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My reply to Narendra Modi in Bloomberg comment

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India can only counter China in the dreams of Indian ultra-nationalists.

Your leaders don't think so, otherwise China would have invaded India by now. You can't take on Vietnam also in an offensive role, forget about India.
Tibet controls very important water resources.
I think we will keep it since we control them.
Besides, by 2030 Tibet will be 100% populated by the Han.
Can't wait for that day, hopefully the CPC accelerates the process :coffee:

'Tibetans' are backward people that live inside caves. Han Chinese gave them jobs, electricity, food, and a life outside of religious extremism.

Well we keep "South Tibet" then 8-)
We have our 6 war strategy. We will get it eventually, we always get what we want. Right now the islands are the key priority.

Don't lose your country in the quest to get whatever you want.
Well we keep "South Tibet" then 8-)

We will get it back once our islands come under our control. Its our 6 war strategy. We are getting more and more powerful by the day and the longer time goes, the bigger the lead we build over our regional countries. India will always be the poor man's China.

Don't lose your country in the quest to get whatever you want.

Oh we won't :lol:
Cool manipulated maps :lol:

Tibet has always been a part of the Han Chinese and ALWAYS will be.
Deal with it :coffee:

How sad the 'hypah powah' Yindooos got spanked in every war you ever fought against us superior Han Chinese.
In fact we scared the living crap out of you so much so that when our army invaded you in April last year, your regime and military dropped their nut sack.
LOL cool story written in ccp history book. Still stuck in 62? Well what can expected from a country whos army putup tents when no one is thr to stop them and then run away when confronted. Can u tell us how many inches of indian land u won from all those wars where hans hv won. Lol
My comments on Bloomberg.

India Frontrunner Modi Slams Expansionary China Amid Poll Boost - Bloomberg





The Hindu Archives: http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/thscrip/print.pl?file=20120713291304400.htm&date=fl2913/&prd=fline&

AsiaWind: Asiawind.com • View topic - Indian history of redrawing maps to steal Chinese land

GlobalSecurity: India-China Border | GlobalSecurity

Tibet itself was not a part of China, it is illegally occupied by China, our Arunachal Pradesh belongs to us as per our treaty with sovereign Tibet before it was illegally occupied by China, We don't care if China nullifies all treaties signed by sovereign Tibet before its occupation by an expansionist China. In any case China cannot do jack about it now.
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south tibet belongs to india
Republic of China is already exist long before modern state of India. Our border is already defined long before any modern states around China exist.

Just look at the mentality of Indian government for annexing Sikkim and another small kingdoms in northeast.

And Indian politicians twisted it by saying Chinese expansionist (while China didn't add territory since modern China being established, we even lost territory).

Now, Indian common people caught in the middle and bear the shame.

China's border has also changed several times during the course of its history. And Sikkim was not annexed, they willfully & happily joined us after a voting, unlike Tibet which was captured by China with brute force.

south tibet belongs to india

There is no South Tibet, that's an imaginary thing.

Arunachal Pradesh of course is an integral part of India. :-)
Vietnam is a much tougher nut to crack than India. Don't insult the Vietnamese by putting a defeated India in their fighting league. Viets are tough bastards, Indians can be spanked anytime. Heck we invade India routinely and you do nothing, we can't do that to Vietnam.

India tougher than Vietnam? Yea nice joke :lol:

Humiliating India is fun. We just enjoy toying with India knowing they are absolutely powerless to confront our military. Your military begged your regime to make sure there is no fight because India is too weak :lol:
Hehehe looks like u hvnt read history after 62. And arunachal is still india. And thats how we keep showing u middle fingure
China's border has also changed several times during the course of its history. And Sikkim was not annexed, they willfully & happily joined us after a voting, unlike Tibet which was captured by China with brute force.

There is no South Tibet, that's an imaginary thing.

Arunachal Pradesh of course is an integral part of India. :-)
just wnated to make it clear to our chinese friends :P
Indian claim is, for one, for a certain period before independence the disputed area was under the rule of an Indian king. And the British who decided the borders at independence, and did so for both Indian and Chinese, gave Aksai Chin to India.

So the comparison of a short lived empire with China is wrong.

No true, India claim is solely based on British Raj. North East area were under independent Ahom and Assamese kingdoms until British annexed them in 1858.
Good write-up Martian. :cheers:

India can only counter China in the dreams of Indian ultra-nationalists.

Same as your Republican Party, they make anti-China statements, but they are economic right-wingers (they believe in laissez-faire free trade).

And in the game of trade, we are the winners. See how America's trade deficit to China soared during the Republican administration.

With all parties there viewing China as a strategic adversary, our advantage lies in the side that allows more free trade and more investment.

Modi is the same, an economic right-winger. He can make anti-China rants, the same as every other Indian political party (with Congress in the lead). But the difference is that he will let our money in.

Some people accuse him of killing Indian citizens, but that is irrelevant to me. China's duty is to look after Chinese citizens, no one else.

I have replied to you numerous times. Did you even bother to read my reply?

We don't want war. We want to have good economic growth for at least a decade.

That's why we always try to keep things in control. Do you really think your soldiers can not be harmed if we really want?

But we are not war mongers. However if someone thrusts war upon us, that nation will have to pay terrible price.

Meanwhile Newer Agni missiles, warships and SSBNs will be inducted by our army and navy. At the same time we will fix our economy, making sure we return to 7% plus growth rate.

Even though you are competent, appear to be incompetent. Though effective,appear to be ineffective.

China's border has also changed several times during the course of its history. And Sikkim was not annexed, they willfully & happily joined us after a voting, unlike Tibet which was captured by China with brute force.

I talk about the modern state government mentality, history doesn't count.

Tibet was not captured by China with brute force. Tibet is already part of China, just like at the hundreds of years old Tibetan temple in Beijing and Tibetan Buddhist followers all over China and overseas Chinese community worldwide.

How many Tibetan Buddhist followers among proper Indians in India outside the Indian Mongoloid community?

According to the Nepal newspaper, India manipulated the public election. Just look at the ex-PM of Sikkim who die alone in shame and cursed by most of Sikkimese.
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