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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

You don't believe in God. You should have no business hogging Buddh's name. Google the most influential man in history. You get the name of Muhammad. That is because he believed in God and truth. He will be remembered till Judgement Day and beyond.
You are still a kid and don't know squat about politics. Americans and Europeans knows how to play with the feelings of muslims and fool you people. They will praise muslims and prophet muhammad all day and in the end will bomb muslim countries and draw cartoons of prophet muhammad. These are gimmicks to make you muslims calm.

American presidents often say that Islam is the religion of peace. They even read verses from the Quran and recites thousands of Ayats. But still they bomb muslim countries and kill muslims. You won't understand politics if you study in Madrassa.
You don't believe in God. You should have no business hogging Buddh's name. Google the most influential man in history. You get the name of Muhammad. That is because he believed in God and truth. He will be remembered till Judgement Day and beyond.
This is called propaganda or fifth generation warfare. Joseph Goebble was the architect behind propaganda warfare.

All these muslim praising and oiling of Europeans are eye wash just like Human rights watch, OIC etc is an eye wash
You are still a kid and don't know squat about politics. Americans and Europeans knows how to play with the feelings of muslims and fool you people. They will praise muslims and prophet muhammad all day and in the end will bomb muslim countries and draw cartoons of prophet muhammad. These are gimmicks to make you muslims calm.

American presidents often say that Islam is the religion of peace. They even read verses from the Quran. But still they bomb muslim countries and kill muslims. You won't understand politics if you study in Madrassa.
Belief in God is unrelated to politics. Quran 2-178 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money for love of Him, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask for charity, and for ransoming the captives; and who observes Prayer and pays the Zakat duty; and those who fulfill their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and the steadfast in time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are the God-fearing.
Belief in God is unrelated to politics. Quran 2-178 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money for love of Him, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask for charity, and for ransoming the captives; and who observes Prayer and pays the Zakat duty; and those who fulfill their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and the steadfast in time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are the God-fearing.
Cool now bye bye.
You don't believe in God. You should have no business hogging Buddh's name. Google the most influential man in history. You get the name of Muhammad. That is because he believed in God and truth. He will be remembered till Judgement Day and beyond.
Why did you guys started talking about religion? There are a lot of people of various faiths in this forum. We will not agree. Now this guy says he doesn't believe in God but says he's a Buddhist.
Cool now bye bye.
You are running away because you have no belief. Foundation of religion is belief and faith in God. Belief in God is like a running engine in the heart with faith as its fuel. Religion, belief and faith go together like a car. An idle engine does not count as belief, but it is natural submission [Fitrah] if you have not rejected God, it is the way people are born. You don't have that. So go look for it. Good luck.
Why did you guys started talking about religion? There are a lot of people of various faiths in this forum. We will not agree. Now this guy says he doesn't believe in God but says he's a Buddhist.

Not about trying to make him agree. It is about truth.
Why did you guys started talking about religion? There are a lot of people of various faiths in this forum. We will not agree. Now this guy says he doesn't believe in God but says he's a Buddhist.
There is no god in Buddhism but only karma.
I dont want to talk about religion. Such topics are taboo and mods will ban anyone talking about it.
It is a logical question which I already answered. Religion is pointless without God. You don't have religion by logical definition, so don't be worried 🤣. You have culture. Cult-ure. Buddh-ist.
Let's say so. Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD had no army before. They obtained the army through temporary convening and training, but those troops are not capable of fighting the Burmese military. So the NLD wants to attract Western military forces to join Myanmar's political situation by declaring war on the military government.
But I don't think the USA will be so stupid to join this so-called civil war. Because China has the ability to let the USA fight a Myanmar war that will not end for less than a hundred years.
So there will be no civil war in Myanmar.

PS: I don't think the Indian or Bangladeshi governments want civil war in Myanmar. In the event of civil war in Myanmar, China needs to deal with refugees at most, while India and Bangladesh will need to deal with the continuous crossing of borders by various separatist organizations and terrorists. Just as the war in Afghanistan hurt Pakistan. I konw that there are separatist organizations in India, and they are the people who look forward to the civil war in Myanmar.
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Let's say so. Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD had no army before. They obtained the army through temporary convening and training, but those troops are not capable of fighting the Burmese military. So the NLD wants to attract Western military forces to join Myanmar's political situation by declaring war on the military government.
But I don't think the USA will be so stupid to join this so-called civil war. Because China has the ability to let the USA fight a Myanmar war that will not end for less than a hundred years.
So there will be no civil war in Myanmar.

PS: I don't think the Indian or Bangladeshi governments want civil war in Myanmar. In the event of civil war in Myanmar, China needs to deal with refugees at most, while India and Bangladesh will need to deal with the continuous crossing of borders by various separatist organizations and terrorists. Just as the war in Afghanistan hurt Pakistan. I konw that there are separatist organizations in India and Bangladesh, and they are the people who look forward to the civil war in Myanmar.

No separatist groups in BD. Absolutely zilch.
My fault, I don't know about Bangladesh. I'll correct it.

No not to worry, just a mere correction that's all. There's nothing to separate from, Bangladesh is literally all Bengali, with about 2% being tribal people. We rarely face the issues that larger countries have.
How long will military and monk tyranny last? To keep their power structure they accused and oppressed minorities, especially Rohingya [crime against humanity]. Over 3.5 million Rohingya fled for their lives. The excuse of "common threat" to Myanmar is gone and the master-slave relationship is exposed.
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How long will military and monk tyranny last? To keep their power structure they accused and oppressed minorities, especially Rohingya [crime against humanity]. Over 3.5 million Rohingya fled for their lives. The excuse of "common threat" to Myanmar is gone and the master-slave relationship is exposed.

China's diplomatic principle is that China does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But this is based on the premise that it will not affect China's internal affairs.
China is generally unwilling to intervene in Myanmar's internal conflict. China always likes to appear as a mediator. However, if China's border refugees continue to deteriorate, China may show a tougher attitude.
The Rohingya problem and the contradiction between the military govt and the NLD are the two biggest causes of chaos in Myanmar. China will not allow them to deteriorate all the time.
China hopes that Bangladesh will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the Rohingya issue, and China also hopes that ASEAN will come forward to dialogue with the Myanmar government on the contradiction between the military and the NLD. China can give a lot of help and urge these two problems to be solved.
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