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My reply to Narendra Modi in Bloomberg comment

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The Chinese logic is that for 2000 years in continuity they held certain territories. Not for a few years, a few decades or a few centuries. Almost two millennia. It was after the Europeans, British to be precise came the Sino-Indian border messed up.

Indian claim is, for one, for a certain period before independence the disputed area was under the rule of an Indian king. And the British who decided the borders at independence, and did so for both Indian and Chinese, gave Aksai Chin to India.

So the comparison of a short lived empire with China is wrong.

Finally, an Indian with logic arrived in the thread.

And you know, China was actually even willing to recognize that line, when Zhou Enlai in 1960 offered to swap recognition of AP for recognition of Aksai Chin.

The problem is, we were not a party to the current British-drawn McMohan line, so of course we can't recognize it?

Zhou Enlai wanted a new line, one that meant nobody lost territory they were currently controlling, a line decided by Chinese and Indians over the Chinese and Indian sovereign borders.
Because China was united into a single country over 2000 years ago. There was a clear line of succession from one dynasty to the next, with central authority passing from one to the next.

India was only united into a single country during the period of colonization, the earlier empires had zero continuity to the modern day country. The Mauran empire was a single blip in history that just happened to contain territories similar to that of British India, it did not succeed any authority, nor was it succeeded by any authority that claimed to be India, that was a much more recent phenomenon.

You summed up India perfectly.
Well , ok , The Roman Empire lasted for about 400 years. So should almost all of Europe be under Italy?

This is why I said it is a wrong comparison. China as a country maintained continuity.

That is not to say that Indian claim comes short, Aksai Chin was under control of an Indian king, and was granted to India by the British, which at that time held the authority to decide the borders.

The dispute is, British decided the borders dealing with Tibetian govt, which was not sovereign according to Chinese. It was natural for Indian govt to accept the McMohan line, and was natural for Chinese govt to dispute it.
@Ravi Nair


It's like seeing Arundhati Roy getting molested by Maoists.



And with respect to the OP,

Sorry to say Chinese posters, but Han Chinese people have nothing to do with this region of the Himalayas. Your historical and current concentration has always been the Yellow River downstream basin, aka China proper. Just look at Han Chinese population density map, all eastern coast of China. Whereas the majority of India is located just below foothills of the Himalayas.

We may be able to discuss border demarcation and such issues with the legitimate inhabitants of those lands for thousands of years, aka Tibetans and Uighur people, but not Han Chinese. Sorry.

The historical momentum will catch up with you, when you open up and give people a voice. Then you will hear whether Tibetans and Uighurs (or even Inner mongolians) want to have anything to do with Han China/Zhongguo.

Han Chinese are now the majority in Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.
Finally, an Indian with logic arrived in the thread.

And you know, China was actually even willing to recognize that line, when Zhou Enlai in 1960 offered to swap recognition of AP for recognition of Aksai Chin.

The problem is, we were not a party to the current British-drawn McMohan line, so of course we can't recognize it?

Zhou Enlai wanted a new line, one that meant nobody lost territory they were currently controlling, a line decided by Chinese and Indians over the Chinese and Indian sovereign borders.
Do you know AP is in our map?Seems you don't know.

Han Chinese are now the majority in Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang.
Not true.
Zhou is a real traitor then.

That's your opinion.

The offer he made was out of desperation, China at that time was in dire peril, surrounded by two enemy superpowers (USA + Soviets) and in the middle of the Great leap foward famine. He made the offer he thought was necessary.

I do not believe Zhou Enlai was a traitor, he contributed more to China than you could ever hope to dream of.

Anyway, why am I even talking to someone like you.
This is why I said it is a wong comparison. China as a country maintained continuity.

That is not to say that Indian claim comes short, Aksai Chin was under control of an Indian king, and was granted to India by the British, which at that time held the authority to decide the borders.

The dispute is, British decided the borders dealing with Tibetian govt, which was not sovereign according to Chinese. It was natural for Indian govt to accept the McMohan line, and was natural for Chinese govt to dispute it.
This is why I said it is a wrong comparison. China as a country maintained continuity.

That is not to say that Indian claim comes short, Aksai Chin was under control of an Indian king, and was granted to India by the British, which at that time held the authority to decide the borders.

The dispute is, British decided the borders dealing with Tibetian govt, which was not sovereign according to Chinese. It was natural for Indian govt to accept the McMohan line, and was natural for Chinese govt to dispute it.

Ok man ,whatever, all that aside. Let me agree just for argument sake that all the Hokum being said by the Chinaboys is true. Then what now? What's the use of all this argument? Arunachal has been under India for 50 years , the people living there want to be part of India, and we are not ready to give it back in any case. So History or anything goes down the drain ,what matters is the present.
All those years ago ,i ate by baby sister's chocolate. She cried , cried endlessly for several hours. I felt bad , but I couldn't give it back because I had already eaten it.
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That's your opinion.

The offer he made was out of desperation, China at that time was in dire peril, surrounded by two enemy superpowers (USA + Soviets) and in the middle of the Great leap foward famine. He made the offer he thought was necessary.

I do not believe Zhou Enlai was a traitor, he contributed more to China than you could ever hope to dream of.

Anyway, why am I even talking to someone like you.
Zhou should not be a traitor for most Chinese people and you recognize me as one of them so you talking to me.
Ok man ,whatever, all that aside. Let me agree just for argument sake that all the Hokum being said by the Chinaboys is true. Then what now? What's the use of all this argument? Arunachal has been under India for 50 years , the people living there want to be part of India, and we are not ready to give it back in any case. So History or anything goes down the drain ,what matters is the present.
All those years ago ,i ate by baby sister's chocolate. She cried , cried endlessly for several hours. I felt bad , but I couldn't give it back because I had already eaten it.
Adults also want something good but in more polite way in situation not suitable for using violence.
Adults also want something good but in more polite way in situation not suitable for using violence.

Hmm, that came out of nowhere, but yeah ,I agree... well said. :enjoy:
Ok man ,whatever, all that aside. Let me agree just for argument sake that all the Hokum being said by the Chinaboys is true. Then what now? What's the use of all this argument? Arunachal has been under India for 50 years , the people living there want to be part of India, and we are not ready to give it back in any case. So History or anything goes down the drain ,what matters is the present.
All those years ago ,i ate by baby sister's chocolate. She cried , cried endlessly for several hours. I felt bad , but I couldn't give it back because I had already eaten it.

AP is now India, nothing can be done about it unless there is a full scale war. I didn't said anything about it. All that left now is Aksai Chin, which has physical presence of both forces.

And given the difference between military/economic conditions of two countries, either the status quo can be maintained or India would have to back down on Aksai Chin. It is no where in a condition to force the Chinese out, militarily or diplomatically.
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