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Myanmar-Bangladesh relations

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Once again, what's in it for Myanmar to let you link up with China? You steal our economic zones in the international court and you won't accept your role in the Rohingya problem. We are also better served to look towards trading with the future superpower than a small, isolated country like Bangladesh. I don't see what's in it for the boys in Naypyidaw other than to pursue India at Bangladesh's expense.

It's not that if country A gets road link, country B won't get the same link by any mathematics. So, tell straightforward your current master whose feet you are licking now doesn't want you to give Bangladesh the road link otherwise there's nothing wrong allowing 2 countries.

People go to court to have judgements on stolen/disputed assets, it's 1st time in my life I hear that people go to court to steal. Rohingya problem is yours..your people your issue. If you forcefully try to impose it on ours, definitely there will be a detour we want or not. I'm really amazed to see the level of your view,logic. You really are suitable with your Id here, holding soul of an ignorant king of some centuries back. I'm really skeptical about your claim of western education, would you mind scanning your certificate and posting that for us to see :woot: !?
Rohinga's are your problem, not that of BD's.

You should remember that you 25-30 million Barma's are nothing compared to 150 million Bangladeshis.

Your military is about as large as it can get while BD could easily beef up it's military much, much larger.

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Too many smaller nation will be a headache for BD to manage. I dont mind keeping Myanmar united except Arakan and leave India alone as long as it leave part of Assam, Tripura and west Bengal to us.. ;-)

She wanted Power Grid connectivity with Nepal in return of Gas connectivity with Myanmar... You guys just chickened out.

Your government's demands were too high, first they wanted huge transit fee as well transit to Nepal, that's why India backed away from the deal. It had nothing to do with gas reserve.
This theater will be the next Afghanistan. Just like nothing goes through Afghanistan, nothing will go through here until the geopolitics is stabilized and all the players get a fair share of the deal. Thanks to PlanetSoldier for posting that link about ULFA, North East and Burma. I am going to open a new thread on this called the Burma-NE theater.

What we need to do is unite North East rebels and Burmese rebels and take their case to DC and Beijing. Only when we can unite these players, while, Bangladesh, Thailand and Vietnam are united on their supporting role, they will agree to do something, so all can team up to beat back two imperialist dogs in this theater Delhi and Nypidaw.

The first goal will be to expel Delhi with independence of North East, the 2nd will be to get independence of Burmese rebel states.

Once all parties get independent and Delhi writ goes back to Siliguri corridor, where it belongs, all countries to the East of India can then peacefully join with ASEAN and develop this region. You cannot have development when imperialist dogs are running amok and exploiting and stealing people's resources, just because they got some writ of colonial empire as a gift from the British Raj.

Our weapon of mass destruction against BD.


Our dear kalu miah once it's unleashed(it's for pdfians to guess which one is kalu).


look at the brighter side, BD coast line will be increased, means more hilsa! :)
It's not that if country A gets road link, country B won't get the same link by any mathematics. So, tell straightforward your current master whose feet you are licking now doesn't want you to give Bangladesh the road link otherwise there's nothing wrong allowing 2 countries.

People go to court to have judgements on stolen/disputed assets, it's 1st time in my life I hear that people go to court to steal. Rohingya problem is yours..your people your issue. If you forcefully try to impose it on ours, definitely there will be a detour we want or not. I'm really amazed to see the level of your view,logic. You really are suitable with your Id here, holding soul of an ignorant king of some centuries back. I'm really skeptical about your claim of western education, would you mind scanning your certificate and posting that for us to see :woot: !?

Haha. Are these the same Westerners that came and raped Asia? Ofcourse, they're not imperialists.
Rohinga's are your problem, not that of BD's.

You should remember that you 25-30 million Barma's are nothing compared to 150 million Bangladeshis.

Your military is about as large as it can get while BD could easily beef up it's military much, much larger.

Like many things in Burma, the 30 million Bamar/Burman is kind of a myth. Karen nationalist claim their number to be 7-12 million:
Seeing'Karen'in the Union of Myanmar (Nick Cheesman) - Academia.edu

The 1931 census,perhaps the last truly comprehensive attempt at mapping the national demography, putKarens at less than 1.5 million out of a total 14.5 million, but under the Japaneseadministration a decade later, they were estimated at 4.5 million.
In more recent years,government censuses have variously estimated a Karen population of between 2 and 5million, whereas Karen nationalists claim between 7 and 12 million.

Debunking the 8 Burmese national races myth « Fifty Viss
From comment section: Someone told me once that the Karen probably even outnumbered the Burmans, as so many were living in Burma proper and had intermarried but weren’t counted – they joked that if the KNU ever came to power, half of all Burma would suddenly become ethnic Karens.

While Mon's number about 8 million, many currently speak Bamar, but hope to recover their Mon nation some day:
Mon people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:: Kao Wao News Group ::
May 31, 2005
Today is the 248th anniversary of the fallen day of our sovereign Mon kingdom, known as Hongsawatoi or Pegu, which covered the whole of today's Lower Burma. The Mon kingdom was invaded and occupied by the alien Burman on the 8th waning day of the second month of the year 1110 of the Mon/Burmese lunar calendar (Christian Era 1757). After the annexation of our Mon kingdom, the blood-thirsty Burman king, Alaung Paya, cold-bloodily exterminated tens of thousands of non-combatant innocent Mon people, including countless women and children, in several stockade-inferno-holocausts. More than 3000 Mon Buddhist monks were also executed in various most cruel methods, including the forced trampling by elephants. The extermination of the Mon people by the Burman king was tantamount to the destruction of Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War. The escape the genocidal operations of the Burman king, hundreds of thousands of the then populace fled into neighboring Siam (Thailand) for asylum.

A study on civil wars in Burma:
http://www.stanford.edu/group/ethnic/Random Narratives/BurmaRN1.2.pdf
How much km is Dhaka-Chittagong rail line and Dhaka-Chittagong Highway from Sabroom border in Tripura. It will take us just few hours to cut your country into two parts.

And yours in 29 parts
What's the reason behind the sour relations between Bangladesh and Myanmar...also what kind of relations did East Pakistan have with Myanmar?
What's the reason behind the sour relations between Bangladesh and Myanmar...also what kind of relations did East Pakistan have with Myanmar?

We maintain amicable relations with Myanmar. Same in Pakistan-era.

We already sorted out the boundary dispute, and only need to work on the refugee issue. I'm sure there'll be a solution that is fair for all.
We maintain amicable relations with Myanmar. Same in Pakistan-era.

We already sorted out the boundary dispute, and only need to work on the refugee issue. I'm sure there'll be a solution that is fair for all.

Yep. Message forums aside, I'm sure the BD government will back down and then we can help BD integrate better into ASEAN to ease their India reliance.
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