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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

Well why not , it's open secrete. But you must blame taliban for this ,because if you blame usa then the slave of usa ( Bharat) and it's subservient media will portray you as fanatic.

So whatever maybe the case , you have to preach that sanghi ( even yogi Aditya Nath) mother fu.kers are progressive and any name that is related to Muslim is uncultured and medieval.

If you don't do that you are terrorist. Period!

I agree and trust me, it's the strongest policy of having much stronger grasp over any nation and it's people! And that's why i support China any days over usa!

China Will not only survive , but will rise as new and only super power , by hook or by crook. Mark my words.

And the fall of usa isn't so far.

If the sun of British empire can set (that supposed no never set ) , then indeed Usa hegemony can be ended.
I hope not, what we learnt from US in 2000s is

competition is good...
Well why not , it's open secrete. But you must blame taliban for this ,because if you blame usa then the slave of usa ( Bharat) and it's subservient media will portray you as fanatic.

So whatever maybe the case , you have to preach that sanghi ( even the bastard yogi Aditya Nath) mother fu.kers are progressive and any name that is related to Muslim is uncultured and medieval.

If you don't do that you are terrorist. Period!

I agree and trust me, it's the strongest policy of having much stronger grasp over any nation and it's people! And that's why i support China any days over usa!

China Will not only survive , but will rise as new and only super power , by hook or by crook. Mark my words.

And the fall of usa isn't so far.

If the sun of British empire can set (that supposed no never set ) , then indeed Usa hegemony can be ended.

Usa is past ; China is the present and future!

1. You didn't ask whether the Chinese are willing to be a superpower. I'm sure 99% of Chinese people's answers are beyond your expectation.

2, China can live to the present, it is not rely on cute. Moreover, no color revolution has occurred in the countries around China, except for China's enemy, the Soviet Union.

3, I said earlier. Ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar are either Han people or ethnic minorities from China. They can speak fluent Chinese, use CNY, and even their mobile phone numbers are from China, and they also have autonomy and the army. The main ethnic groups in Myanmar account for 68% of the total population. Although China has never interfered in Myanmar's internal affairs, successive Myanmar governments have avoided angering China. Any Myanmar political party, such as Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD. In opposition, he may contact the West. Once they have power, they will choose reality.
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1. You didn't ask whether the Chinese are willing to be a superpower. I'm sure 99% of Chinese people's answers are beyond your expectation.
Well there can be different type of super power. I would say China moving towards to take the leadership of global empire. That doesn't necessarily mean that she has to become a terrorist like USA or even more the Europe colonials.

3, I said earlier. Ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar are either Han people or ethnic minorities from China. They can speak fluent Chinese, use CNY, and even their mobile phone numbers are from China. The main ethnic groups in Myanmar account for 68% of the total population. Although China has never interfered in Myanmar's internal affairs, successive Myanmar governments have avoided angering China. Any Myanmar political party, such as Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD. In opposition, he may contact the West. Once they have power, they will choose reality.
Yes I understand your point. I know another thing and that is tatmadaw is necessarily an extension of Chinese army!

Though I have no evidence on it!
Well there can be different type of super power. I would say China moving towards to take the leadership of global empire. That doesn't necessarily mean that she has to become a terrorist like USA or even more the Europe colonials.

Yes I understand your point. I know another thing and that is tatmadaw is necessarily an extension of Chinese army!

Though I have no evidence on it!

1. For historical reasons and leftist values. The Chinese are particularly disgusted with superpowers and imperialism. The Chinese government even only dares to build ports abroad in the name of commercial ports because they are afraid of angering the people at home. Therefore, China is not the next USA. The next world is a multipolar world.

2. The ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar are not an extension of the PLA. On the contrary, they came from the KMT army, the sworn enemy of the PLA. After the failure of the civil war, some KMT troops fled to Taiwan and some went to Myanmar. However, they are related by blood to China after all, and Myanmar is very cautious in dealing with the northern issue.

3. China's diplomatic principle is non-interference in internal affairs. Therefore, China respects Myanmar's sovereignty and never interferes in Myanmar's internal affairs. The Burmese government understands the blood relationship between northern ethnic minorities and China, so they will not annoy China. This is the complex relationship between the two countries. This is why China is often scolded for the Myanmar issue.
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Well why not , it's open secrete. But you must blame taliban for this ,because if you blame usa then the slave of usa ( Bharat) and it's subservient media will portray you as fanatic.

So whatever maybe the case , you have to preach that sanghi ( even the bastard yogi Aditya Nath) mother fu.kers are progressive and any name that is related to Muslim is uncultured and medieval.

If you don't do that you are terrorist. Period!

I agree and trust me, it's the strongest policy of having much stronger grasp over any nation and it's people! And that's why i support China any days over usa!

China Will not only survive , but will rise as new and only super power , by hook or by crook. Mark my words.

And the fall of usa isn't so far.

If the sun of British empire can set (that supposed no never set ) , then indeed Usa hegemony can be ended.

Usa is past ; China is the present and future!

Well of course west try to look other way when crime is committed by its allies.

China will be fine alone with south east asia if they learn from history how usa control central and latin america.

Even few days ago there was a military takeover in guinea. CIA was not happy since last govt was getting too close to china.

regarding india...well they are just back ground noise. cant even compete with pak one sixth of its size when it comes to strategic depth. Indians can be slavish to Americans but dont think even USA take them seriously to rely on them. the way west rely on Turks or pak during first cold war.
regarding india...well they are just back ground noise. cant even compete with pak one sixth of its size when it comes to strategic depth. Indians can be slavish to Americans but dont think even USA take them seriously to rely on them. the way west rely on Turks or pak during first cold war.
India doesn't need to compete with Pakistan, it's not necessary either.

What India has is it's manpower. 1.4 billion market is too big to lure others and that's the reason India will always have some upper hands.

Nowadays wars aren't fought by weapons.

Most wars are proxy wars and India is very good at it!

They have strong media as well and with media help they continously demonized Pakistan, and now they will demonise Bangladesh.

@mmr , the process has been started already. Now look you and other BNP supporters will be happy because all will be start bashing current Bangladeshi establishment.

Already journalsit without border portrayed Hasina very badly.

But the reality is Bangladesh isn't in such bad condition.

Just waste and see . If you ( plural ) want to be divided by propaganda, then it's up to you.

But remember , the biggest lie of Devil himself is to spread that he doesn't exist!

So economic proxy wars , India will remain valuable just because of it's market size.

You don't have to overestimate India, but you must not underestimate it.

If you underestimate your enemy , then you are doomed! No one can save you!

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@mmr, it's for you! Your detail opinion is requested!

Pro west, chhota Mullah Hazrat @Michael Corleone, perhaps you will be interested too! :undecided:

UK defence secretary suggests US is no longer a superpower

Ben Wallace, Britain’s defence secretary, suggested the US could no longer be considered a superpower in an interview where he also contrasted his department’s handling of the Afghanistan crisis with that of the embattled Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

(For the full story read news)

that's a wrong statement i think, tatmadaw is fighting insurgents with small arms ,artillery and armoured vehicles they make in their own country. its not like their Sy-400 or sukhois are going to make any difference against rebels. Even their helos are useless. They're getting shot down by FN-6 manpads supplied by either BD or PRC (by means of wa State).
Tamadav already has all the guns in the world. For a country of a puny 50 million, they have an enormous army. Even Norkos don't have such military-civilian ratio.
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@mmr, it's for you! Your detail opinion is requested!

Pro west, chhota Mullah Hazrat @Michael Corleone, perhaps you will be interested too! :undecided:

UK defence secretary suggests US is no longer a superpower

Ben Wallace, Britain’s defence secretary, suggested the US could no longer be considered a superpower in an interview where he also contrasted his department’s handling of the Afghanistan crisis with that of the embattled Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

(For the full story read news)

USA might not be what it was in 90's but it has many powerful friends. Just look around.

Unless there is dollar USA will remain the most powerful country.
USA might not be what it was in 90's but it has many powerful friends. Just look around.

Unless there is dollar USA will remain the most powerful country.
Not that. Your friends will no longer remain your friends, because there is no free lunch, specially in world politics !

And who else is the powerfull friend of USA , if United Kingdom itself is blaming them too harshly ? Who has been the better friend to USA than UK?

Remember in so called war on terrorism Tony blare was acting as spouse of George Bush?

So if UK is Blaming USA then who is the powerful friend of usa? It's not Germany for sure , as Germany would prefer China over usa as Gemrnany is actually the leader of EU, and EU always had dreams of passing usa as a coalition!

So please show me the powerful friends if usa.

Now all For better understanding, read this bengali article of Gautam Das! But pls read it thoroughly!

Every country depends on its own strength to become rich. China is still a developing country.
If you don't believe it, you can find a place under India's pl.

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Damn , that is funny !
1. If you know the support rate of CCP&PLA in China, you will find that you hate the Chinese people.
2. I don't think you are the same kind of people as Buddhists in East Asia. There is a big gap in your attitude about human life.

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I bet he is Indian who wrapped himself in a Nepali Flag.
I do not know of any Nepali who likes India especially after Modi tried to strangle Nepal.
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@Bilal9 bhai, Please be careful what you wish for! If Myanmar balkanized, in the end it will only benefit western block and it's foot soldier and lapdog India. Even later it can cause the balkanization of Bangladesh as the traitor @Buddhistforlife is dreaming of; separating CHT from Bangladesh!

Let me explain why. China is literally a land locked country , as it can't connect to rest of the world ,specially the hot oven the bay of Bengal directly without Myanmar.

So assume that if Myanmar will be balkanized ,China will be taken down on her knees by usa and allies in lot less than a month by imposing a hostile naval blockade on malacca strait ; the only narrow passage for China to connect to the rest of the world ( if Myanmar fall)!

And fall of China mean clearly the decisive victory of America in the region!

And power of balance will be destroyed, India will be hugely benefitted and we will.be screwed up!

Usa will never prefer us over India, as India is much bigger market than ours!

So then India will destabilise Bangladesh ( already India wanted to run military operaion to Bangladesh but China stopped then by force. I posted a talk show of Mr Abu rushd, the editor of defense journal Bangladesh if you watched it thoroughly you already know the secinerio ) , and usa will not prevent them because of their own business.

We have personal problem with Myanmar due to Rohingya issue, and we will find a different way to solve it! but a balkanized Myanmar will in the end will put us into corner alongside China!

China may survive not as superpower, but as second class to usa, but there is a huge chance of a balkanized Bangladesh too ,as India will try to takeover CHT and a defenceless Bangladesh can do nothing.

Unfortunately many people believe that usa withdrawn from Afghanistan because they are afraid of heroes or Muslims (?!) and even many people are absurdly portraying taliban leader as Amirul Muminin !

These as.sholes have no idea that, Usa withdrawn from Afghanistan for final battle and the battle against China. Running military operation in Afghanistan is now not beneficial for them, so they focused on the bay of Bengal with brute force!

They want to focus on bay of bengal instead of Afghanistan now, Russia is no longer a threat to them.

so in order to counter China .their heavy focus is on the bay of Bengal and Myanmar now!

Tbh , the world is far more complicated that we see with bare eyes!

- Finally, we must not forget that Rohingya crisis was created by su Kyi govt .not by Junta . It really doesn't if people believe that su Kyi was the puppet of Junta, but the reality is , su Kyi was the puppet not the puppet of Junta, but the puppet of western block!

So for our own benefits we must keep supporting the Junta govt!

And that's why China will never do that , as no one in the world will happily axe his/her own feet!

If tatmadaw under Junta will be collapse, and su Kyie back to power , then China will be defeated!

Then even west no longer need to balkanize Myanmar in order to block Chinese access to the bay of bengal , but Myanmar itself will be blocking China to connect to the bay of Bengal.

And later usa will block malacca straight, and only few days blockade will China from rest of the world, and the result is miserable defeat of China!


Now tell me if Myanmar ( under western influence through su Kyi) block China from entering the bay of Bengal, and usa block malacca strait with hostile naval force?

How long the super power China survive?

Please remember, the malacca strait is much more dangerous than chicken neck is for India.

Writing the chicken neck will cause India lose only the North East, but blockade on malacca ( after banning China to the bay of Bengal using puppet inside Myanmar) will literally bring the mighty China on it's knees!

So there is no reason for China to not support the tatmadaw!

So at best we can hope that we all can solve Rohingya problems , it will take long time, but surely China can't help us, directly.

At least not before the defeat of usa and allies in the region!
@MH.Yang , any opinion?

Very sorry, its the dumbest thing i have read in a while.

Chinas trade goes through the straights, absolutely, but what has that to do with the bay? Trade lines are beyond the borders of the bay. It would certainly make it easier for china to use burmese ports to transport goods by connecting to shipping lines via the bay but that only happens in very small scale now.

Burma balkanising wont make much difference to chinese international connections.

As to burma blocking china from the bay... how would they do that? You can not prevent another country from using international waters? China can entirely avoid the bay by connecting through pakistan.

Leave off the weird conspiracy theories. Balkanisation of Burma in most scenario is good for BD. For china it would be a headache but managable. Your theory is internally inconsistant, you speak at the same time of balkanisation and burma acting as a unified state. It can not be both. Balkanisation or not no entity in burma would be anti chinese for long.

Also can not follow the logic that balkanisation of burma would lead to USA and allies imposing a blockade on china. Why would they do that? What would they be blocking? Iranian oil? Chinese iphones going to europe?

Who are these allies that will be assisting the USA.... japan with its moribound economy? South korea with its perennial issue with the north? India who can not stop unarmed chinese soldiers taking over their land.... seriously dude...china is one of the economic engines of the world....you heard the term too big to fall....well it applies here....the west wont go to war with china as it would mean economic suicide for all parties concerned.

For india however it would be a disaster because balkanisation of burma will immediately lead to clamor for independence in the 7 sister states. It is india that would find itself blocked in and excluded from the bay because a balkanised burma would mean india will have to traverse a multitude of interests rather than a singular one now.
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Very sorry, its the dumbest thing i have read in a while.
No need to be sorry. You can have your own opinion! Soon I shall post two interviews of a person who is professional dumbest person ( hence more dumb than amateur dumb like me) !

Read all links thoroughly!

Chinas trade goes through the straights, absolutely, but what has that to do with the bay? Trade lines are beyond the borders of the bay. It would certainly make it easier for china to use burmese ports to transport goods by connecting to shipping lines via the bay but that only happens in very small scale now.

So I think that Chinese authority is even more dumb than my opinion , it's a disaster for Chinese people

Here is the video of interview of the chief editor of defense journal BD ; the only defense journal of Bangladesh!

And the second one is

If you are interested, you can watch full videos , he explained everything with maps.

If you are kinda lazy , or extremely busy .then read the text!

It's bengali,

And it's English (you can find lots of articles in English) .

And now

Burma balkanising wont make much difference to chinese international connections.

As to burma blocking china from the bay... how would they do that? You can not prevent another country from using international waters? China can entirely avoid the bay by connecting through pakistan.
YES through the dangerous karakoram highway , and it's very easy right ? China will have to be heavily dependent of one highway only for it's entire supply line while 90% of trades are done by sea routs nowadays?

So Easter part of China where 1.3 billion Chinese left should be relied on the karakoram highway to connect to the sea. Indeed it Will be hugely beneficial for china. Hey man do you know that how much the cost will raise? Will the money fall from sky?

Who are these allies that will be assisting the USA.... japan with its moribound economy? South korea with its perennial issue with the north? India who can not stop unarmed chinese soldiers taking over their land.... seriously dude...china is one of the economic engines of the world....you heard the term too big to fall....well it applies here....the west wont go to war with china as it would mean economic suicide for all parties concerned.
Yes exactly India can't strop unarmed Chinese , as every Chinese soldier is Achilles, I am convinced.

However keep in mind and that is even achilles had his weak point too and that's his hill, and the weak point cause the miserable death of him by an arrow shot of coward Paris ( who is champion of retreating) !

So what are you talking about do you know?

And who said that India will come? India has Andaman and Nicobor island and USA will use it to block the strait.

For india however it would be a disaster because balkanisation of burma will immediately lead to clamor for independence in the 7 sister states. It is india that would find itself blocked in and excluded from the bay because a balkanised burma would mean india will have to traverse a multitude of interests rather than a singular one now.
Oh really? And Indian master usa and west will be sucking goat dick right?

However enough for now. If you read all links I've posted, then I will write more.
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Not that. Your friends will no longer remain your friends, because there is no free lunch, specially in world politics !

And who else is the powerfull friend of USA , if United Kingdom itself is blaming them too harshly ? Who has been the better friend to USA than UK?

Remember in so called war on terrorism Tony blare was acting as spouse of George Bush?

So if UK is Blaming USA then who is the powerful friend of usa? It's not Germany for sure , as Germany would prefer China over usa as Gemrnany is actually the leader of EU, and EU always had dreams of passing usa as a coalition!

So please show me the powerful friends if usa.

Now all For better understanding, read this bengali article of Gautam Das! But pls read it thoroughly!

Why do you always think China will replace the USA?

1. China has no (at least not for the time being) plan to use CNY to replace the US dollar. You can Google that CNY is not a freely convertible currency, and a non freely convertible currency cannot become a global currency. What China wants is global currency diversification, which can hedge the global financial crisis, diversifying financial risks in a world of global economic integration, and prevent imperialism from exploiting the world by using monetary hegemony. it is more in China's interests.

2. China will not become an imperialist country. In fact, in 2009, Obama proposed a new framework for the G2 world to China. You can confirm this information by Google. China rejected Obama because China opposed imperialism and would not participate in carve up and exploitation of the world as an imperialist country.

3. China is a trading country and a country that firmly supports global economic integration. Trade needs a stable and peaceful environment, so any war anywhere is not in China's interests. China hopes that the world will work together to get rid of the shackles of gravity on mankind, rather than killing each other on the blue planet.

4. Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping once said something similar: the future world will be a multipolar world. If only one superpower replaces another superpower. That is not the progress of human civilization, but the retrogression of human civilization.

Please do not use imperialist thinking to speculate on the actions of the Chinese people. We don't like you do that.
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