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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Just leave Budish countries alone guys, they only have Myanmar and Thailand and both are facing internal political problem.

The invasion of Myanmar by taking Rohingya land can only be done in an Anarchic World situation where the aggressor will be OIC united Armed Force.....

As far as I know, among Muslim nations, it is only Indonesia who has done invasion to foreign countries (Malaysia/East Timor), so Indonesia will lead the invasion :devil:
Just leave Budish countries alone guys, they only have Myanmar and Thailand and both are facing internal political problem.

The invasion of Myanmar by taking Rohingya land can only be done in an Anarchic World situation where the aggressor will be OIC united Armed Force.....

As far as I know, among Muslim nations, it is only Indonesia who has done invasion to foreign countries (Malaysia/East Timor), so Indonesia will lead the invasion :devil:

Burma conquest

The Reconquest of Arakan was a campaign led by the Bengal Sultanate to help Min Saw Mon, an Arakanese king, to regain control of his country. Bengali forces defeated Burmese forces and installed Min Saw Mon as the ruler of Mrauk U. As a result of the victory, Arakan became a vassal state of the Bengal Sultanate.

In 1429, General Wali Khan led an army to invade Arakan sent by Bengal Sultanate.[3] Min Saw Mon was proclaimed king in Launggyet on 18 April 1429.[2] Saw Mon shifted the capital to Mrauk U in 1430, where the Mrauk U dynasty was established as a protectorate of Bengal.

Nepal conquest

The first of these was in 1349 when Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah of Bengal invaded Nepal. He did plunder Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal

I believe in whoever seizes whatever they can is theres.

But you keep dodging my questions are you from Nepal?
Ok so that means you recognize Israel?
Just leave Budish countries alone guys, they only have Myanmar and Thailand and both are facing internal political problem.

The invasion of Myanmar by taking Rohingya land can only be done in an Anarchic World situation where the aggressor will be OIC united Armed Force.....

As far as I know, among Muslim nations, it is only Indonesia who has done invasion to foreign countries (Malaysia/East Timor), so Indonesia will lead the invasion :devil:
Only? There are more than 6 Buddhist nations. There are large Buddhist communities in Malaysia, Indonesia and other muslim countries too.
Burma conquest

The Reconquest of Arakan was a campaign led by the Bengal Sultanate to help Min Saw Mon, an Arakanese king, to regain control of his country. Bengali forces defeated Burmese forces and installed Min Saw Mon as the ruler of Mrauk U. As a result of the victory, Arakan became a vassal state of the Bengal Sultanate.

In 1429, General Wali Khan led an army to invade Arakan sent by Bengal Sultanate.[3] Min Saw Mon was proclaimed king in Launggyet on 18 April 1429.[2] Saw Mon shifted the capital to Mrauk U in 1430, where the Mrauk U dynasty was established as a protectorate of Bengal.

Nepal conguest

The first of these was in 1349 when Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah of Bengal invaded Nepal. He did plunder Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal


So look like British who should be blamed here.....They should give that region to BD when they leave South Asian continent.
So look like British who should be blamed here.....They should give that region to BD when they leave South Asian continent.

They have also reversed all of our gains in India we controlled all the way to Tamil nada.. We simply just overran them. We were the sole superpowers for a long period of time from 650-1922 but it started to wane down around late 17s and early 18s until the eventual collapse during WW1..

We stracthed from South france, Austria Vienna, Russia to all the way to the malacca strait modern day Malaysia and Indonesia.
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So look like British who should be blamed here.....They should give that region to BD when they leave South Asian continent.
You are an interesting character. You dont like Americans invading Iraq and Syria but you want Buddhists to sit idle and watch their lands being invaded. LOLzzz
Ok so that means you recognize Israel?

Only? There are more than 6 Buddhist nations. There are large Buddhist communities in Malaysia, Indonesia and other muslim countries too.

Can you give us the name of that 6 Buddist nation ?

Buddhist in Indonesia is so small, 87 % is Muslim here and Christian take about 10 percent of it. Buddist only take 0.8 percent. There is no Buddist majority region in Indonesia but we have Christian and Hindu majority province

They have also reversed all of our gains in India we controlled all the way to Tamil nada.. We simply just overran them. We were the sole superpowers for a long period of time from 650-1922 but it started to wane down around late 17s and early 18s until the eventual collapse during WW1..

We stracthed from South france, Austria Vinna, Russia to all the way to the malacca strait modern day Malaysia and Indonesia.
Shut up. Myanmar is a Buddhist country and you muslims should live under our rule. End of story. There are also persecutions of minorities in Muslim countries. Will you give separate land for minorities living in muslim countries?
You are an interesting character. You dont like Americans invading Iraq and Syria but you want Buddhists to sit idle and watch their lands being invaded. LOLzzz

That region belongs to BD Sultan before British take over
Can you give us the name of that 6 Buddist nation ?

Buddhist in Indonesia is so small, 87 % is Muslim here and Christian take about 10 percent of it. Buddist only take 0.8 percent. There is no Buddist majority region in Indonesia but we have Christian and Hindu majority province

Cambodia, Bhutan, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Mongolia, Tibet, Sri Lanka
That region belongs to BD Sultan before British take over
Rakhine is our holy land. Why should we give our holy land to muslims? Will you hand over Mecca to Hindus who are idol worshippers?
Cambodia, Bhutan, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Mongolia, Tibet, Sri Lanka

Rakhine is our holy land. Why should we give our holy land to muslims? Will you hand over Mecca to Hindus who are idol worshippers?

How come Rakhine is your holy land ? There is no big Budhist temple there ?
How come Rakhine is your holy land ? There is no big Budhist temple there ?
You muslims should know how to live in peace. Hindus form 85% in Bali still they dont want separatism and dont attack other communities living in Bali.
Muslims should live in Myanmar under Buddhist rule. End of story.

Also you Indonesians are illegally holding West Papua and Bali which belongs to Christian and Hindus.

Muslims WERE living in Myanmar until they were ethnically cleansed from their land.
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