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Myanmar-Bangladesh relations

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As long Bangladesh and Myanmar govt don't fall for indian instigated animosity we can resolve remaining issue and move forward with win win development for both countries.


Myanmar President due July 15

The President of Myanmar U Thein Sein is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka on July 15 on a three-day visit to forge cooperation in a wide range of areas of trade, border management and security aspects, a senior official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) said.

The two countries will hold 'foreign office consultation' at the beginning of next month in Dhaka to finetune the bilateral issues to be included in the agenda for talks prior to the visit of Myanmar president.

Myanmar Deputy Foreign Minister Maung Myint and Bangladesh Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes will lead their respective teams at the consultation meeting at the MoFA, sources said.

Repatriation of undocumented Myanmar nationals and Rohingya refugees will feature prominently in discussion between the two sides during the visit.

The sudden influx of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh territory would also dominate the talks, a senior official of MoFA said, adding the agenda for talks is yet to be finalised.

The President of Myanmar will have exclusive official talks with Bangladesh government officials. President U Thein Sein will hold talks with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and President Zillur Rahman

Issues like connectivity, cooperation in the energy sector, border management, establishing direct road and air links, enhancing trade and cooperation in education and tourism, might come up for discussion, a diplomat said.

In 2010-2011, Bangladesh exported products worth $9.65 million to Myanmar against its import of $179 million.

Myanmar President due July 15
This theater will be the next Afghanistan. Just like nothing goes through Afghanistan, nothing will go through here until the geopolitics is stabilized and all the players get a fair share of the deal. Thanks to PlanetSoldier for posting that link about ULFA, North East and Burma. I am going to open a new thread on this called the Burma-NE theater.

What we need to do is unite North East rebels and Burmese rebels and take their case to DC and Beijing. Only when we can unite these players, while, Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam are united on their supporting role, they will agree to do something, so all can team up to beat back two imperialist dogs in this theater Delhi and Nypidaw.

The first goal will be to expel Delhi with independence of North East, the 2nd will be to get independence of Burmese rebel states.

Once all parties get independent and Delhi writ goes back to Siliguri corridor, where it belongs, all countries to the East of India can then peacefully join with ASEAN and develop this region. You cannot have development when imperialist dogs are running amok and exploiting and stealing people's resources, just because they got some writ of colonial empire as a gift from the British Raj.

Better leave the NE and ASEAN talks to their related threads. A country should not be too stupid to put a big chunk of raw meat in its mouth that it cannot chew and swallow. It suffocates as a result. A strategist will take the weaker of the two enemies at one time and then will wait for the right time to take the stronger one. Someone should not propose a two-front trouble for Bangladesh for the sole saddisitic pleasure of making it another Afghanistan. At present our country should concentrate on Rohingya issue, that is also without getting into a direct conflict.
Better leave the NE and ASEAN talks to their related threads. A country should not be too stupid to put a big chunk of raw meat in its mouth that it cannot chew and swallow. It suffocates as a result. A strategist will take the weaker of the two enemies at one time and then will wait for the right time to take the stronger one. Someone should not propose a two-front trouble for Bangladesh for the sole saddisitic pleasure of making it another Afghanistan. At present our country should concentrate on Rohingya issue, that is also without getting into a direct conflict.

I agree that ASEAN is premature to talk about. So lets leave that alone. Now about NE states, both are related. India and Burmese Junta are allied, so if one is attacked, through a covert insurgency, the other will offer a helping hand. So the best approach is to attack them both in all of their weak points to make them off balance, so they are preoccupied with their own problems and cannot help each other. And we cannot do this alone, we need partners from the rest of the world, whoever has interest in this region or for human rights.

Rohingya issue is not isolated, it is a small part of a very big regional picture, you cannot just pick out a small part and hope that this will give you an advantage. Picking just one part will bring overwhelming response from both India and Burmese junta to focus on this single problem.

Again, no one is talking about direct conflict, but covert support for insurgency with plausible deniability. But first we need to remove the traitors who have infiltrated even the BNP and leaked information for Paresh Baruah's 10 truck imported arms. NE independence should be our number one national priority to break Indian stranglehold on Bangladesh, so people who are handing over ULFA freedom fighters, are committing treason against Bangladesh, in my opinion.
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