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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

It's just all war, famine, and disease in Myanmar. Really sad. China will support the ethnic armies on its borders to keep out refugees. That's about as much as China can do here.

I guess if things really get out of hand, China can join the war disguised as UWSA KIA and secure independence for northern Myanmar. They will be completely deniable and create a buffer zone.
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It's just all war, famine, and disease in Myanmar. Really sad. China will support the ethnic armies on its borders to keep out refugees. That's about as much as China can do here.

I guess if things really get out of hand, China can join the war disguised as UWSA KIA and secure independence for northern Myanmar. They will be completely deniable and create a buffer zone.

Rest assured, Myanmar will not be chaotic.
The current impasse is that the Myanmar military government refuses to restart the B&R Project and asks China to recognize the military government first. Of course, China will not agree. Therefore, in the end, the military government must reach a compromise with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to solve the Myanmar crisis.
The junta actually just wants the NLD to pardon them for their previous corruption. Burma's army commander-in-chief min Aung Lai retired this year. He asked Aung San Suu Kyi to give him a pardon before he retired, but Aung San Suu Kyi refused. Other military leaders in Myanmar believe that Aung San Suu Kyi also will not give them a pardon. then the military launched a coup.
So both sides have a lot of room for compromise.
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That's very smart business decision to make money from sheeps in Indonesia who were happy to see their favorite Korean folk convert.
Though other than them none would bait an eye on a influencer in that attire,korean muslim is a new kink for those koreaboo.
They don't realize,if their belief had its way,there would be no kpop or kdrama as we know.

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LOL make money from sheeps in Indonesia he he. It is good for them to watch her as this Korean is a good Muslim so their faith will be better and more firm. Any way it is companies who paid for the adds, not the watcher on YT

Talking about sheeps of Indonesia, I think you have been very famous here as East Asian worshipper. What you do here in PDF is defending them LOL

How about you disclose your own picture here so I want to make sure whether your claim that you should be associated as East Asian people is true........

For me, I am here with my own picture as a proud South East Asian guy with brown skin :D
LOL make money from sheeps in Indonesia he he. It is good for them to watch her as this Korean is a good Muslim so their faith will be better and more firm. Any way it is companies who paid for the adds, not the watcher on YT

Talking about sheeps of Indonesia, I think you have been very famous here as East Asian worshipper. What you do here in PDF is defending them LOL

How about you disclose your own picture here so I want to make sure whether your claim that you should be associated as East Asian people is true........

For me, I am here with my own picture as a proud South East Asian guy with brown skin :D

When did I made the claim that I should be associated with anybody?

Our kind carries a very distinct and strong notion about our identity and origin and never part from that.

We are made by cross of 7 clans of EbuthouPakhangba,with pretty uniform genetic distribution because ,those 7 clans were banned from intermarriage in one's own clan. Hence we can instinctly tell who's Meitei from other communities ,based on appearances& behavior.


We have our own mythology and belief,Ebuthou Pakhangba is our god who came to earth his two companion kangla sha that used to guard our holy Kangla fort.


The Meitei kingdom in Kangla founded by dragon demi god Nongda Lairen Pakhangba and her wife dragon queen Leima Leisna.


We also have our own indigenous mythology characters to follow instead of foreign ones,


And we still have our distinct culture and faith,even our temple is nothing like anything else.


Nobody in Meitei carries any confusion about our distinct origin and identity.Our's is a ethnicity shaped by war for survival and existence of our kin.
Still now our folk's names is based on local mythology and war and warlike traditions not seen anywhere else.

Common traditional names for Women: Lanlei (warflower) ,Lanchenbi( warbringer/war carrier) ,Lanleima ( war missus),lanthoibi(war excellence).lanleima(war goddess)

Men's name: Ching Tam Khomba (hill plain conqueror), Lanchenba(harbringer of war),lansana(war gold),lanthoi (war excellence), ChinglaiNgamba( dragon killer),Nonglenkhomba (Clouds,frost conqueror/son of water god) etc

Now ,going by science , genetic and linguistically distinction labels my kind in tibeto burman/sino Tibetan subgroup not Austro Asiatic linguistic subgroup that's just fact, not my claim.

But we have as much compassion toward East asian as much as for South east asians,because there are groups from Austroasiatic linguistic groups(khashi,darlong)as well as tibeto burman in this region living with great affinity among eachother and they all share common fear of massive migration from outside.

Tbh, my folk don't want to associate with anyone else, associating them with someone else by ignoring the culture and history will be offensive to them.Forget people from other nation,our people label all South Asians as "mayang" & all indigenous communities like Naga,mizo,kachin etc ,as "HAO", there's nothing in between.They don't really relate to anyone else .
0ur kind are in retrospect,very different sets of people than yours which are champion of Middle Eastern belief with no regard for its indigenous roots,unfortunately.

BTW my id pic is myself,I wouldn't expose my adult face on the internet.But you can guess me from that if you want.


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When did I made the claim that I should be associated with anybody?

Our kind carries a very distinct and strong notion about our identity and origin and never part with that.

We are made by cross of 7 clans ,with pretty uniform genetic distribution because ,those 7 clans were banned from intermarriage in one's own clan. Hence we can instinctly tell who's Meitei and who's not based on looks & behavior.

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We have our own mythology and belief,Ebuthou Pakhangba is our god who came to earth his two companion kangla sha that used to guard our holy Kangla fort.

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The Meitei kingdom in Kangla founded by dragon demi god Nongda Lairen Pakhangba and her wife dragon queen Leima Leisna.

View attachment 776836
We also have our own indigenous mythology characters to follow instead of foreign ones,

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And we have still our distinct culture and faith,even our temple is nothing like anything else.

View attachment 776841

Nobody in Meitei carries any confusion about our distinct origin and identity.Our's is a kingdom shaped by war for survival and existence of our kin.
Still now our folk's names is based on local mythology and war and warlike traditions not seen anywhere else.

Common traditional names for Women: Lanlei (warflower) ,Lanchenbi( warbringer/war carrier) ,Lanleima ( war missus),lanthoibi(war excellence).lanleima(war goddess)

Men's name: Ching Tam Khomba (hill plain conqueror), Lanchenba(harbringer of war),lansana(war gold),lanthoi (war excellence), ChinglaiNgamba( dragon killer),Nonglenkhomba (Clouds,frost conqueror/son of water god) etc

Now ,going by science , genetic and linguistically distinction labels my kind in tibeto burman/sino Tibetan subgroup not Austro Asiatic linguistic or genetic subgroup that's just fact, not my claim.

But we have as much compassion toward East asian as much as south east asians,because there are groups from Austroasiatic linguistic groups as well as tibeto burman in this region living with great affinity among eachother and they all share common fear of massive migration from outside.

tbh, my folk don't want to associate with anyone else, associating them with someone else by ignoring the culture and history will be offensive to them.Forget people from other nation,our people label all South Asians as "mayang" & all indigenous tribe communities like Naga,mizo,kachin etc ,as "HAO", there's nothing in between.They don't really relate to anyone else .
0ur kind are in retrospect,very different sets of people than yours which are champion of Middle Eastern belief with no regard for its indigenous roots,unfortunately.

BTW my id pic is myself,I wouldn't risk exposing my current face on the internet.But you can guess me from that if you want.

What is this bizzare gibberish all about then? What are you on about? What is this got to do with current burmese political situation.
What is this bizzare gibberish all about then? What are you on about?
I wasn't talking to you,I just explained where our notion is regarding our strong sense of identity among ourselves .
What is this bizzare gibberish all about then? What are you on about? What is this got to do with current burmese political situation.

He say that he is a Meitei people from Manipur, India.

Meitei people 's ancestors came from the royal family of the Qi Dynasty in China

Huang Gao, the royal family of the Qi Dynasty, once intermarried with a king family in Central Asia. Meitei people came from that family.
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He say that he is a Meitei people from Manipur, India.

Meitei people 's ancestors came from the royal family of the Qi Dynasty in China
Ok.... never heard of them but cool i guess.
Guys don't give this scumbag Bandarban racist a platform to spread his vile justification (in the name of Buddhism) about why he (along with his idol Wirathu) supports persecuting Rohingyas, the majority of whom do not deserve ethnic cleansing.

Buddhism originated very close to Bangladesh, and we Bangladeshis have been Buddhists for hundreds of years (better part of a Millennium) before we converted to Islam. Buddhist values are in a way our values too in a societal sense.

Gautama Buddha was born in the 4th Century BCE in Bihar, which is not far from Northern Bangladesh. Bangladesh converted to Islam around 13th Century AD. There are Stupas all over Bangladesh and Bangladesh was a major seat of Buddhist learning and home of its adherents. Buddhism spread to Burma, then Thailand, China and Indochina FROM Bangladesh. Myanmarese kings have always used Buddhism as a tool to control and suppress their populace. Today's Tatmadaw is no different and doing the same thing.

Wirathu's values are a perversion of Buddhist principles of tolerance and "live-let-live".

Wirathu is essentially a condoning mass-murder sympathizer.

Any idiot who has Wirathu on his profile earns an 'ignore' from me.

Life is short, don't waste time with the mental-case scum-buckets of the world.

Spend your time on more productive and positive pursuits and pray for the salvation of scumbuckets.
Why don't you speak against racists from your community first? Why should always we non muslims be kind to Muslims when you don't treat us the same way?

In many Muslim countries there is racism against non Muslims and attack on non Muslims.

You live in Bangladesh and in Bangladesh the Hindu temples are destroyed by goons, land grabbing of Hindu temples happens more often, in Ramu, Nasirnagar, Bhola, and in rural areas Hindu and Buddhist temples were destroyed.

Did you ever protest these attacks like you guys land in the streets whenever Israel attacks Palestinian people or Indians attacks Muslims in India? Even many took side of the attackers saying that Hindus destroyed their own temple.

Don't expect kindness from us when you don't show kindness to others.
It's just all war, famine, and disease in Myanmar. Really sad. China will support the ethnic armies on its borders to keep out refugees. That's about as much as China can do here.

I guess if things really get out of hand, China can join the war disguised as UWSA KIA and secure independence for northern Myanmar. They will be completely deniable and create a buffer zone.

This is as inevitable as can be seen. Myanmar Northern part may separate and join into a loose confederacy of the tribal ethnicities in that area. I see this happening if the current strife and instability continues. Tatmadaw Junta may not be able to keep things together, because they are not strong enough and Bamar population is not large enough.

Who knows?

I could be wrong of course.
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We did not start the aggression against Muslims in Burma first it was Rohingya Muslims who provoked us.

After the Independence of Burma, Rohingya and other Muslims were given equal treatment and equal rights. But the Rohingya Muslims were still not happy. They made mujahideen groups and attacked Rakhine Buddhists to create separate homeland in Arakan. Was it not a treacherous act?

Also one Rohingya Muslim member of parliament and then health minister Sultan Mahmud told the government to create separate homeland for Muslims in Arakan. After that do you think any Buddhist should trust the Rohingya community?

We have given the Muslims of Burma everything they wanted after independence but still they created mujahideen groups and attacked government forces.

@Bilal9 @Indos @DalalErMaNodi

Read it carefully.

In that case, why is Myanmar in civil war? why are the karens fighting burmese? why are the chins fighting burmese? and why are the shans fightin burmese?

If 1 million unarmed rohingya can scare you buddisht, then you guys are bunch of pussys

You yourself is not a ethnic burmese or even thai, what makes you think they will accept you as on of them?
So Japs, also have Bhakts?

They have Budish as well I believe, Sinto is basically Japanese version of Budhist. It cames first as Budish then Japanese transform it into Shinto where their King become a prominent figure of the religion. CMIIW
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