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Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan

Myanmar Navy starts submarine training in Pakistan
(must you guys f... up every thread?)

Kill Joy ! :disagree:

So Penguin - Do you think that the Pakistan Navy would have anything decent to offer in terms of training the Myanmar Submariners or Sailors or are we punching above our weight if we think that we might actually have something to teach others that goes beyond something more than a regurgitation of what the French taught us perhaps a couple of decades ago when we procured the Agostas ?
Kill Joy ! :disagree:

So Penguin - Do you think that the Pakistan Navy would have anything decent to offer in terms of training the Myanmar Submariners or Sailors or are we punching above our weight if we think that we might actually have something to teach others that goes beyond something more than a regurgitation of what the French taught us perhaps a couple of decades ago when we procured the Agostas ?

Bro PN has been operating submarines for ages now. And I doubt all of their training came from the French- obviously PN personnel will have a lot to offer in terms of training.
why Pakistan why why why train with butchers for?! :hitwall:
why Pakistan why why why train with butchers for?! :hitwall:

The same reason why you & the rest of the Arab & Persian World have no problem with trading with Indians & having the best of relations with them whilst they butcher Kashmiris, rape their women, fill countless mass graves with young & old Kashmiris alike & have a few hundred thousand troops sitting in Kashmir to do all of that ! :)
The same reason why you & the rest of the Arab & Persian World have no problem with trading with Indians & having the best of relations with them whilst they butcher Kashmiris, rape their women, fill countless mass graves with young & old Kashmiris alike & have a few hundred thousand troops sitting in Kashmir to do all of that ! :)
Please don't blame me, I don't like the sleepy Arab govts who co'operate with the countries we hate. Yeah, there is no difference between India and Israel when oppressing Kashmiris and Palestinians using same weapons but I think Pakistan is smarter at least they stay away from India but what do Middle East govts do? They co'operate with Israel :cry:

Please don't blame me, I don't like the sleepy Arab govts who co'operate with the countries we hate. Yeah, there is no difference between India and Israel when oppressing Kashmiris and Palestinians using same weapons but I think Pakistan is smarter at least they stay away from India but what do Middle East govts do? They co'operate with Israel :cry:


My friend - We're just fed-up with this one-sided Muslim Ummah where we take the fall & theres no one there to stand for us !

Where an Arab Issue (Palestine) becomes a Muslim & a Humanitarian Issue !

But Our Issues remain bilateral issues between two neighbors !

Even the Palestinians are like this ! :lol:

So Inshallah I hope that Pakistan changes her policy & we recognize Israel & establish great relations with them & any other country in the world that helps our interests !

If dead Pakistanis aren't worth the sacrifice of more money by trading & other relations with our enemies than I think its only just that we should wake up from this dream & accept that dead Palestinians or other Dead Muslims are none of our concern because we're no one's concerns when we need them !
@Armstrong By that account what will you say of the 60 plus years of following the US- betrayal no? You can always get all the ME nation to boycott us IF you can ever fill the economic gap we'll leave. :devil:
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@Armstrong By the account what will you say of the 60 plus years of following the US- betrayal no? You can always get all the ME nation to boycott us IF you can ever fill the economic gap we'll leave. :devil:

What US betrayal ?

Muslims are cheap...money is all that matters to us !
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What US betrayal ?

Muslims are cheap...money is all that matters to us !

Then why the bellyaching? Greed is not a Muslim trademark, all nations must do what is beneficial for them.

Always trying to inflame others against us, no love at all. :cry:
Then why the bellyaching? Greed is not a Muslim trademark, all nations must do what is beneficial for them.

Always trying to inflame others against us, no love at all. :cry:

Guftar-e-Siyasat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai - Irshad-e-Naboowat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai ! (Iqbal)

Eng : the Concept of Nationalism in Political Parlance is very different to what our Prophet (PBUH) taught us What a Nation is !

Maybe someday Muslims will realize this !
Guftar-e-Siyasat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai - Irshad-e-Naboowat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai ! (Iqbal)

Eng : the Concept of Nationalism in Political Parlance is very different to what our Prophet (PBUH) taught us What a Nation is !

Maybe someday Muslims will realize this !

There is nothing to realize. It is not possible to harmonize the economic interests of a people so vast and a region so diverse. That's all there is to it. Or you can stop taking soft loans from China, return the JFTs and the ZDKs too which were procured on soft loans, as a mark of protest for being the largest arms supplier, closest ally and implicit backer of the Burmese regime? Pragmatism is essential for your survival and you know that. Or else practice the preaching yourself first- show the rest how the lord's words were meant to be followed. Also you must give @BDforever a big welcome back kiss.
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There is nothing to realize. It is not possible to harmonize the economic interests of a people so vast and a region so diverse. That's all there is to it. Or you can stop taking soft loans from China, return the JFTs and the ZDKs too which were procured on soft loans, as a mark of protest for being the largest arms supplier, closest ally and implicit backer of the Burmese regime? Pragmatism is essential for your survival and you know that. Or else practice the preaching yourself first- show the rest how the lord's words were meant to be followed.

On the contrary the Muslim World enjoys a far greater potential for cohesion than Europe & by extension the Judeo-Christian Countries, wherever they maybe, ever did !

At a people-to-people level that cohesion is already there for the taking.

China isn't a Muslim Country therefore they don't come under the ambit of what I'm talking about !

We did when we sent our boys to fight against the Israelites in every war ! Took in a couple of hundred thousand Burmese, sent arms & trainers to Bosnia, took a few thousand Bosniaks in, housed nearly 6 million Afghans for 3 decades & more in the initial years of Pakistan & a little before that !
Guftar-e-Siyasat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai - Irshad-e-Naboowat Mein Watan Aur Hi Kuch Hai ! (Iqbal)

Eng : the Concept of Nationalism in Political Parlance is very different to what our Prophet (PBUH) taught us What a Nation is !

Maybe someday Muslims will realize this !

I am enjoying your pain.. :P

Pakistan forces:
1. Killer of palestanian (Black september)
2. Training Burmese :rofl:
3. Buy Israeli Weapons
KSA and Arabs:
1. In bed with West
2. Support Israel
3. Do business with India
4. Partner in crime in Syria..

Bravo! I like this Ummah :P

I know what u are doing since last 20 posts... :P
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I am enjoying your pain.. :P

Pakistan forces:
1. Killer of palestanian (Black september)
2. Training Burmese :rofl:
3. Buy Israeli Weapons
KSA and Arabs:
1. In bed with West
2. Support Israel
3. Do business with India
4. Partner in crime in Syria..

Bravo! I like this Ummah :P

I'm glad that I could be of assistance, sister ! :)
On the contrary the Muslim World enjoys a far greater potential for cohesion than Europe & by extension the Judeo-Christian Countries, wherever they maybe, ever did !

At a people-to-people level that cohesion is already there for the taking.

China isn't a Muslim Country therefore they don't come under the ambit of what I'm talking about !

We did when we sent our boys to fight against the Israelites in every war ! Took in a couple of hundred thousand Burmese, sent arms & trainers to Bosnia, took a few thousand Bosniaks in, housed nearly 6 million Afghans for 3 decades & more in the initial years of Pakistan & a little before that !

And the net gain from all that was? China's religious orientation isn't the question here- the arms that kill the Rohingyas come from there, no? Has Pakistan ever sacrificed its relations with China in a bid to get them to choke off the supply? You helped when you saw that it would not immediately harm you much- you had no interests related to Bosnia or to Israel- nothing to gain from the parties involved. You knocked yourselves over in Af not for the sake of your brothers and you know that- you did it for strategic depth or are you telling me that Zia did all that for brotherly love? BUT when it comes to giving up on something that you truly need then even for you the ummah goes down the drain. After all, leave aside trying to use your friendship with China to get Burma on the line, you could have simply refused to train the Burmese- who would have forced you and who would have been displeased? Not so easy to wiggle out of this. The Afghans were killing each other and you facilitated the pumping in of even more arms and ammo along with other nations- so ask them- did you help them or make things worse? Or are we still clinging to the old line- "oh the Soviets will come for us- oh our brothers are dying in Af"?
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