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Myanmar-Bangladesh relations

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Chinese are so pissed they just drop the idea of any rail link in Myanmar. They are now developing alternate route through Laos to Thailand. You again blundered $2 billion dollar for that project.

Nah. They're already building the pipeline. Any talk of cancelling the railway is just brinksmanship as we stopped their building of the Myitsone dam. That railway will be built. It's been planned in the mind of the powers that be for centuries.

LOL...talk about chest-thumping. How many Bangladeshis have you even met? :lol: Some of my best friends were Burmese.

Myanmar never even gets mentioned by anyone in Bangladesh. Not even the news media. The only time was the recent Rohingya incident. And that's it.

And that's how relevant you lot are in "real life" :wave:

I've met a fair share in England. Bengalis make good code-monkeys and I like your cheap curry houses. To be honest, I never gave your country much thought until the business with the gas drilling in the bay of bengal. And the first place I learned of the desire for Arakan was here actually. But I have no doubt that Arakan is dear to your hearts. Which is kind of cute in a way.
Kallu, there wouldn't be a Bangladesh to speak of without the Indians. You are the bastard children of England, India and Pakistan.

Alungphalung: Chill!! You're western educated, or so we were informed! Someone must have failed to beat some western manners into you, or is it the little burmese junta in you rearing it's ugly head when the heat is on? :lol:

On a more serious note, please engage my countrymen in a constructive manner. I'm no fan of kalumiah, but he's got the upper hand this time around. ;)
The name Burma came out from the name of a group of people called 'Burman.' These Burmans conquered other present day Burmese states. So, it is a Burmese Empire. When the political power of Bengal went to the British from the muslims, it created a vacuum in its eastern region of Assam, manipur etc. The Burman barbarians invaded this region and captured it only to be ousted by the Presidency of Bengal under the British.

This is the short history why the King Alaunphagaya speaks of a Burmese empire of the past. Thing is, we also had a larger and lasting empire for 550 years that comprised present day Bangladesh, west Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and a part of Audh (Ajodhya or UP). Arakan itself remained a vassal state of ours for about a hundred years. While we do not brag about it, this fellow, who named himself after a King here, is talking about their fragile short-lived past empire.

The Konbaung Empire was only one of our empires. The Pagan and Toungoo preceded it. Look, man. You can talk and talk about some nebulous great Bengali empire but Bangladesh simply doesn't have the same cultural heritage as a lot of proper countries. That's tough luck but it's sad to see you talk about artificial history. Just keep your heads down, take the Rohingyas back without any land and try to stay out of trouble. I'm sure we'll get along just great.
After seeing the rail map of Myanmar I too believe its a pipedream because it will need billions of dollar with little return. The narrow strip of rail line that India-Myanmar has proposed through Imphal-Moreh-Tamu-Kalay-Segyi will cost about $1 billion, what would be cost of Chittagong-Kunming rail line and who gonna pay for it.


Don't you know the Governor's office of Yunnan has already complained that Burma has taken $2billion in the name of building such a railway, but are not doing any job. Burma has stolen this $2 billion. After north Korea this Burma is the most notorious country in the world whose people are hereditary pirates. So, China will build a Laos/Thailand exit.
Alungphalung: Chill!! You're western educated, or so we were informed! Someone must have failed to beat some western manners into you, or is it the little burmese junta in you rearing it's ugly head when the heat is on? :lol:

On a more serious note, please engage my countrymen in a constructive manner. I'm no fan of kalumiah, but he's got the upper hand this time around. ;)

Upper hand? Western manners? kalu miah and that iadjani talk about breaking up my country endlessly. Ofcourse that'll piss me off.
Don't you know the Governor's office of Yunnan has already complained that Burma has taken $2billion in the name of building such a railway, but are not doing any job. Burma has stolen this $2 billion. After north Korea this Burma is the most notorious country in the world whose people are hereditary pirates. So, China will build a Laos/Thailand exit.

That is just nonsense, a misquote at best. You can't just take 2 Billion dollars like that, why would China give 2 Billion dollars to Myanmar in advance? And why would they give the money to Myanmar at all, when it was Chinese firms who were meant to construct the rail line?

What the Governor meant was that China had offered $2 Billion assistance to Myanmar for the construction of the rail line. You make it sound like Myanmar government asked China to wire them $2 Billion and then asked them to get stuffed.:lol:
That is just nonsense, a misquote at best. You can't just take 2 Billion dollars like that, why would China give 2 Billion dollars to Myanmar in advance? And why would they give the money to Myanmar at all, when it was Chinese firms who were meant to construct the rail line?

What the Governor meant was that China had offered $2 Billion assistance to Myanmar for the construction of the rail line. You make it sound like Myanmar government asked China to wire them $2 Billion and then asked them to get stuffed.:lol:

We're hereditary pirates don't you know. We held the governor's ship and demanded a $2billion ransom.

Everyone else, go look at a map of SE Asia and then tell me again of a Lao-Thai extention. If they want to get into the Bay of Bengal, they will have to go into Burma somewhere and use one of our ports. Unless ofcourse they're going to build a goods and hookers service all the way from Kunming to Phuket!
India should put all its effort to make myanmar as one of its trusted ally .. Bangladesh is a lost cause for us as our pm rightly said that more than 30% are jamathis and their supporters are increasing day by day as it is evident here in this forum ..
Forget bangladesh , it will be good for those jamathis and for us ..after awaami govt i think season of cold will arrive that will be good time to make strategic shift towards burma
India should put all its effort to make myanmar as one of its trusted ally .. Bangladesh is a lost cause for us as our pm rightly said that more than 30% are jamathis and their supporters are increasing day by day as it is evident here in this forum ..
Forget bangladesh , it will be good for those jamathis and for us ..after awaami govt i think season of cold will arrive that will be good time to make strategic shift towards burma

Someone's getting emotional again! ;p

Upper hand? Western manners? kalu miah and that iadjani talk about breaking up my country endlessly. Ofcourse that'll piss me off.

"Upper hand?"? Surprised? Here it's all about wining the debate. Very few of you (90% BDs, Indians, Paks) make any sense, if at all. Now go on, play the PM of your country for us. Kalu_miah, your antagonist, can play God's World Affairs Minister. :chilli:
India should put all its effort to make myanmar as one of its trusted ally .. Bangladesh is a lost cause for us as our pm rightly said that more than 30% are jamathis and their supporters are increasing day by day as it is evident here in this forum ..
Forget bangladesh , it will be good for those jamathis and for us ..after awaami govt i think season of cold will arrive that will be good time to make strategic shift towards burma

Yes, a love with Burma will satisfy your ego, no doubt! But, this Burma has expelled thousands and thousands of Indians after it got independence from england in 1948. This is their mindset. While malaysia or Thailand retained all the Indians, Burma seized all the properties of indians and expelled them. Because Burma gave you a big kick in your black ***, now you are courting friendship with them only to satisfy your ego against Bangladesh.
That is just nonsense, a misquote at best. You can't just take 2 Billion dollars like that, why would China give 2 Billion dollars to Myanmar in advance? And why would they give the money to Myanmar at all, when it was Chinese firms who were meant to construct the rail line?

What the Governor meant was that China had offered $2 Billion assistance to Myanmar for the construction of the rail line. You make it sound like Myanmar government asked China to wire them $2 Billion and then asked them to get stuffed.:lol:

There is no mistake about the news. Read it carefully, what i said is correct. Burma is such a trash without knowing how to deal with international commitment. They are a bunch of uncivilized thieves and pirates who came out of the Jungles. No one should expect any better from them.

There is no mistake about the news. Read it carefully, what i said is correct. Burma is such a trash without knowing how to deal with international commitment. They are a bunch of uncivilized thieves and pirates who came out of the Jungles. No one should expect any better from them.


Are you sure the word is provided or is it "offered". Because nobody give money in advance to anyone.

Replying to The Daily Star, he said the Yunnan provincial government had even provided Myanmar with $2 billion financial support so that rail lines could be built on its territory.
There is no mistake about the news. Read it carefully, what i said is correct. Burma is such a trash without knowing how to deal with international commitment. They are a bunch of uncivilized thieves and pirates who came out of the Jungles. No one should expect any better from them.


Racism from a bingala is like being barked at by a small dog. Do you have any links other than Bangladeshi newspapers? I can't find anything in Burmese or Chinese newspapers about this. Sounds a bit like subterfuge on the part of the Chinese.
Don't you know the Governor's office of Yunnan has already complained that Burma has taken $2billion in the name of building such a railway, but are not doing any job. Burma has stolen this $2 billion. After north Korea this Burma is the most notorious country in the world whose people are hereditary pirates. So, China will build a Laos/Thailand exit.

As Alaungphaya himself mentioned that they will allow Chittagong-Kunming only if Bangladesh offer them something lucrative in lieu of that.
Reading through that article again, I just realised that it says absolutely nothing about the China - Myanmar railway. Just the Chittagon - Kunming line. Their talk about Laos sounds irrelevant. Here is the lates article I could find in Chinese press about the railways (from Yunnan to Kyaukphyu in Arakan).
BEIJING-- China Railway Group Limited (China Railway) announced Saturday that it has signed a side agreement with Myanmar to jointly build a rail transport construction project in Myanmar.

The side agreement was a supplement to a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed in April between the Myanmar Union Ministry of Rail Transportation and the China Railways Engineering Corporation, the parent company of China Railway.

Under the MOU, China agreed to cooperate with Myanmar in building a railway extending between Myanmar's border town of Muse and the western Rakhine state's Kyaukphyu, a port city.

China Railway said it would be in charge of building the rail line, which starts from the Chinese city of Ruili in southwestern Yunnan Province, extending to Muse and ending at Kyaukphyu. The entire rail line runs 810 kilometers.

The company said the project, expected to be completed within three years according to the MOU, would help deepen China-Myanmar economic ties and boost the economic growth of Myanmar.

Li Changjin, China Railway president, signed the side agreement on behalf of the company in Beijing.
China Railway signs agreement with Myanmar
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