakistanis is that they wont take care of their own country which is in a mess but would want to drag their nose in everyones affair.

They want to fight Israel..show everyone that they are an Arab etc.They have the mentality of a 7 yr old who gets into to big boys gang and wants to do everything for them.

When they talk of Kashmir i dont mind it coz its understandable but when they talk of Gujrati muslims and Hyderabadi or Lucknawi muslims then they sound amusing.

Grow up guys...A gujrati muslim lives in more peace and tranquility now that a Karachitie.We dont have any Layari on the Indian side.

If you are so into social service then spare a thought for Balochs..you might end up saving another 71.
hmm may be that is why he tried to follow Hitler's legacy in Gujarat.

Edit: but where did it say he was related to Hitler? don't spread rumours

Riot's tarnish apart Narendra Modi's philosophy is highly Indic in nature.
His role model is swami Vivekananda.

Leaving aside all the Gujurat massacre banter (Modi was found not guilty by an independent judicial enquiry by the way), Modi is a financial genius whose financial mind can be equated to that of the current PM Singh when he was in charge of the financial cluster. India's economic growth will surely be positive if Modi is given the hotseat
Are you stupid? if I says Modi is not following Stalin and Hitler legacy means those Pakistani going to accept my words.

All great kingdoms/empires formed with bloodshed thats the history. US ,UK killed more people than Hitler and Stalin , don't argue without knowing anything.

There you go, you have tons of poverty and illiteracy and you go talking nonsense about creating great kingdoms through someone else's bloodshed. Yeah, US and UK killed more people than the Nazis and Stalin, so its Okay to excuse what Hitler and Stalin did. Sheesh. You might wanna pull your head out of your rear before you talk.
It would only be possible for an Indian to hate Hitler and Stalin for killing people totally unrelated to him in a far away country - which had no impact on him or his country - but not tyrants like Aurangzeb or Babur who brutalized his own population in his own country and continue to sweep their enormous crimes against humanity under the carpet for some "unknown reason". Not only that, that Indian also castigates those who speak against them as communal.

Jai Ho :P

So what do you propose? Do you expect me to support Hitler, even though he didnt do anything to India just because some rulers in our own land brutalized us in the past? What is your logic here and what do you wanna say?
Thats because they dont know about what Hitler did. They dont teach that in schools. Atleast I didnt come across it in my CBSE syllabus, 14 years ago. Now sure how it is today.

in maharashtra board syllabus of 10th grade holocaust was briefly mentioned in a few chapters dealing with rise of dictstorship in europe and world war 2 much of the history thaught in our school deals with pre independence india which should be changed even post independent india hardly found any mention in our history books few years back i didn't even knew we fought wars in 65 and 71 :lol:
there is a kahawat in Hindi......ki ' jab padosi teri burai kare to samajh jao ki tarakki kar rahe ho'....@all Indian bhais....haters will die hating us but we will remain strong....atlast a stage will come when no one will listen to them and they would gone crazy because instead of recognising their own mistakes they are more concorned about finding faults in others.

You cannot say that to a potential future Prime Minister of India with whom Pakistan has to do a lot of dealings
in maharashtra board syllabus of 10th grade holocaust was briefly mentioned in a few chapters dealing with rise of dictstorship in europe and world war 2 much of the history thaught in our school deals with pre independence india which should be changed even post independent india hardly found any mention in our history books few years back i didn't even knew we fought wars in 65 and 71 :lol:

Exactly what I am trying to say. The history taught in Indian schools is highly India centric uptil the point of independence. They present hitler as a dictator but dont talk about the holocaust and other atrocities. Yes we should change our syllabus to reflect all of these recent histories.
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