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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Nah, in order to unite we dont need a person, we just need a system. Relying on a person will make it not last longer. Look like NATO, it has been there despite many US President have come and go. OIC is already perfect if Muslim countries dont attack one another, particularly what is happening in Middle East.

Afghanistan will likely recover, Libya hopefully embrace democracy and establish fair election in December, Syrian refugees in Turkey have already been absorbed in Turkey society and only 2.5 % is still living in the camp.
Middle Eastern people/countries have very big egoes, this is the primary reason they fight all the time

Like Persians will never accept Arabs, for Arabs, Arab is superior to non arab, I somewhat like Turks but they're weird

Are they trying to be European or central asian?

In the end the care for ummah only survives among countries on the frontiers actively facing non muslim while the countries in the middle east fight among themselves

You or us care for this identity but people in the middle east don't, it's not as important to them as they're comfortable and will only use this organization as a power trip and not see it as something grand
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It was western nations who made UN and stopped wars and conflicts amongst human race while muslims were busy in Jihad.

It was western nations who abolished slavery when the Ottoman empire was still practicing slavery.

So follow western countries.


We abolished slavery 1450 years ago.. The western nations were living in slavery just 50 years ago in the US. We also practiced the only civilized values we had human rights when others were barbarians we never commited genocide in our conquests we have laws forbidding us from taking non-combatants, women, children and non-combatant males lives or property.

We had humane laws unlike others
It was western nations who made UN and stopped wars and conflicts amongst human race while muslims were busy in Jihad.

It was western nations who abolished slavery when the Ottoman empire was still practicing slavery.

So follow western countries.


Western nation follow Abrahamic religion, the father of 3 religions (Judaism, Christian, Islam)
Western values are ideal for human race so Muslims should follow western values.
Western values and ideas have faults in them too, at the end of the day it is designed by humans who aren't perfect. But it seems your idea of western values has rendered you a fascist. Sometimes education isn't healthy for some like yourself who only use it to peddle your own agenda. Maybe you should move to Europe, but you still wouldn't be welcome even by those who you see in the holiest light (white people).
We abolished slavery 1450 years ago.. The western nations were living in slavery just 50 years ago in the US. We also practiced the only civilized values we had human rights when others were barbarians we never commited genocide in our conquests we have laws forbidding us from taking non-combatants, women, children and non-combatant males lives or property.

We had humane laws unlike others
Are you sure Muslims did not commit genocide?

Well Timurlane committed genocide, Mughal rulers especially Aurangzeb committed genocide, Ottomans committed genocide against Armenians.
We abolished slavery 1450 years ago.. The western nations were living in slavery just 50 years ago in the US. We also practiced the only civilized values we had human rights when others were barbarians we never commited genocide in our conquests we have laws forbidding us from taking non-combatants, women, children and non-combatant males lives or property.

We had humane laws unlike others
Early muslims also committed genocide. Like the Genocide of Jews of Banu Qurayzah. After the Rashidun Caliphate conquered Persia, many Zoroastrians fled to India to escape persecution by the Caliphate. These Zoroastrians are called Parsis in India.
Are you sure Muslims did not commit genocide?

Well Timurlane committed genocide, Mughal rulers especially Aurangzeb committed genocide, Ottomans committed genocide against Armenians.

Timurlane nor the Mughals with Aurangzeb did commit genocide but Ottomans under the influence of the young turks may have carried it out.. Which is a condemnable action and unislamic
Bangladesh can easily carve a big junk of territory out of Myanmar around 2029-2030 even as early as 2028. Let the civil war first begin and let it fester and than you carve them out. Even now Bangladesh is getting stronger militarily with alot of Turkish equippment and this will continue until 2030.

Bangladesh has more population and these Mynamarians are just monks majority of them they won't know what hit them hence they ain't gamed enough for this kind of lifestyle conquer and seize lifestyle is not for them leave that to the muslims we have been expanists like since the dawn. I am thinking Bangladesh could even seize much more lands than just Arakan but you have to come up with some sort of a pretext to set this up and also you have to diplomatically get China on your end and than carve them out a good junk. All you gotta do is avoid the chinese but these monks are there for the taking and also remember to not carve out bigger territories just Arakan little bit north of it and just little bit further inland to not raise suscipion seize a moderate amount and play the humantarian card

Why do you like war so much?
I remember you suggested China to invade Australia last time.

Your flag is Pakistan. Why don't you suggest the Chinese kick modi's pl instead of Australia's pl?
Middle Eastern people/countries have very big egoes, this is the primary reason they fight all the time

Like Persians will never accept Arabs, for Arabs, Arab is superior to non arab, I somewhat like Turks but they're weird

Are they trying to be European or central asian?

In the end the care for ummah only survives among countries on the frontiers actively facing non muslim while the countries in the middle east fight among each other

You or us care for this identity but people in the middle east don't, it's not as important to them as they're comfortable and will only use this organization as a power trip and not see it as something grand

As long as they dont fight to each other, it is already enough. They will indeed look on Muslim countries in Central Asia, South Asia, and South East Asia on how they manage relation among their Muslim neighboor. The main problem in Muslim world is now only in Middle East as Afghanistan look like will stabilize and grow. If they dont want to take a good lesson from it, so it will be their own fault.

We need to focus on our own nation development and keep relation among us as good as it can.

This Islamic Games is good to improve our unity

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Family planning is nothing wrong. You should not give birth to multiple children if you cannot feed them or educate them. Two children per family is the best although rich people can take upto four children at maximum.

We are not interested in the proposals of those who promote genocide.
You should be happy that the Chinese don't agree with your values. If the Chinese people have the same values as you, whether you are Nepalese or Burmese, it will be your disaster.
Why do you like war so much?
I remember you suggested China to invade Australia last time.

Your flag is Pakistan. Why don't you suggest the Chinese kick modi's pl instead of Australia's pl?
Maybe a troll operating as someone else.
It was western nations who made UN and stopped wars and conflicts amongst human race while muslims were busy in Jihad.

It was western nations who abolished slavery when the Ottoman empire was still practicing slavery.

So follow western countries.

There is no civilization without war. War is a human condition. How we achieve peace, justice, and tolerance sets us apart. Muslim led countries and empires were always multi religious, multi cultural and multi lingual. They were based on coexistence. Western imperial nations began to learn this in the 20th century after second world war. Western nations killed 80 million in two world wars. They have had many civil wars, Inquisitions, Crusades, and extermination of native peoples. They came up with UN based on Abrahamic principles.
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Western values are ideal for human race so Muslims should follow western values.
Western values you refer to come from Abrahamic values. Islam is Abrahamic religion. God given human rights are in the Quran. Find me another book of religion which declares these;
2-256 There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.
6-107 And We have not appointed you over them as a guardian, nor are you a manager over them.
10-99 And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, would you compel the people in order that they become believers?
18-29 And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve."
64-2 It is He who created you, and among you is the disbeliever, and among you is the believer.
109-6 For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.
Western nation follow Abrahamic religion, the father of 3 religions (Judaism, Christian, Islam)
Lol. When the western nations created UN and human rights they were not following any religion. Currently western nations do not follow pure Christianity.

Pure Christianity existed in the middle ages and we have seen how jews were persecuted by Christians, forced conversion and genocide of other races were conducted by Christians.

Also Abrahamic religions are violent and promote hatred against others. Even holy texts of Christians, Jews and Muslims allow use of slurs against non believers. Some slurs are Gentile, Heathen, Kafir etc.

Meanwhile religion based on idolatry or polytheism are peaceful and do not promote bigotry and hatred.

In Buddhism we are told to show compassion for other living beings. Does Islam or Christianity promote compassion and kindness? No. On the other hand there are violent verses in the Bible and Quran against non believers.
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