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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Lol. When the western nations created UN and human rights they were not following any religion. Currently western nations do not follow pure Christianity.

Pure Christianity existed in the middle ages and we have seen how jews were persecuted by Christians, forced conversion and genocide of other races were conducted by Christians.

Also Abrahamic religions are violent and promote hatred against others. Even holy texts of Christians, Jews and Muslims allow use of slurs against non believers. Some slurs are Gentile, Heathen, Kafir etc.

Meanwhile religion based on idolatry or polytheism are peaceful and do not promote bigotry and hatred.

In Buddhism we are told to show compassion for other living beings. Does Islam or Christianity promote compassion and kindness? No. On the other hand there are violent verses in the Bible and Quran against non believers.
Lol we seen your buddshit true colours in 2017.

Remember all buddshit nation army only knows how to kill unarmed civilians. Face a real muslims army and your pagan religion will wipe out from the world. Moron

Btw ask your kind to piss off from bangladesh. Bangladesh belongs to the muslims. No pagans allow.
I believe in whoever seizes whatever they can is theres.
So wait a minute. You claim to be from Pakistan. If the Indians or some other country,conquered Pakistan and kicked millions of people out of their houses or told them to stay but as second class citizens,that would be ok to you? That would be fair?
We stracthed from South france, Austria Vienna, Russia to all the way to the malacca strait modern day Malaysia and Indonesia.
In your parallel world you conquered Vienna,Russia and recaptured Jerusalem? By the way,your stay in south France was very short.
Lol. When the western nations created UN and human rights they were not following any religion. Currently western nations do not follow pure Christianity.

Pure Christianity existed in the middle ages and we have seen how jews were persecuted by Christians, forced conversion and genocide of other races were conducted by Christians.

Also Abrahamic religions are violent and promote hatred against others. Even holy texts of Christians, Jews and Muslims allow use of slurs against non believers. Some slurs are Gentile, Heathen, Kafir etc.

Meanwhile religion based on idolatry or polytheism are peaceful and do not promote bigotry and hatred.

In Buddhism we are told to show compassion for other living beings. Does Islam or Christianity promote compassion and kindness? No. On the other hand there are violent verses in the Bible and Quran against non believers.
You lack compassion and justice. It comes from belief in God. Buddh was ancient Abrahamic Kshatriya Sharif Vihari or Bihari by faith and blood which is ancient Muslim [my ancestry]. He had faith in the unseen Creator. He did not worship idols. We do not worship idols. Our belief is unchanged. You are an idolater. Quran 2-178 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money for love of Him, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask for charity, and for ransoming the captives; and who observes Prayer and pays the Zakat duty; and those who fulfill their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and the steadfast in time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are the God-fearing. Quran 16-91 Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.
After what these Buddhists did to Rohingya it was inevitable that these lunatic will soon kill each other as well. Once you start thinking yourself as superior it never ends with just one victim. I would call this divine justice considering if prayers of even one Rohingya child being burnt alive reached heavens it would have shattered it. This disgusting Nation deserves everything coming to it.
You lack compassion and justice. It comes from belief in God. Buddh was ancient Abrahamic Kshatriya Sharif Vihari or Bihari by faith and blood which is ancient Muslim [my ancestry]. He had faith in the unseen Creator. He did not worship idols. We do not worship idols. Our belief is unchanged. You are an idolater. Quran 2-178 It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money for love of Him, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask for charity, and for ransoming the captives; and who observes Prayer and pays the Zakat duty; and those who fulfill their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and the steadfast in time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are the God-fearing. Quran 16-91 Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression. He admonished you that you may take heed.

Budha is actually like Confusius and I think Confusius learn their God concept from Budha

According to Sidarta Gautama (Budha), he admit God is present, but God according to him is un-comprehensible, people cannot understand him. The true powerful system is Karma according to him, and with or without God, Karma exist and rule.

So, this is why Budish doesnt have any attention on God as God is powerless according to him. Karma is the only important thing that can bring them to Nirvana
Budha is actually like Confusius and I think Confusius learn their God concept from Budha

According to Sidarta Gautama (Budha), he admit God is present, but God according to him is un-comprehensible, people cannot understand him. The true powerful system is Karma according to him, and with or without God, Karma exist and rule.

So, this is why Budish doesnt have any attention on God as God is powerless according to him. Karma is the only important thing that can bring them to Nirvana
Buddh operated under the Veda which has clear Monotheist belief in the unseen God Creator. His blood faith is called Bihari which is ancient Muslim [descendant of Prophet Ibrahim and Kethura]. I descend from it. Our belief is unchanged. Rest is speculation by non related people. Blood faith has always been very important to us. Quran. 22-78 And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you “Muslims” before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people.
After what these Buddhists did to Rohingya it was inevitable that these lunatic will soon kill each other as well. Once you start thinking yourself as superior it never ends with just one victim. I would call this divine justice considering if prayers of even one Rohingya child being burnt alive reached heavens it would have shattered it. This disgusting Nation deserves everything coming to it.
Muslims also think themselves as superiors and consider other as Kafir. There is racism against non Muslims too in Muslim countries. So check what's happening inside your own house before calling others disgusting
Muslims also think themselves as superiors and consider other as Kafir. There is racism against non Muslims too in Muslim countries. So check what's happening inside your own house before calling others disgusting
Kafir is one who covers truth about God. The Quran does not guarantee anyone who calls himself Muslim is going to Heaven. There is no superiority by label. It is about belief, righteousness, and judgement in the afterlife. But you have assumed superiority to yourself by label.
Relax Monk. I beat you black and blue when I took these lands previously. I can do it again. Watch me. Bangladesh will push your shit in. How do you think I even got so far inside your borders to begin with.. I expanded and kept expanding that is how I really got there from a far far far land. I will expand inside you again If I want to
Lol listen the days of your Islamic Caliphate are gone. The Islamic Caliphate could conquer Roman empire and Persian empire so easily because the Roman vs Sassanid war of 602-628 completely exhausted both of these empires. Abu Bakr Simply took advantage of it.

Also get this in your thick head. The empires you muslims invaded back in the middle ages had a population of about 1 to 5 million. Today even a small African Christian country like Cameroon has a population of 25 million. It is a big joke that you will be able to fight medium sized countries like Burma who has a population of 60 million.
Budha is actually like Confusius and I think Confusius learn their God concept from Budha

According to Sidarta Gautama (Budha), he admit God is present, but God according to him is un-comprehensible, people cannot understand him. The true powerful system is Karma according to him, and with or without God, Karma exist and rule.

So, this is why Budish doesnt have any attention on God as God is powerless according to him. Karma is the only important thing that can bring them to Nirvana

Confucius was born in 551 BC. Buddhism first came into contact with China in 246 BC.
Lol listen the days of your Islamic Caliphate are gone. The Islamic Caliphate could conquer Roman empire and Persian empire so easily because the Roman vs Sassanid war of 602-628 completely exhausted both of these empires. Abu Bakr Simply took advantage of it.

Also get this in your thick head. The empires you muslims invaded back in the middle ages had a population of about 1 to 5 million. Today even a small African Christian country like Cameroon has a population of 25 million. It is a big joke that you will be able to fight medium sized countries like Burma who has a population of 60 million.
How could a man from Quraish tribe in Makkah with a few followers defeat and conquer Arabian peninsula, including Makkah itself, then the Quraish and Muslims defeated the two superpowers of their day, liberating Semitic lands and people. Could not be done without the truth and God.
Muslims also think themselves as superiors and consider other as Kafir. There is racism against non Muslims too in Muslim countries. So check what's happening inside your own house before calling others disgusting

I really think you have a misunderstanding about Islam.

I encourage you to explore a bit more before making up your mind.

I apologize for any verbal abuse you are getting here.
So what? In History there were numerous instances of weaker group of individuals defeating much larger and stronger enemies does that mean that god helped them? No. Roman and Greek history is full of such tales. Does not mean that Roman or Greek god is great.

Yes the Caliphate defeated Romans and Persians so what? Every empire has a golden era and then it declines as years go by this is the law of nature. The Caliphate had its golden days in the beginning when they fought Romans and Persians, just like Mughals who were stronger in the beginning, Mauryan empire who were stronger when Ashoka was ruling it in the early days, Maratha empire when Shivaji was ruling it in the beginning. This is nature's law and nothing to do with God. I dont believe in god tbh.

The Mongol empire and British empire was much bigger than the Caliphate. The Mongols also defeated the Caliphate. Does that mean Shamanism and Christianity is more reliable than Islam? No. That is a stupid logic.

I dont believe in god and my personal belief is god does not exist. What you are referring to are laws of nature and happened numerous times in history. There is no hand of god in it.
You don't believe in God. You should have no business hogging Buddh's name. Google the most influential man in history. You get the name of Muhammad. That is because he believed in God and truth. He will be remembered till Judgement Day and beyond.
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