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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

That was Christianity and I'm not talking about Protestantism and heresies. I'm talking about the original Christianity,what is now called Eastern Orthodoxy. Or generally Christianity before the Great Schism.

Anyway,has Bangladesh ever threatened to invade Myanmar to protect the Rohingya?

I am not here to debate religion Christianity. It is a fact that Myanmar Military burnt little kids alive and now they are using same tactics on each other. They used Extremist Buddhists to do their dirty work. I call this divine justice.

What logic would there be to Invade and get thousands killed just to protect thousands? Most countries have opted for Defensive posture as no one has the resources to mount full scale invasion's. US spent 3 trillion dollars in Afghanistan and we all saw how they left after 20 years. Although if it was me i would have engaged Myanmar at the border to weaken their internal policing capacity by commiting troops at border. More civil war in Myanmar would be good for Bangladesh.
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How could a man from Quraish tribe in Makkah with a few followers defeat and conquer Arabian peninsula, including Makkah itself, then the Quraish and Muslims defeated the two superpowers of their day, liberating Semitic lands and people. Could not be done without the truth and God.
Excuse me, Sir, would you like to tell us what happened to Islamic Baghdad in 1258 AD after the Mongol invasion led by Hulagu Khan. The chronology below is the truth of those 13 days when even the Islamic Caliph was murdered. I would like to hear from you about the truth that you boasted in your post. Believing in superstitions is not equal to believing in truth based on historical accounts?

Please note that the desert Arabian troops defeated Romans and Persians because those two powers became weak after continuous fighting for decades. Religion had nothing to do with it. But, poverty in Arabia and unity by one religion under a unified leadership were the two reasons for the Arabian win and not religion itself.

People should be objective when talking and not be superstitious. Muslim countries remain underdeveloped only because they believe in superstitions and soothsayings. Now, read what wiki says on the demise of the Islamic Caliphate and explain why did it happen:

"Contemporary accounts state Mongol soldiers looted and then destroyed mosques, palaces, libraries, and hospitals. Priceless books from Baghdad's thirty-six public libraries were torn apart, the looters using their leather covers as sandals.[36] Grand buildings that had been the work of generations were burned to the ground.

The House of Wisdom (the Grand Library of Baghdad), containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Claims have been made that the Tigris ran red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.[37][38] Tales of the destruction of books – tossed into the Tigris such that the water turned black from the ink - seem to originate from the 14th century.[39][40]

Citizens attempted to flee, but were intercepted by Mongol soldiers who killed in abundance, sparing no one, not even children. Martin Sicker writes that close to 90,000 people may have died.[41][42] Other estimates go much higher, but are almost certainly exaggerated.[43]

The caliph Al-Musta'sim was captured and forced to watch as his citizens were murdered and his treasury plundered. According to most accounts, the caliph was killed by trampling. The Mongols rolled the caliph up in a rug, and rode their horses over him, as they believed that the earth would be offended if it were touched by royal blood. All but one of Al-Musta'sim's sons were killed, and the sole surviving son was sent to Mongolia, where Mongolian historians report he married and fathered children, but played no role in Islam thereafter (see The end of the Abbasid dynasty)".

Please read authentic historical accounts to know the truth.
I am not here to debate religion Christianity. It is a fact that Myanmar Military burnt little kids alive and now they are using same tactics on each other. They used Extremist Buddhists to do their dirty work. I call this divine justice.

What logic would there be to Invade and get thousands killed just to protect thousands? Most countries have opted for Defensive posture as no one has the resources to mount full scale invasion's. US spent 3 trillion dollars in Afghanistan and we all saw how they left after 20 years. Although if it was me i would have engaged Myanmar at the border to weaken their internal policing capacity by commiting troops at border. More civil war in Myanmar would be good for Bangladesh.
Civil wars, terrorism, and appeasing leaders in the Muslim world don't help persecuted Rohingya. Buddhist extremists, like extremists of other cultures, keep an eye at the situation in the Muslim world.
Civil wars, terrorism, and appeasing leaders in the Muslim world don't help persecuted Rohingya. Buddhist extremists, like extremists of other cultures, keep an eye at the situation in the Muslim world.

All the civil war terrorism in muslim countries eminate from foreign sources and interference. Afghanistan is a classic example of how west rode in like a shinning knight and left with their $hit half hanging out of their arse. Taliban are more powerful force than ever due to direct actions of west and US. If there was ever a chance for a moderate civil society in Afghanistan it is now dead due to US. After 9/11 US invaded one muslim country after other killed millions installed puppets.
Excuse me, Sir, would you like to tell us what happened to Islamic Baghdad in 1258 AD after the Mongol invasion led by Hulagu Khan. The chronology below is the truth of those 13 days when even the Islamic Caliph was murdered. I would like to hear from you about the truth that you boasted in your post. Believing in superstitions is not equal to believing in truth based on historical accounts?

Please note that the desert Arabian troops defeated Romans and Persians because those two powers became weak after continuous fighting for decades. Religion had nothing to do with it. But, poverty in Arabia and unity by one religion under a unified leadership were the two reasons for the Arabian win and not religion itself.

People should be objective when talking and not be superstitious. Muslim countries remain underdeveloped only because they believe in superstitions and soothsayings. Now, read what wiki says on the demise of the Islamic Caliphate and explain why did it happen:

"Contemporary accounts state Mongol soldiers looted and then destroyed mosques, palaces, libraries, and hospitals. Priceless books from Baghdad's thirty-six public libraries were torn apart, the looters using their leather covers as sandals.[36] Grand buildings that had been the work of generations were burned to the ground.

The House of Wisdom (the Grand Library of Baghdad), containing countless precious historical documents and books on subjects ranging from medicine to astronomy, was destroyed. Claims have been made that the Tigris ran red from the blood of the scientists and philosophers killed.[37][38] Tales of the destruction of books – tossed into the Tigris such that the water turned black from the ink - seem to originate from the 14th century.[39][40]

Citizens attempted to flee, but were intercepted by Mongol soldiers who killed in abundance, sparing no one, not even children. Martin Sicker writes that close to 90,000 people may have died.[41][42] Other estimates go much higher, but are almost certainly exaggerated.[43]

The caliph Al-Musta'sim was captured and forced to watch as his citizens were murdered and his treasury plundered. According to most accounts, the caliph was killed by trampling. The Mongols rolled the caliph up in a rug, and rode their horses over him, as they believed that the earth would be offended if it were touched by royal blood. All but one of Al-Musta'sim's sons were killed, and the sole surviving son was sent to Mongolia, where Mongolian historians report he married and fathered children, but played no role in Islam thereafter (see The end of the Abbasid dynasty)".

Please read authentic historical accounts to know the truth.
Irrelevant post. Was talking about Prophet Muhammad, Quraish and Islam. This was in the 7th century in Medinah. Victory in every sense. Quran 5-3 This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me [Allah]. This day I [Allah] have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Timurlane nor the Mughals with Aurangzeb did commit genocide but Ottomans under the influence of the young turks may have carried it out.. Which is a condemnable action and unislamic
Timurlane has been listed in the list of top 10 mass murderers in human history and you say he did not commit genocide?

Every legitimate historian agrees that he was a mass murderer. Please read legitimate history books and not Pakistani or Islamic history books which are biased to make muslim rulers as saints.
Timurlane has been listed in the list of top 10 mass murderers in human history and you say he did not commit genocide?

Every legitimate historian agrees that he was a mass murderer. Please read legitimate history books and not Pakistani or Islamic history books which are biased to make muslim rulers as saints.
Meanwhile you are a 21st century fascist. Political ideologies have killed hundreds of millions. You are far worse than Timur who was a man of his time and age.
Wikipedia: Timur was the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lasting Islamic gunpowder empires in the 16th and 17th centuries.[12][13][14] Timur was of both Turkic and Mongol descent, and, while unlikely a direct descendant on either side, he shared a common ancestor with Genghis Khan on his father's side,[15][16][17] while other authors have suggested that his mother might have been a descendant of Khan.[18][19] He clearly sought to invoke the legacy of the latter's conquests during his lifetime.[20]
Meanwhile you are a 21st century fascist. Political ideologies have killed hundreds of millions. You are far worse than Timur who was a man of his time and age.
Wikipedia: Timur was the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian Steppe, and his empire set the stage for the rise of the more structured and lasting Islamic gunpowder empires in the 16th and 17th centuries.[12][13][14] Timur was of both Turkic and Mongol descent, and, while unlikely a direct descendant on either side, he shared a common ancestor with Genghis Khan on his father's side,[15][16][17] while other authors have suggested that his mother might have been a descendant of Khan.[18][19] He clearly sought to invoke the legacy of the latter's conquests during his lifetime.[20]

This fascist idiot has Wira Thu as his hero, who was jailed for 25 years inciting religious hatred against Muslims. The fact that they let him go, was because Tatmadaw generals saw him as a populist tool to do ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Northern Rakhine.

Rohingyas constitute 5% of Burma's population and this uneducated scumbag was positing that Muslims will get to be "Majority soon" and take over Myanmar.

Of course different tribals in Myanmar don't like each other as a rule (Rohingyas are in the same boat, receiving hate as a minority). Bamars are hated by every other ethnic group.
This fascist idiot has Wira Thu as his hero, who was jailed for 25 years inciting religious hatred against Muslims. The fact that they let him go, was because Tatmadaw generals saw him as a populist tool to do ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Northern Rakhine.

Rohingyas constitute 5% of Burma's population and this uneducated scumbag was positing that Muslims will get to be "Majority soon" and take over Myanmar.

Of course different tribals in Myanmar don't like each other as a rule (Rohingyas are in the same boat, receiving hate as a minority). Bamars are hated by every other ethnic group.
I remember his mug from Time magazine cover. Did not know he was in jail and released. So, there was a time Myanmar thought he would bring embarrassment or at least it was fearful of potential action from the so called Muslim world, until they discovered the Muslim world doesn't really give a damn. Same thing happened with the Hindutva. Imagine putting up Baghdadi's face and casually speaking for ISIS goals. The Muslim world fights Muslim extremists well. But the Muslim world by and large does not recognise, nor cares about, and at times appeases violent extremists, fascists, terrorists from other religions and cultures. Their value system revolves around states and leaders, not on human lives.
I am not here to debate religion Christianity. It is a fact that Myanmar Military burnt little kids alive and now they are using same tactics on each other. They used Extremist Buddhists to do their dirty work. I call this divine justice.

What logic would there be to Invade and get thousands killed just to protect thousands? Most countries have opted for Defensive posture as no one has the resources to mount full scale invasion's. US spent 3 trillion dollars in Afghanistan and we all saw how they left after 20 years. Although if it was me i would have engaged Myanmar at the border to weaken their internal policing capacity by commiting troops at border. More civil war in Myanmar would be good for Bangladesh.
By the way I just asked if there was ever a plan for the Bangladeshis to take the Rohingya under their protection,I'm not saying "Why didn't they attack".
By the way I just asked if there was ever a plan for the Bangladeshis to take the Rohingya under their protection,I'm not saying "Why didn't they attack".

Bangladesh lives and survives under the protection and financial support of the EU. They will not do any stupid rash moves that jeopardizes that legitimacy.

However in this case the EU failed BOTH Bangladesh AND the Rohingyas. Many EU countries not only failed to hold the Tatmadaw responsible, their central banks all still loan-guaranteed (as of Q2-2021) many Billions of dollars for Myanmar's Junta govt.

EU govts. either don't give two hoots about the Rohingyas or what happens in Rakhine areas next, like a much-needed diplomatic solution.

Armed insurgency is staring all of us in the face. Let the Tatmadaw deal with that and have their sandal wearing 'soldiers' get cut down in the hundreds. Sad but that is the most likely outcome.
Sad but that is the most likely outcome.
Nothing to be sad about. They are tearing themselves apart. Good for us. The foolish Su Kii thought she could ''ride the tiger'' by inciting genocide and using it to get more votes.
More civil war in Myanmar would be good for Bangladesh.
YES ! Finally someone gets it. It is in our interest to have Burma in a state of civil war.
This fascist idiot has Wira Thu as his hero, who was jailed for 25 years inciting religious hatred against Muslims. The fact that they let him go, was because Tatmadaw generals saw him as a populist tool to do ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Northern Rakhine.

Rohingyas constitute 5% of Burma's population and this uneducated scumbag was positing that Muslims will get to be "Majority soon" and take over Myanmar.

Of course different tribals in Myanmar don't like each other as a rule (Rohingyas are in the same boat, receiving hate as a minority). Bamars are hated by every other ethnic group.
The entire population of Muslims in Myanmar is around 4% if you count the rohingya. I'm not sure where you got 5% of Burma's population is rohingya. Without rohingya the muslim population is around 2% of entire Burmese population. Most of the muslims in Myanmar live in Rakhine state
We gave refuge to the King of Mrauk-U Kingdom in Arakan, Min-Saw-Mon. Min Saw Mon was the founder of Mrauk-U Dynasty and the town by that name. We helped them build their Kingdom in Arakan. Such strange twists of fate and history that now Muslims are rejected and unwanted people in that area.

"Min Saw Mon became king in 1404 but was driven out of Launggyet in 1406 by Crown Prince Minye Kyawswa of Ava. He sought refuge in the Bengal Sultanate, and later entered the military service of Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah of Lakhnauti (AKA Gaud or Jannatabad). In the 1429 Reconquest of Arakan, he reclaimed the Arakanese throne with the help of the sultan, and ruled the kingdom. He founded a new capital, Mrauk-U, in 1430 at a more strategic location. The king died in 1433, and was succeeded by his younger brother Khayi."

"Saw Mon had entered the service of Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah of Bengal, and proved to be a good commander. He became close to the sultan, and convinced the sultan to help him regain the Arakanese throne. The sultan agreed. In February/March 1429 (Tabaung 790 ME),[5] Saw Mon aided by troops "largely made up of Afghan adventurers" invaded Arakan.[6] The first attempt at the invasion failed because Saw Mon got into an argument with Gen. Wali Khan of Bengal, and was imprisoned by the general. Saw Mon escaped, and the sultan agreed to another attempt. The second invasion went well. Saw Mon was proclaimed king at Launggyet on 18 April 1429 (Thursday, 1st waning of Kason 791 ME). (According to some Arakanese chronicles, such as Inzauk Razawin, the second invasion took place in 1430, a year later.)[5]"

" Saw Mon became king of Arakan but as a vassal of Bengal. His domain was still restricted to northern Arakan where southern Arakan (Sandoway (Thandwe)) was still independent. He decided to move the capital from Launggyet. The new capital, though not far from Launggyet, was much more strategically located, and would prove much more difficult for invaders to attack. He founded the new capital of Mrauk-U on 16 November 1430 (Sunday, 1st waxing of Natdaw 792 ME)[7] (or 20 August 1430 / Sunday, 1st waxing of Tawthalin 792).[8] "

This is an early map of that area by Dutch explorers at that time showing these places.

Budha is actually like Confusius and I think Confusius learn their God concept from Budha

According to Sidarta Gautama (Budha), he admit God is present, but God according to him is un-comprehensible, people cannot understand him. The true powerful system is Karma according to him, and with or without God, Karma exist and rule.

So, this is why Budish doesnt have any attention on God as God is powerless according to him. Karma is the only important thing that can bring them to Nirvana
Please, Confusius is nothing like Buddh. Confusius talks about respect for your elders and ansestry. There's nothing from Confusius about the wheel of reincarnation or Karma.
Why did you guys started talking about religion? There are a lot of people of various faiths in this forum. We will not agree. Now this guy says he doesn't believe in God but says he's a Buddhist.
There's God and then there's god. Buddhism doesn't believe in God.
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