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Religion is manmade fanatical lunacy created during the medieval era and shaped during the warring phase of human civilization for certain groups of people to assert their power;religion a waste of time, resources and single most greatest reason for human atrocities in the history of mankind ,and all its devils must be educated to future generation about the negative implications and no positive implications of favouring such fanatical tendency .But much of humans are very delusional ,gullible and seek an imaginary excuse to find respite, absolve itself of their guilt and mental hardship. Only indigenous religion should be preserved as cultural heritage ,that will also protect blood purity,religion is causing mixed mutts ,where people marry different race simply based on religion causing ethnic identity deterioration.
But given no choice,Christianity or Buddhism is better choice than the rest of major religion,for woman and progress. But nothing works as good as atheist ,for they will be more scientific ,wouldn't wasting their time on imaginary entities and will take responsibility for their actions and crime instead of leaving it up to "god" as excuse. Some might even find it necessary to adopt buddhism/christianity to check the likes of saudis which is using oil money to spread their Salafi belief like in Indonesia and Malaysia .
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Chinese history books have clear and detailed records on the origin of Buddhism. Buddhism originated in Kapilavastu, which is now Nepal's Lumbini.
<Historical records>, one of the 24 most important historical books in China, was written in 104 BC.
According to <Historical records>, Buddhism was introduced into China by 18 monks from Nepal in 246 BC, which was the first contact between China and Buddhism. The chief of these monks is called ShaMen Shi LiFang.
In 64 AD, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent envoys to invite Nepalese monks JiaYe MoTeng and Zhu FaLan to China with a large number of Buddhist books. This is the first time that Buddhism has spread on a large scale in China, and it is also the first time that China has obtained a large number of Buddhist scriptures.
In 627 AD, Xuanzang, a monk of the Tang Dynasty, went to Nepal to look for Buddhist scriptures and obtained a total of 657 Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. Based on these scriptures, China has developed various Buddhist schools. Xuanzang and his apprentice Che Fengchao are the archetypes of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong in the novel <The Journey to the West>. Xuanzang's notes also recorded the location of the origin of Buddhism in detail.
Chinese history books have clear and detailed records on the origin of Buddhism. Buddhism originated in Kapilavastu, which is now Nepal's Lumbini.
<Historical records>, one of the 24 most important historical books in China, was written in 104 BC.
According to <Historical records>, Buddhism was introduced into China by 18 monks from Nepal in 246 BC, which was the first contact between China and Buddhism. The chief of these monks is called ShaMen Shi LiFang.
In 64 AD, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent envoys to invite Nepalese monks JiaYe MoTeng and Zhu FaLan to China with a large number of Buddhist books. This is the first time that Buddhism has spread on a large scale in China, and it is also the first time that China has obtained a large number of Buddhist scriptures.
In 627 AD, Xuanzang, a monk of the Tang Dynasty, went to Nepal to look for Buddhist scriptures and obtained a total of 657 Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. Based on these scriptures, China has developed various Buddhist schools. Xuanzang and his apprentice Che Fengchao are the archetypes of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong in the novel <The Journey to the West>. Xuanzang's notes also recorded the location of the origin of Buddhism in detail.

What is the reason East Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea dont become passionate follower of Budhism ?

Quite different with Islamic world where majority identify themselves as Muslim and despite some dont abide with the rule, but majority do practice the rituals.

Western countries also become a passionate follower of Christianity in the past. And Today despite many dont practice their religion ( dont go to Church/ do free sex ) but they still identify themselves as Christian
Chinese history books have clear and detailed records on the origin of Buddhism. Buddhism originated in Kapilavastu, which is now Nepal's Lumbini.
<Historical records>, one of the 24 most important historical books in China, was written in 104 BC.
According to <Historical records>, Buddhism was introduced into China by 18 monks from Nepal in 246 BC, which was the first contact between China and Buddhism. The chief of these monks is called ShaMen Shi LiFang.
In 64 AD, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent envoys to invite Nepalese monks JiaYe MoTeng and Zhu FaLan to China with a large number of Buddhist books. This is the first time that Buddhism has spread on a large scale in China, and it is also the first time that China has obtained a large number of Buddhist scriptures.
In 627 AD, Xuanzang, a monk of the Tang Dynasty, went to Nepal to look for Buddhist scriptures and obtained a total of 657 Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. Based on these scriptures, China has developed various Buddhist schools. Xuanzang and his apprentice Che Fengchao are the archetypes of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong in the novel <The Journey to the West>. Xuanzang's notes also recorded the location of the origin of Buddhism in detail.

This is wonderful that you know about Xuanzang's travels, because, per wiki,

" His record of the places visited by him in Bengal — mainly Raktamrittika near Karnasuvarna, Pundranagara and its environs, Samatata, Tamralipti and Harikela— have been very helpful in the recording of the archaeological history of Bengal. His account has also shed welcome light on the history of 7th century Bengal, especially the Gauda kingdom under Shashanka, although at times he can be quite partisan."

In ancient days Bangladesh consisted of these kingdoms Samatata, Harikela etc. Samatata is where Vikrampur (and Dhaka area) still is and Harikela is present day Sylhet, where most of our tea gardens are, it is a scenic area with rolling hills.

Can you give me a link to his 7th century description of his visit to these areas? I have googled it, but maybe you have a Chinese link I do not have.

By the way - one of the local Samatata folks became a Buddhist saint in Tibet, his name is Atisha Dipankara ( 燃燈吉祥智; pinyin: Rándēng Jíxiángzhì ).

They found remains of his temple locally near Dhaka.

Another Chinese Monk was a famous traveller to India (Faxian).

He entered India through West Bengal area and left detailed accounts of his travels.

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Major religion is manmade fanatical lunacy created during the medieval era and shaped during the warring phase of human civilization for certain groups of people to assert their power,religion a waste of time, resources and single most greatest reason for human atrocities in the history of mankind ,and all its devils must be educated to future generation about the negative implications and no positive implications of favouring such fanatical tendency .But much humans are very delusional ,gullible and seek an imaginary excuse to find respite, absolve of their guilt and mental hardship. Only indigenous religion should be preserved as cultural heritage ,that will also protect blood purity,religion is causing mixed mutts ,where people marry different race simply based on religion causing ethnic identity deterioration.
But given no choice,Christianity or Buddhism is better choice than the rest of major religion,for woman and progress. But nothing works as good as atheist or indigenous belief like ancestor worship and such,for they will be more scientific ,wouldn't wasting their time on imaginary entities and will take responsibility for their actions and crime instead of leaving it up to "god" as excuse. Some might even find it necessary to adopt buddhism/christianity to check the like of saudis which is using oil money to spread their Salafi belief like in Indonesia and Malaysia .

Look your East Asian idol (Korean) convert to Islam and stay in Indonesia .....8-)

What is the reason East Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea dont become passionate follower of Budhism ?

Quite different with Islamic world where majority identify themselves as Muslim and despite some dont abide with the rule, but majority do practice the rituals.

Western countries also become a passionate follower of Christianity in the past. And Today despite many dont practice their religion ( dont go to Church/ do free sex ) but they still identify themselves as Christian

East Asians (and Vietnamese&Singaporeans) are actually crazy believers in Confucian philosophy. Any religion spread to East Asia will soon become a revised version of Confucianism.
The core of Confucianism is "中庸", which means that everything is neither too left nor too right, but in the middle. Don't be impatient, don't be excited, don't make extreme choices, and don't do anything to the extreme, leave room for retreat.
In such a philosophical environment, it is difficult for any religion to be extreme.

Confucianism is not a religion. It will accept any religion, but it will modify these religions. In fact, after communism spread to East Asia, it was also modified by Confucianism.
This is wonderful that you know about Xuanzang's travels, because, per wiki,

" His record of the places visited by him in Bengal — mainly Raktamrittika near Karnasuvarna, Pundranagara and its environs, Samatata, Tamralipti and Harikela— have been very helpful in the recording of the archaeological history of Bengal. His account has also shed welcome light on the history of 7th century Bengal, especially the Gauda kingdom under Shashanka, although at times he can be quite partisan."

In ancient days Bangladesh consisted of these kingdoms Samatata, Harikela etc. Samatata is where Vikrampur (and Dhaka area) still is and Harikela is present day Sylhet, where most of our tea gardens are, it is a scenic area with rolling hills.

Can you give me a link to his 7th century description of his visit to these areas? I have googled it, but maybe you have a Chinese link I do not have.

By the way - one of the local Samatata folks became a Buddhist saint in Tibet, his name is Atisha Dipankara ( 燃燈吉祥智; pinyin: Rándēng Jíxiángzhì ).

They found remains of his temple locally near Dhaka.

Another Chinese Monk was a famous traveller to India (Faxian).

He entered India through West Bengal area and left detailed accounts of his travels.


It use Chinese traditional classical Chinese, which is difficult for people who do not understand Chinese, and translation software can not translate classical Chinese. I can only post the road map summarized by modern people.

East Asians (and Vietnamese&Singaporeans) are actually crazy believers in Confucian philosophy. Any religion spread to East Asia will soon become a revised version of Confucianism.
The core of Confucianism is "中庸", which means that everything is neither too left nor too right, but in the middle. Don't be impatient, don't be excited, don't make extreme choices, and don't do anything to the extreme, leave room for retreat.
In such a philosophical environment, it is difficult for any religion to be extreme.

Confucianism is not a religion. It will accept any religion, but it will modify these religions. In fact, after communism spread to East Asia, it was also modified by Confucianism.

Does Confucious make any statement regarding to God ?

Talking about not being extreme and stay in the middle, Islam also has that teaching

Quran. Al Baqarah Verse 143

Thus We have made you a medium nation, that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger be a witness over you. And We made the Qiblah (prayer direction towards Kabe) on which you were, only to (distinguish and) know those who depended on (followed) the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels. And it is surely hard except for those whom Allah caused to attain guidance (have Hidayet) (it is not hard for them); and Allah is not going to waste your faith. Truly Allah is Affectionate, the Most Merciful towards mankind.


Quran, Al-Qassas verse 77

Look your East Asian idol (Korean) convert to Islam .....8-)

That's very smart business decision to make money from sheeps in Indonesia who were happy to see their favorite Korean folk convert.
Though other than them none would bait an eye on a influencer in that attire,korean muslim is a new kink for those koreaboo.
They don't realize,if their belief had its way,there would be no kpop or kdrama as we know.


What is the reason East Asian countries like China, Japan, South Korea dont become passionate follower of Budhism ?

Quite different with Islamic world where majority identify themselves as Muslim and despite some dont abide with the rule, but majority do practice the rituals.

Western countries also become a passionate follower of Christianity in the past. And Today despite many dont practice their religion ( dont go to Church/ do free sex ) but they still identify themselves as Christian
East Asia has their own set of beliefs,Taoism,Japan Shintoism,Korea Shamanism,they all realize Buddhism is a foreign influence and has their own localized version of Buddhism practised by a limited group of people. Researchers noted that ,East Asian are realist,,they prefer clear cut philosophy rather than blind faith, they are influence by Confucius without naming him a religious leader and involving god worship to flame fanatism with deceit .

Even small ethnicity like mine where many local practices sanamahi but many also practice localized version Vaisnavism or Christianity side by side like Japanese does with shintoism & zen buddhism. It's the norm among old ethnic communities with strong cultural and identity awareness.

Not trying to offend,but Islam was engineered in a warring community by a warring faction based on what's written in the book itself,so therein the inherent perspective was ,they can't afford tolerance to different ideology ,and it's structured for spreading by using population or forced conversion,hence the lack of dual practice of religion .In comparison,say other major religion like Buddhism ,it was created in a rather peaceful region by peaceful folk.
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Does Confucious make any statement regarding to God ?

Talking about not being extreme and stay in the middle, Islam also has that teaching

Quran. Al Baqarah Verse 143

Thus We have made you a medium nation, that you be witnesses over mankind and the Messenger be a witness over you. And We made the Qiblah (prayer direction towards Kabe) on which you were, only to (distinguish and) know those who depended on (followed) the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels. And it is surely hard except for those whom Allah caused to attain guidance (have Hidayet) (it is not hard for them); and Allah is not going to waste your faith. Truly Allah is Affectionate, the Most Merciful towards mankind.


Quran, Al-Qassas verse 77

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Confucius said that we should respect God (because it may be true) and keep a distance from God (because it may be false). (中庸)
Confucius said that Confucian disciples should not take the initiative to talk about God. Because Confucian disciples should insist on thinking by themselves. If the people give up thinking and sum up all problems as God, then the people will be controlled by God.
-----<Analects of Confucius>
Confucius said that we should respect God (because it may be true) and keep a distance from God (because it may be false). (中庸)
I didn't understand! How you can respect God ( as it can be true ) and keep a distance from God ( as if can be false)?

I mean I am not familiar with such notion and also just a but confused, could you please elaborate?

Jewish people respect God but don't take his name until it's absolutely necessary! And then they write G-d instead of God! But they do so because they respect and fear that God's name can be profane if it will be used or named always. But all for respect for God!
I didn't understand! How you can respect God ( as it can be true ) and keep a distance from God ( as if can be false)?

I mean I am not familiar with such notion and also just a but confused, could you please elaborate?

Jewish people respect God but don't take his name until it's absolutely necessary! And then they write G-d instead of God! But they do so because they respect and fear that God's name can be profane if it will be used or named always. But all for respect for God!
Respect is not equal to faith.
For example, respect the customs and habits of believers, do not criticize or oppose the teachings of believers, and do not interfere in the activities of believers, If invited, you can also participate in the activities of believers. This is respect.
Do not take the initiative to talk about religion, do not use God as the answer to explain questions, do not take the initiative to participate in religious activities, do not participate in religious disputes, etc. This is called distance.

In fact, this also is 中庸. Neither believe nor oppose, take the middle road.
Respect is not equal to faith.
For example, respect the customs and habits of believers, do not criticize or oppose the teachings of believers, and do not interfere in the activities of believers, If invited, you can also participate in the activities of believers. This is respect.
Do not take the initiative to talk about religion, do not use God as the answer to explain questions, do not take the initiative to participate in religious activities, do not participate in religious disputes, etc. This is called distance.

In fact, this also is 中庸. Neither believe nor oppose, take the middle road.

@Atlas bhai, this is called non-extremism.

This is what is missing in Islam, or our interpretation of Islam in various cultures such as in the Middle-East and South Asia.

But Islam is a complete prescription and a way of life, so using God as the answer to explain questions come easily.

We would be able to avoid the Shia/Sunni divide easily if we were Confucianists, but we are not of course.

In any case, we are straying a bit off topic here.
Respect is not equal to faith.
For example, respect the customs and habits of believers, do not criticize or oppose the teachings of believers, and do not interfere in the activities of believers, If invited, you can also participate in the activities of believers. This is respect.
Do not take the initiative to talk about religion, do not use God as the answer to explain questions, do not take the initiative to participate in religious activities, do not participate in religious disputes, etc. This is called distance.

In fact, this also is 中庸. Neither believe nor oppose, take the middle road.
Thank you very much for this nice of your culture. I really respect this mentality!

@Atlas bhai, this is called non-extremism.

This is what is missing in Islam, or our interpretation of Islam in various cultures such as in the Middle-East and South Asia.

But Islam is a complete prescription and a way of life, so using God as the answer to explain questions come easily.

We would be able to avoid the Shia/Sunni divide easily if we were Confucianists, but we are not of course.

In any case, we are straying a bit off topic here.
Agreed! @Bilal9 bhai. Islam is complete code of life, just we are required to follow it properly in order to elevate our honor. If we follow Holy Quran and avoid anything ( including Hadiths that contradict Quran) that contradict the laws of Quran , we will then can be called real Muslims!

Quran is easier to follow , but most Hadiths are not ( so called Hadiths) that were collected 200-300 years after the death of prophet (PBUH) ! So we must not disobey the orders of Quran and we must not obey anything that is against quran.

Please check my signature, its surah Bakara verse 62( translated by pickthal) .

Whole quran is such beautiful, and completely different than current extreme mullah version of Islam ( which is not Islam, but quran is) .

So I do not buy any explanation imposed (and ever changing) by paid Mullahs.

Pure Muslims are they who aren't judgemental about other faith that is ordered in quran!

It's lakum deenukum waliya deen, which is direct order from Allah for freedom of all religion!

Now Allah knows best!

Okay now let's stick to the topic! :cheers:

@Bilal9 bhai.
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Islam was engineered in a warring community by a warring faction based on what's written in the book itself,so therein the inherent perspective was ,they can't afford tolerance to different ideology ,and it's structured for spreading by using population or forced conversion,hence the lack of dual practice of religion .In comparison,say other major religion like Buddhism ,it was created in a rather peaceful region by peaceful folk.
You don't know what you are talking about. Full of ignorant assumptions. Quran is the only book of religion which recognises and declares the God given rights of all humans [believers and disbelievers].
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