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Narendra Modi Closely Related to Adolf Hitler, Jospeh Stalin

Dipshit sahib, "we" doesn't stand for RSS goons either.

So now you are the e-mullah giving out fatwas who is Indian and who is not ? Looks like you are doing the same thing that you accuse the RSS "goons" of doing. :)

Am I wajb-ul-Qatl also ?
He means there will be communal violence. Nothing else.

He knows exactly what i meant. Electing modi will alienate a major ity of minorities and India simply cannot afford another massive communal violence. Till date, he hasn't dont anything to allay such fears, except maybe....adopt even more authoritarian policies.

India is bigger than modi. Modi's communal mindset will undo decades of decisive policies meant to ensure the creation of a cohesive "Indian" identity.
He knows exactly what i meant. Electing modi will alienate a major ity of minorities and India simply cannot afford another massive communal violence. .

Are you insinuating that the Muslims wont accept the democratic choice of the rest of India and will resort to law-breaking and communal rioting with utter disregard to the constitutional norms to enforce their whims ? Looks like you need a mindset change about the stereotype you hold about Muslims.

Muslims , Hindus, Sikhs, Buddists, animists, xtians are all mandated to respect the democratic norms and elections of the country they are part of. They are not entitled to go about rioting and blowing up when the candidate of their choice is not elected. They are only entitled to choose another Govt after 5 years in the next General elections.
The way modi reduced the position of his cabinet to mere "exalted clerks", and the launch of his new channel "NaMo" speaks volumes about what's in store. Keep in mind that This is a member of a national party and not some regional party..
The way modi reduced the position of his cabinet to mere "exalted clerks", and the launch of his new channel "NaMo" speaks volumes about what's in store. Keep in mind that This is a member of a national party and not some regional party..

Better than reducing the cabinet to "glorifed looters" or "lawyers for the jija ji" with no control over them, I would say. Why going to cabinet, the PM himself is just a puppet today dancing to the tunes of the puppeteer at 10 Janpath.

Atleast he (Modi) delivers the administration which is what the "mango man in the banana republic" is concerned about.
Are you insinuating that the Muslims wont accept the democratic choice of the rest of India and will resort to law-breaking and communal r............hoice is not elected. They are only entitled to choose another Govt after 5 years in the next General elections.

Look i hate Islamic terrorism and "ummah" probably as much you do ( if not more ). But the fact remains that they form a sizeable portion of our populace. Alienating a significant community will lead to a huge fallout that i fear India may never be able to handle. I hate it even more when i have to type this out in a Pakistani forum.

So full of irony =/

I'm also really not in the mood for an argument. But eventually, I'm pretty sure the system will haul itself. When NDA comes to power next term, i am optimistic modi will not be fielded as a candidate for prime ministers seat. First of all, the coalition parties won't stand for it, and second, the BJP itself won't allow it.

My bets are on sushama, nitish or jaitely.
Look i hate Islamic terrorism and "ummah" probably as much you do ( if not more ). But the fact remains that they form a sizeable portion of our populace. Alienating a significant community will lead to a huge fallout that i fear India may never be able to handle. I hate it even more when i have to type this out in a Pakistani forum.

Again I ask you why would the democratic choice of the people of India, if and when they elect Modi, would alienate the Muslims ? Does that mean they dont trust the constitution of India and would only be loyal to it as long as some one who appeases them is in power ?

Does that mean Hindus in Kerala are alienated by the statement of Ibrahim Kunju that IUML is ruling Kerala ? Are the Hindus in Kerala rioting over that statement ?

See all you are doing is just stereotyping the Muslims as law breakers with no belief in the constitution who will resort to violence the moment they dont get their choice. If they are not rioting in Gujarat what makes you think they will riot all over India ? And if they riot, why should it not be considered as an act of breaking law and those indulging in violence be dealt with strictly to the fullest extent of law ?

Just like Muslims should not be alienated, the choice of who should be the PM also should not be dependent on their whims,fancies and approval of any particular group. It should be dependent only on which party gets the maximum seats and who those party MPs elect as PM. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm also really not in the mood for an argument. But eventually, I'm pretty sure the system will haul itself. When NDA comes to power next term, i am optimistic modi will not be fielded as a candidate for prime ministers seat. First of all, the coalition parties won't stand for it, and second, the BJP itself won't allow it.

My bets are on sushama, nitish or jaitely.

Every coalition party except JD-U has no problem with Modi. Not the SS, not the Akalis and definitely not future allies like MNS or ADMK. JD-U can be brought in line depending on the no seats BJP wins.
Better than reducing the cabinet to "glorifed looters" or "lawyers for the jija ji" with no control over them, I would say. Why going to cabinet, the PM himself is just a puppet today dancing to the tunes of the puppeteer at 10 Janpath.

Atleast he delivers the administration which is what the "mango man in the banana republic" is concerned about.

This is the problem right here. We are not talking about a state with a common language where one man can exude "charisma" and win voters. This is one of the most diverse nations in world history. One man's views will never be accepted by a people so vastly different from him.

When you reduce ministers to clerks there will be resentment which will eventually be resonated by their home states. Regional considerations, religious considerations, cultural considerations......all will come into play. And you will end with a nation questioning the rationale for its own existence......thus undoing decades of hardwork.

You HAVE to take everyone on board.
Are you insinuating that the Muslims wont accept the democratic choice of the rest of India and will resort to law-breaking and communal rioting with utter disregard to the constitutional norms to enforce their whims ? Looks like you need a mindset change about the stereotype you hold about Muslims.

Are you insinuating that Muslims are prone to law breaking and communal rioting with utter disregard to constitutional norms if they dont agree with something? I think its you that needs a mindset change about the stereotype you hold about muslims.

I simply wont vote for Modi, even though I am not a Muslim (I am an Atheist) because I dont agree with BJP and co and their Hindutva BS. Dont get me wrong, I wont vote for Congress either. I dont trust or like both of these parties. But if I am forced to choose, I will choose to put up with corruption over religious extremism.
This is the problem right here. We are not talking about a state with a common language where one man can exude "charisma" and win voters. This is one of the most diverse nations in world history. One man's views will never be accepted by a people so vastly different from him.

Let me tell you what the ordinary mango man thinks - they give a efff to who is governing him, whether its a single man or a dozen men, as long as he gets his roti, bijli and paani, his roads are drivable and not rainwater harvesting structures (potholes) etc. All the mango man cares about is how the administration is done, whether he is benefitted and not on how much people do that.

And let me also tell you that there are such diversity in India that no one man for the post of PM will be acceptable to all the population. Do you honestly think MMS is accepted by all ? No. Heck MMS wasnt event elected by the people in Lok Sabha elections. So there might be groups that will oppose Modi too. But that is the point of democracy. Who gets the most votes, governs. I dont know why Modi must be exempted from that golden rule of democracy and his chance be subject to approval by all.

When you reduce ministers to clerks there will be resentment which will eventually be resonated by their home states. Regional considerations, religious considerations, cultural considerations......all will come into play. And you will end with a nation questioning the rationale for its own existence......thus undoing decades of hardwork.

You HAVE to take everyone on board.

You are just hyping on a non-existent point. Honestly.
On topic there is no way modi can be a distant relative of both stalin and hitler forget about being a close one :lol:
I simply wont vote for Modi, even though I am not a Muslim (I am an Atheist) because I dont agree with BJP and co and their Hindutva BS. Dont get me wrong, I wont vote for Congress either. I dont trust or like both of these parties. But if I am forced to choose, I will choose to put up with corruption over religious extremism.

And why do you think Congress are less communal than BJP ? The analysis of how many riots occurred under Congress rule vs how many under BJP rule, how many communal acts under Congress rule vs those under BJP rule throws only one winner - Congress. The secular congress has alliance with three explicit communal parties (with connections to terrorists) and it was the same Congress that sidelines moderate Muslims like Arif Mohammed Khan and pandered to the Mullahs in the Shah Bano case. It was the same Congress that propped up Bhindranwale to counter the Akalis in Punjab and then ended up butchering the Sikhs in the worst communal riots since 1947, it was the same Congress that opened the locks of Ayodhya. I could list more points, but I hope you get the point I am trying to convey. Congress is more corrupt and more communal than any other party - bar some like SP or RJD.

I just cant believe how people as informed as you still think BJP is more communal than Congress irrespective of the facts that are in direct contrast to it. Its just un-fricking-believable when people still go by the myth that BJP is more communal because they dont indulge in minority vote back politics.

And one more thing, corruption is more important than the mythical religious extremism. NDA ruled for six years. What was the religious extremism you saw ?
Any thread against modi always allowed in this forum....
^Non-existent ? Sahib, it has happened before. You are right, the plebs dont care but, -- the plebs can still be mobilized by "other parties" with vested interests. Emotional outrage which dies out just as well as it arises, over every single issue--speaks volumes about our maturity as a people of a nation.
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