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My reply to Narendra Modi in Bloomberg comment

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How sad that mighty chinis couldn't add a single inch of territory of arunachal pradesh.
Why will I be butthurt you weirdo? i just showed you the Mughal Empire map according to which , entire Pakistan ,Afghanistan , Iran , Nepal, Bhutan and some parts of China are a part of India. I would personally be in favor of a UN resolution to assign land area according to historical maps.

You would? We are a PM and you are not, them's the breaks, charlie.
What does it mean troll ,a ward specifically used by Indian?

trolling means posting off topic or irrelevant comments to annoy others....

U seriously meant that...china should try to annex AP
True, not a single inch.What can I say,coward PLA.

You're calling the PLA a coward? :disagree:

And you called Zhou Enlai a traitor? :rolleyes:

I think you are the traitor and the coward here. Or maybe you are just a 智障人士。
trolling means posting off topic or irrelevant comments to annoy others....

U seriously meant that...china should try to annex AP
Not to annex AP.AP is always Chinese territory.
Cool story bro :lol:



Cool manipulated maps :lol:

Tibet has always been a part of the Han Chinese and ALWAYS will be.
Deal with it :coffee:

How sad that mighty chinis couldn't add a single inch of territory of arunachal pradesh.

How sad the 'hypah powah' Yindooos got spanked in every war you ever fought against us superior Han Chinese.
In fact we scared the living crap out of you so much so that when our army invaded you in April last year, your regime and military dropped their nut sack.
Give independence to Tibet, and then we will cede "South Tibet" to the Tibetans.

Tibet controls very important water resources.
I think we will keep it since we control them.
Besides, by 2030 Tibet will be 100% populated by the Han.
Can't wait for that day, hopefully the CPC accelerates the process :coffee:

'Tibetans' are backward people that live inside caves. Han Chinese gave them jobs, electricity, food, and a life outside of religious extremism.
Tibet controls very important water resources.
I think we will keep it since we control them.
Besides, by 2030 Tibet will be 100% populated by the Han.
Can't wait for that day, hopefully the CPC accelerates the process :coffee:

'Tibetans' are backward people that live inside caves. Han Chinese gave them jobs, electricity, food, and a life outside of religious extremism.
You narrow minded to tell something awful.

Which will always remain with India.
Perhaps all the other good things.
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