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Myanmar Nation unity government calls for Civil War

China is a selfish nation. Chinese influence can immediately turn a country into an impoverished nation. China made North Korea, Cambodia, Pakistan and other nations into a poor nation.

Whereas American influence is a blessing for a nation. South Korea, UAE, Saudi Arabia are rich even Pakistan before 1971 was richer because of USA.

Every country depends on its own strength to become rich. China is still a developing country.
If you don't believe it, you can find a place under India's pl.

China is a selfish nation. Chinese influence can immediately turn a country into an impoverished nation. China made North Korea, Cambodia, Pakistan and other nations into a poor nation.

Whereas American influence is a blessing for a nation. South Korea, UAE, Saudi Arabia are rich even Pakistan before 1971 was richer because of USA.
When was North korea,Cambodia,Pakistan a rich nation? North korea exist secluded because of china or US? Is NK sanctioned into abject poverty by the US or China?
Do you even know the scale of development and projects in CAMBODIA the likes of which US would never fund nor have the means to do so? It's a nation that has ousted and banned NED-CIA sponsored shill and regained complete sovereignty over itself ,something which can't be said any of the nation you mentioned.
Pakistan? would this nation even exist if not for china? their nuclear deterrence,missiles tech,fighter jets,and bailout during recession all, of which carried out by China.

Your UAE,Saudi are oil nation meanhwile Korea is like a US military base ,only difference from NK is ,they aren't sanctioned by the US dollar blackmail ,unlike NK .Human civilization isn't 200 years only but will extend for millions,by next 500 years one can see which states are more better off ,Chinese allied sovereign nations or those whose sovereignty is controlled by the US.

You being a Pakistani should know your own history. Why is Pakistan an extremely poor nation now? Its because you guys are under Chinese influence. The CPEC, Gwadar port all these are Chinese scams to suck money out of Pakistan.

Compare today's Pakistan with Pakistan during the 1950s and 1960s era and see the difference. Old presidents like Ayub Khan was a friend of USA and Pakistan had a better economy than India, a more liberal society and a better military. Pakistan was even better than South Korea and Malaysia.

Pakistan will become like Pol Pot governed Cambodia and Kim dynasty ruled North Korea if it remains with China.

Do you even realize that Gwadar project is first proposed by Pervez musarraf back in 1999,it's China that has refused the project
but Pakistan kept proposing it till China considered it under BRI ?
What money is there in Pakistan for China to suck out?

You can envison a better economy dream while wallstreet thugs own majority of their resources and institutions,all the relevant political party stacked with US shills backed by CIA or topple it when they don't do US's bidding by ned-USAID sponsored NGO and opposition ,living in ecochamber of the anglo propaganda and die without even knowing it.
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Every country depends on its own strength to become rich. China is still a developing country.
If you don't believe it, you can find a place under India's pl.

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Well I don't hate China I just hate dictatorship and Communists. I am a supporter of democracy. You can say I hate the PLA leadership of China.

I do not hate China because China has the most buddhist population in the whole world and Chinese government also more often promotes Buddhism all over the world.

So yes I hate the communist government mot China as a whole.
Well I don't hate China I just hate dictatorship and Communists. I am a supporter of democracy. You can say I hate the PLA leadership of China.

I do not hate China because China has the most buddhist population in the whole world and Chinese government also more often promotes Buddhism all over the world.

So yes I hate the communist government mot China as a whole.

1. If you know the support rate of CCP&PLA in China, you will find that you hate the Chinese people.
2. I don't think you are the same kind of people as Buddhists in East Asia. There is a big gap in your attitude about human life.


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1. If you know the support rate of CCP&PLA in China, you will find that you hate the Chinese people.
2. I don't think you are the same kind of people as Buddhists in East Asia. There is a big gap in your attitude about human life.

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View attachment 776582
Chinese people should return to Buddhism. There are too many atheists in China.
CIA creating more drama. They will **** up entire south east Asia one by one. same thing they did Latin America and middle east.
CIA maybe created it , but won't be successful like in Latin America.

You always overestimate usa, even in the time when they are losing glory!

There is no China in Latin America, but it's in Asia , and China will let USA success because of her own interest.

Russia will support China over USA Aby day!

It's better for America to focus on rebuilding their economy and accept their 2nd position to China as a super power!
Better that Myanmar break apart into separate provinces (Chin, Karen, Shan etc.), instead of being artificially held together like it is now. They are not a homogenous entity.
@Bilal9 bhai, Please be careful what you wish for! If Myanmar balkanized, in the end it will only benefit western block and it's foot soldier and lapdog India. Even later it can cause the balkanization of Bangladesh as the traitor @Buddhistforlife is dreaming of; separating CHT from Bangladesh!

Let me explain why. China is literally a land locked country , as it can't connect to rest of the world ,specially the hot oven the bay of Bengal directly without Myanmar.

So assume that if Myanmar will be balkanized ,China will be taken down on her knees by usa and allies in lot less than a month by imposing a hostile naval blockade on malacca strait ; the only narrow passage for China to connect to the rest of the world ( if Myanmar fall)!

And fall of China mean clearly the decisive victory of America in the region!

And power of balance will be destroyed, India will be hugely benefitted and we will.be screwed up!

Usa will never prefer us over India, as India is much bigger market than ours!

So then India will destabilise Bangladesh ( already India wanted to run military operaion to Bangladesh but China stopped then by force. I posted a talk show of Mr Abu rushd, the editor of defense journal Bangladesh if you watched it thoroughly you already know the secinerio ) , and usa will not prevent them because of their own business.

We have personal problem with Myanmar due to Rohingya issue, and we will find a different way to solve it! but a balkanized Myanmar will in the end will put us into corner alongside China!

China may survive not as superpower, but as second class to usa, but there is a huge chance of a balkanized Bangladesh too ,as India will try to takeover CHT and a defenceless Bangladesh can do nothing.

Unfortunately many people believe that usa withdrawn from Afghanistan because they are afraid of heroes or Muslims (?!) and even many people are absurdly portraying taliban leader as Amirul Muminin !

These as.sholes have no idea that, Usa withdrawn from Afghanistan for final battle and the battle against China. Running military operation in Afghanistan is now not beneficial for them, so they focused on the bay of Bengal with brute force!

They want to focus on bay of bengal instead of Afghanistan now, Russia is no longer a threat to them.

so in order to counter China .their heavy focus is on the bay of Bengal and Myanmar now!

Tbh , the world is far more complicated that we see with bare eyes!

- Finally, we must not forget that Rohingya crisis was created by su Kyi govt .not by Junta . It really doesn't if people believe that su Kyi was the puppet of Junta, but the reality is , su Kyi was the puppet not the puppet of Junta, but the puppet of western block!

So for our own benefits we must keep supporting the Junta govt!

Well if China stops supplying spares for all the defense stuff (ships, aircraft), Tatmadaw will collapse in a month
And that's why China will never do that , as no one in the world will happily axe his/her own feet!

If tatmadaw under Junta will be collapse, and su Kyie back to power , then China will be defeated!

Then even west no longer need to balkanize Myanmar in order to block Chinese access to the bay of bengal , but Myanmar itself will be blocking China to connect to the bay of Bengal.

And later usa will block malacca straight, and only few days blockade will China from rest of the world, and the result is miserable defeat of China!


Now tell me if Myanmar ( under western influence through su Kyi) block China from entering the bay of Bengal, and usa block malacca strait with hostile naval force?

How long the super power China survive?

Please remember, the malacca strait is much more dangerous than chicken neck is for India.

Writing the chicken neck will cause India lose only the North East, but blockade on malacca ( after banning China to the bay of Bengal using puppet inside Myanmar) will literally bring the mighty China on it's knees!

So there is no reason for China to not support the tatmadaw!

So at best we can hope that we all can solve Rohingya problems , it will take long time, but surely China can't help us, directly.

At least not before the defeat of usa and allies in the region!
@MH.Yang , any opinion?
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@Bilal9 bhai, be careful what you wish for! If Myanmar balkanized, in the end it will only benefit western block and it's foot soldier and lapdog India. Even later it can cause the balkanization of Bangladesh as the traitor @Buddhistforlife is dreaming of; separating CHT from Bangladesh!

Let me explain why. China is literally a land locked country , as it can't connect to rest of the world ,specially the hot oven the bay of Bengal directly without Myanmar.

So assume that if Myanmar will be balkanized ,China will be taken down on her knees by usa and allies in lot less than a month by imposing a hostile naval blockade on malacca strait ; the only narrow passage for China to connect to the rest of the world ( if Myanmar fall)!

And fall of China mean clearly the decisive victory of America in the region!

And power of balance will be destroyed, India will be hugely benefitted and we will.be screwed up!

Usa will never prefer us over India, as India is much bigger market than ours!

So then India will destabilise Bangladesh ( already India wanted to run military operaion to Bangladesh but China stopped then by force. I posted a talk show of Mr Abu rushd, the editor of defense journal Bangladesh if you watched it thoroughly you already know the secinerio ) , and usa will not prevent them because of their own business.

We have personal problem with Myanmar due to Rohingya issue, and we will find a different way to solve it! but a balkanized Myanmar will in the end will put us into corner alongside China!

China may survive not as superpower, but as second class to usa, but there is a huge chance of a balkanized Bangladesh too ,as India will try to takeover CHT and a defenceless Bangladesh can do nothing.

Unfortunately many people believe that usa withdrawn from Afghanistan because they are afraid of heroes or Muslims (?!) and even many people are absurdly portraying taliban leader as Amirul Muminin !

These as.sholes have no idea that, Usa withdrawn from Afghanistan for final battle and the battle against China. Running military operation in Afghanistan is now not beneficial for them, so they focused on the bay of Bengal with brute force!

They want to focus on bay of bengal instead of Afghanistan now, Russia is no longer a threat to them.

so in order to counter China .their heavy focus is on the bay of Bengal and Myanmar now!

Tbh , the world is far more complicated that we see with bare eyes!

- Finally, we must not forget that Rohingya crisis was created by su Kyi govt .not by Junta . It really doesn't if people believe that su Kyi was the puppet of Junta, but the reality is , su Kyi was the puppet not the puppet of Junta, but the puppet of western block!

So for our own benefits we must keep supporting the Junta govt!

And that's why China will never do that , as no one in the world will happily axe his/her own feet!

If tatmadaw under Junta will be collapse, and su Kyie back to power , then China will be defeated!

Then even west no longer need to balkanize Myanmar in order to block Chinese access to the bay of bengal , but Myanmar itself will be blocking China to connect to the bay of Bengal.

And later usa will block malacca straight, and only few days blockade will China from rest of the world, and the result is miserable defeat of China!


Now tell me if Myanmar ( under western influence through su Kyi) block China from entering the bay of Bengal, and usa block malacca strait with hostile naval force?

How long the super power China survive?

Please remember, the malacca strait is much more dangerous than chicken neck is for India.

Writing the chicken neck will cause India lose only the North East, but blockade on malacca ( after banning China to the bay of Bengal using puppet inside Myanmar) will literally bring the mighty China on it's knees!

So there is no reason for China to not support the tatmadaw!

So at best we can hope that we all can solve Rohingya problems , it will take long time, but surely China can't help us, directly.

At least not before the defeat of usa and allies in the region!
@MH.Yang , any opinion?

Don't give it too much thought.

1, Whether the military government or Aung San Suu Kyi, their attitude towards Rohingya people is the same. You can refer to the attitudes of Hindu parties towards Muslims. Myanmar's development is slow, and they need reasons and enemies to divert people's discontent. The Rohingyas were the reason for their selection. In order to win votes, all political parties in Myanmar actually have the same attitude on Rohingyas. Aung San Suu Kyi dared not offend western human rights organizations, but she was more afraid to offend voters.

2, China is not so dependent on the Strait of Malacca. I suggest you learn about CPEC and B & R. And China is actually a country rich in minerals. I suggest you Google the proved reserves of various minerals in China. China's closure of domestic mines and large imports of minerals is because China needs to balance trade. China has too much trade surplus, which is not conducive to the long-term development of China's economy and the world economy. China's only less mineral is oil. China's proven oil reserves are the ninth in the world, slightly lower than that of the United Arab Emirates. This is also the only resource that China must import. But Russia can satisfy China.

3, There will be no direct war between China and the USA, and there will be only some proxy war between the two countries at most. You underestimate the patience of China which is full of factories and resources, and overestimate the patience of America which is full of bankers and lawyers. The result of direct war between China and the USA is mutual destruction. Maybe some American netizens don't mind destroying each other with China, but Wall Street chaebols mind. Chaebols are chaebols in the USA, and in other countries also are chaebols. So they can actually accept the failure of the USA. Their lives are very valuable, so they won't go crazy.

4, You still have two serious mistakes. First, you underestimated the unity of ASEAN. Second, you seriously underestimated China's influence on Myanmar.
you seriously underestimated China's influence on Myanmar.
Nah I didn't. That's why I said that we shouldn't speak anything that favor the western aka usa!

And yes I know there Will be no direct war between China and usa , but usa is cutting fund in Afghanistan and investing in proxy wars against China.

That's why they need Myanmar. But surely Myanmar Junta will take China side!
Nah I didn't. That's why I said that we shouldn't speak anything that favor the western aka usa!

And yes I know there Will be no direct war between China and usa , but usa is cutting fund in Afghanistan and investing in proxy wars against China.

That's why they need Myanmar. But surely Myanmar Junta will take China side!

If you really know Myanmar, you will know that no matter which party comes to power, it will stand on China's side.
CIA maybe created it , but won't be successful like in Latin America.

You always overestimate usa, even in the time when they are losing glory!

There is no China in Latin America, but it's in Asia , and China will let USA success because of her own interest.

Russia will support China over USA Aby day!

It's better for America to focus on rebuilding their economy and accept their 2nd position to China as a super power!
China dont know how to play dirty game. Anglo ppl are vicious....you have no idea how far they will go to to destabilize a country.

did you know CIA sell crack cocaine to its own black community to support latin america narco states....they have no boundary when it comes to play dirty.

China policy is non intervention. This is cute but five eyes don't give a ****. Wait and see how many color revolution coming to south east Asia in coming years...any regime too close to china will face it.
If you really know Myanmar, you will know that no matter which party comes to power, it will stand on China's side.
Maybe you are right. But I heard that su Kyi is western puppet. I heard it from reliable source!
China dont know how to play dirty game.
China dont know how to play dirty game
Indeed China knows how to play dirty game, otherwise it wouldn't survive as 5000 years Old civilization.

However since dirty game and dirty job is necessary for the survival of nations in human history, so this dirty job can't really be called dirty.

However if China really don't know how to play the dirty game ( which is highly unlikely), I would lost all respect for China!

But I'm sure China is wise enough to play dirty survival game better than others!
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Maybe you are right. But I heard that su Kyi is western puppet. I heard it from reliable source!

Indeed China knows how to play dirty game, otherwise it wouldn't survive as 5000 years Old civilization.

However since dirty game and dirty job is necessary for the survival of nations in human history, so this dirty job can't really be called dirty.

However if China really don't know how to play the dirty game ( which is highly unlikely), I would lost all respect for China!

But I'm sure China is wise enough to play dirty survival game better than others!

When Aung San Suu Kyi did not have power, she was indeed supported by the West. The West wants to use her to attack the Burmese military government. But after Aung San Suu Kyi took office, she immediately fell to China. In 2018, she signed the China Myanmar economic cooperation agreement with China and joined China B&R. In fact, China also has a good relationship with the military government.

This is why no matter what happens in Myanmar, China will always be scolded.
Chinese people should return to Buddhism. There are too many atheists in China.

What are the chances of Buddhist insurgency spillover in Bangladesh?

Is Myanmar causing rise in Muslim identitification of Bangladesh over the years?
did you know CIA sell crack cocaine to its own black community to support latin america narco states....they have no boundary when it comes to play dirty.
Well why not , it's open secrete. But you must blame taliban for this ,because if you blame usa then the slave of usa ( Bharat) and it's subservient media will portray you as fanatic.

So whatever maybe the case , you have to preach that sanghi ( even the bastard yogi Aditya Nath) mother fu.kers are progressive and any name that is related to Muslim is uncultured and medieval.

If you don't do that you are terrorist. Period!
China policy is non intervention. This is cute but five eyes don't give a ****. Wait and see how many color revolution coming to south east Asia in coming years...any regime too close to china will face it.
I agree and trust me, it's the strongest policy of having much stronger grasp over any nation and it's people! And that's why i support China any days over usa!

China Will not only survive , but will rise as new and only super power , by hook or by crook. Mark my words.

And the fall of usa isn't so far.

If the sun of British empire can set (that supposed no never set ) , then indeed Usa hegemony can be ended.

Usa is past ; China is the present and future!
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