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Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

I am enjoying your pain.. :P

Pakistan forces:
1. Killer of palestanian (Black september)
2. Training Burmese :rofl:
3. Buy Israeli Weapons
KSA and Arabs:
1. In bed with West
2. Support Israel
3. Do business with India
4. Partner in crime in Syria..

Bravo! I like this Ummah :P

I know what u are doing since last 20 posts... :P

Hands off! @Armstrong is like my brother. :angry:

Although he still might stone me- but that's OK. :kiss3:
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While there's nothing wrong with what Pakistan is doing, all the Bangladeshi posters concerned for Rohingya somehow blaming India for that problem repeatedly and by creating tens of threads are conspicuous by their absence here, thus proving they are just stranded non-Bangladeshis!!!
While there's nothing wrong with what Pakistan is doing, all the Bangladeshi posters concerned for Rohingya somehow blaming India for that problem repeatedly and by creating tens of threads are conspicuous by their absence here, thus proving they are just stranded non-Bangladeshis!!!

sssssshhhhhhhh chinese UFO is watching you :secret:
While there's nothing wrong with what Pakistan is doing, all the Bangladeshi posters concerned for Rohingya somehow blaming India for that problem repeatedly and by creating tens of threads are conspicuous by their absence here, thus proving they are just stranded non-Bangladeshis!!!

first they used to hate Pakistan, now India, they are just a bunch of confused crowd
nah not like you such as kicked by both Taliban and American LOL
@S.Y.A @Black Widow @BDforever Oye vellon this was just between me and @Armstrong. I was pulling Butt Sahib's leg, don't get all personal and drag it into some mud slinging contest between nationalities and nations.

Me and him take some liberties and go OT once in a while, addat se majboor hain. NOW BACK ON TOPIC!
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if u want a serious answer then i ll say muslims r not gud muslims anymore

in 2days world muslims r far more materialistic than ever.

dont blame the non muslims we screwed up the Ummah
if u want a serious answer then i ll say muslims r not gud muslims anymore

in 2days world muslims r far more materialistic than ever.

dont blame the non muslims we screwed up the Ummah

Here come Zaid Hamid V2.0. Who are you to distribute certificate of Islam??
And the net gain from all that was? China's religious orientation isn't the question here- the arms that kill the Rohingyas comee from there, no? Has Pakistan ever sacrificed its relations with China in a bid to get them to choke off the supply? You helped when you saw that it would not immediately harm you much- you had no interests related to Bosnia or to Israel- nothing to gain from the parties involved. You knocked yourselves over in Af not for the sake of your brothers and you know that- you did it for strategic depth or are you telling me that Zia did all that for brotherly love? BUT when it comes to giving up on something that you truly need then even for you the ummah goes down the drain. After all, leave aside trying to use your friendship with China to get Burma on the line, you could have simply refused to train the Burmese- who would have forced you and who would have been displeased. Not so easy to wiggle out of this. The Afghans were killing each other and you facilitated the pumping in of even more arms and ammo along with other nations- so ask them- did you help them or make things worse? Or are we still clinging to the old line- "oh the Soviets will come for us- oh our brothers are dying in Af"?

China's religious orientation is indeed the question here - They're not a part of the Ummah therefore they don't fall into the ambit of the any of the above !

As far as asking the Chinese to tone down on their support for Burma & not training the Burmese - Pakistan has realized that for a while now & that is precisely why you see a reorientation of our foreign policy whereby we're trading with the Serbs, we're even procuring some stuff from the Israelis from as far back as the late '90s & we've got no problems doing that anymore.

We had all the interests & the potential harm - Pakistan helped Bosnia for the sole reason that they were Muslims & they were being butchered for being that !

As for Israel - We had no beef with them & yet we fought them because they were oppressing the Palestinian Muslims - We had both something to gain from a friendship with Israel & a lot to loose by striking up an enmity with Israel !

As far as Afghanistan is concerned - That BS of a Strategic Depth notion that is peddled over & over again hasn't been once uttered by a responsible Military Person from the Pakistan Army !

We extended the hand of Friendship to Afghanistan every single time from '48 & yet they continued to rebuff it either in the form of trying to influence the Referendum of '48, supporting the Faqir of Ipi against Pakistan & invading Pakistani Territory at Bajaur in the '60s.

Then when the Soviets came they whipped up their Pashtunistan nonsense once more & kept posturing against Pakistan along with border skirmishes between them & Tribal Levies along the Durand Line ! It is precisely because of that reason why we supported both Gulbudin Hikmetyar & Ahmed Shah Masood to take the Government back from Babrak Karnal (or whatever his name was) so that Afghanistan with the backing of the Soviet Union wouldn't try to make their dream of a Loy Afghanistan a reality which sees most of Pakistan's Baluchistan, KPK, FATA & parts of Punjab absorbed into a Greater or Loy Afghanistan.

In the meantime we hosted the hundreds of thousands of Afghans that came from over the Durand Line to Pakistan well before we had started supporting either Masood or Hekmatyar, due to the atrocities being perpetrated on them by the Surkh Parchams & their handlers in Moscow & when they - the Afghans - fought back....hundreds of thousands more kept pouring in !

These people were given a place in the Pakistani Society - In our Homes ! I personally know a family in Rawalpindi who took in a family of Afghan Refugees, fed them, clothed them, gave them a decent job & got their children admitted to the schools - All for some misplaced notion of Muslim Brotherhood ! And that family is one of many !

We only supported the Taliban when it became evident that both Masood & Hekmatyar were more hell bent on killing each other & other Afghans to further destabilize Afghanistan & by extension foOking up Pakistan along the way especially when no American Aid was coming forth ! In addition every country from Iran, to the Soviets, to you & even the Arabs were supporting their boys in Afghanistan with many of those 'boys' creating further hell in Pakistan through an increased criminal & terrorist element, heroine culture & even prostitution & bacha bazi permeating Pakistani Society & ripping apart whatever remained of the Social Fabric of our Pashtun Belt !

The Taliban were the best of a very bad situation !

And we learned our lesson then & there - Never to trust the International Community or the Arabs to follow up on their tacit assurances of helping stabilize Afghanistan once the Soviets had been defeated ! I even read an account of some Colonel, here on this forum (an article), in which he, as a participant of the Afghan Jihad, had commented how we were left to hang when we had expected something so different from the International Community after we had witnessed all the sympathies pouring in for the Afghans during the Afghan War & were left pisssed at how it turned out ! This same guy, by the way, predicted all of what is happening today because we never rehabilitated the people we needed to !

You should read Naseerullah Babar's accounts of the operations against Daud Khan to stem his Pashtunistan thing !

We tried to bring stability to Afghanistan & at the same time to try to have a Government in Kabul who doesn't start another Pashtunistan Issue & invade us again or start supporting proxies against us !

At the same time Pakistan, a severely cash strapped country, tried to help Afghanistan as best as we can with our contribution to Afghanistan nearly touching the billion $ mark ! Most of which is captured here - Journey of Friendship - Pakistan's Assistance to Afghanistan

In addition to this the hundreds of scholarships & quotas that Afghans get in Pakistan along with Free Medical Care, at times, from the Bait-ul-Maal (as in my Dad's Hospital) were part of no illusion of 'Strategic Depth' !
pakistan was fairly stable in the decade following zia-ul-haq(in terms of terrorism)

and you have just read it all from what sources?

Not really . The masses had been radicalized and more were in the process . The damage that was happening back then , silently was strange and unimaginable . The tolerance would soon be lost and extremism adopted . The ideology takes time to sink in and now that it has sunk in , it is surely doing wonders for the country . The country in the 90's was going through a period of uneasy peace , nothing else . What happened in Afghanistan was never under our control , we tried our part , got all the Mujahideen leaders to Peshawar and made them sign an accord . Did they honor it and work for the betterment of their people ? No . They started a civil war , the moment they reached the other side of the Durand Line . I have said before that Musharraf should have let the Americans bomb the hell out of Pakistan for Muslim brotherhood and we should have waited for divine intervention . But then , the same people would have been complaining about the destruction of the country . Learn to be a realist . :azn: I am not interested in classifying myself or proving to anyone what I am , consider me whatever you want .

Shall I start to provide references for that or are they self explanatory ? . Because I have stated the historical facts of the Soviet invasion . I usually do my own research instead adopting other views/version of history blindly . @Armstrong One confused nation , this is !
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@Secur - Dude, go through this - Journey of Friendship - Pakistan's Assistance to Afghanistan

I feel like pulling whatever have remained of my hair out reading this - Can you imagine we've been spending nearly $400 million a year on Afghan Refugees living in Pakistan ! :blink:

That they - the Afghan Refugees - have been getting free medical treatment in Pakistan !

That we've spent around $3 billion in the last 3 decades on their health alone !

Or that hundreds of thousands of them are studying in Pakistan - Free of Cost or at Subsidized Rates !

They're getting food & education at subsidized rates equal to & at times even cheaper than Pakistani Nationals !

Hummm loggg yahan taraaa utheii hain development ke liyee & we're building Universities, Hospitals, Schools & Training Centers in Afghanistan instead of Baluchistan, Interior Sindh or FATA - Sh*t I wanna hit something !
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Not really . The masses had been radicalized and more were in the process . The damage that was happening back then , silently was strange and unimaginable . The tolerance would soon be lost and extremism adopted . The ideology takes time to sink in and now that it has sunk in , it is surely doing wonders for the country . The country in the 90's was going through a period of uneasy peace , nothing else . What happened in Afghanistan was never under our control , we tried our part , got all the Mujahideen leaders to Peshawar and made them sign an accord . Did they honor it and work for the betterment of their people ? No . They started a civil war , the moment they reached the other side of the Durand Line . I have said before that Musharraf should have let the Americans bomb the hell out of Pakistan for Muslim brotherhood and we should have waited for divine intervention . But then , the same people would have been complaining about the destruction of the country . Learn to be a realist . :azn: I am not interested in classifying myself or proving to anyone what I am , consider me whatever you want .

Shall I start to provide references for that or are they self explanatory ? . Because I have stated the historical facts of the Soviet invasion . I usually do my own research instead adopting other views/version of history blindly . @Armstrong One confused nation , this is !

and what makes you think USA would have bombed Pakistan? did they bomb iran when they refused to let them use their land against iraq? the thing is self-respect and having balls, which iran clearly has and our "main darta warta kisi say nahi" wala dictator did not have
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While there's nothing wrong with what Pakistan is doing, all the Bangladeshi posters concerned for Rohingya somehow blaming India for that problem repeatedly and by creating tens of threads are conspicuous by their absence here, thus proving they are just stranded non-Bangladeshis!!!

I do not understand this logic. Pakistan is training the Burmese.... so what? It has nothing to do with BD. Our strategic calculus is uneffected by this. As far as rohingya is concerned that would is something for Pakistan to consider.

BD stands alone geographically and also strategically.

We continue to build our country, people and defenses. What Burma does is monitored and is compensated for in our planning.

Hindutva brigade wants BD to troll against Pakistan, unfortunately BD are generally more mature than that. BD and Pakistan are sovereign countries and can do anything they like. Pakistan Burma corporation does not impact BD because BD does not rely on Pakistan for anything in any sphere. The lack of BD participation in this tread is BD don't consider this either a threat or remotely worthwhile commenting upon.
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