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My problem with Rafale, lets start with Radar

What makes you think that the tarang is not on the Sukhoi? This is exactly why I had asked you to educate yourself regarding the sub-systems of an EW suite, had you done so then you would be able to ascertain what went on the MKI and what didn't.

You stand by your statement, good, furnish the details. I am sure you can return the favor after I had to detail the difference between a SPJ and an EW suite yesterday with the relevant techniques and functions listed out and explained.

what makes u think that a sam with range of 25 km is good??
even if it has 100 percent accuracy??
what will it shoot??.....................birds without being spotted from 100 km away and shot?? 
Nope, I am just too tired to bite in and provide the details and the spin-offs from these projects. It is tedious- suffice to say that without the radar complex which commands the Akash you would not have a LSTAR today..without the Tejas you would not have accrued detailed knowledge and validation of digital FBW- by no means small things...the details are just far too vast and that is why I urge you often to look them up.

i agree and am not saying we are complete failures

but we are damn too slow to implement anything as we have 0 industry in this country 
this is indian contribution in su-30
  • Mission Computer cum Display Processor - MC-486 and DP-30MK (Defence Avionics Research Establishment - DARE)
  • Radar Computer - RC1 and RC2 (DARE)
  • Tarang Mk2 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) + High Accuracy Direction Finding Module (HADF) (DARE
  • IFF-1410A - Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
  • Integrated Communication suite INCOM 1210A (HAL)
  • Radar Altimeter - RAM-1701 (HAL)
  • Programmable Signal Processor (PSP) - (LRDE)
  • Multi Function Displays (MFD) - Samtel/DARE
hardly inspiring
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what makes u think that a sam with range of 25 km is good??
even if it has 100 percent accuracy??
what will it shoot??.....................birds without being spotted from 100 km away and shot?? 

i agree and am not saying we are complete failures

but we are damn too slow to implement anything as we have 0 industry in this country 
this is indian contribution in su-30
  • Mission Computer cum Display Processor - MC-486 and DP-30MK (Defence Avionics Research Establishment - DARE)
  • Radar Computer - RC1 and RC2 (DARE)
  • Tarang Mk2 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) + High Accuracy Direction Finding Module (HADF) (DARE
  • IFF-1410A - Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
  • Integrated Communication suite INCOM 1210A (HAL)
  • Radar Altimeter - RAM-1701 (HAL)
  • Programmable Signal Processor (PSP) - (LRDE)
  • Multi Function Displays (MFD) - Samtel/DARE
hardly inspiring

Do you know how an ADGE is structured, if not then how I am supposed to condense the operation usage of a 25Km SAM in a post?

The list is good enough my friend, you have no idea what these components signify...the HADF functionality alone is worth the effort in terms of capability building with spin-offs that will extend further into programs that may come up. Having your ICS, IFF, EW architecture which you maintain and program- all of these are essential attributes. Now obviously this is not the same as building a platform yourself from the ground-up.
what makes u think that a sam with range of 25 km is good??
even if it has 100 percent accuracy??
what will it shoot??.....................birds without being spotted from 100 km away and shot?? 

Have you heard about medium to short range air defence (google SHORAD). It is an important component of any air defence network. Akash is filling that gap for us.

Also if you think that
the first ever SAM developed by a country should be in excess of 50 km, that is a recipe for faliure. Ask GTRE guys!
Have you heard about medium to short range air defence (google SHORAD). It is an important component of any air defence network. Akash is filling that gap for us.

Also if you think that
the first ever SAM developed by a country should be in excess of 50 km, that is a recipe for faliure. Ask GTRE guys!

my point is that 25 km range is not be design in case of india

it is technical limit for us and we have nothing indigenous between this and the ballistic missile interceptor

do we have??

Do you know how an ADGE is structured, if not then how I am supposed to condense the operation usage of a 25Km SAM in a post?

The list is good enough my friend, you have no idea what these components signify...the HADF functionality alone is worth the effort in terms of capability building with spin-offs that will extend further into programs that may come up. Having your ICS, IFF, EW architecture which you maintain and program- all of these are essential attributes. Now obviously this is not the same as building a platform yourself from the ground-up.

the point is simply we have no technology for more than 25 km

so we have to use s-300 or something else for ranges above this 
Have you heard about medium to short range air defence (google SHORAD). It is an important component of any air defence network. Akash is filling that gap for us.

Also if you think that
the first ever SAM developed by a country should be in excess of 50 km, that is a recipe for faliure. Ask GTRE guys!

and if akash is so good why are we doing jv with france for sr-sam below 25 km??
just answer this smartass 
Do you know how an ADGE is structured, if not then how I am supposed to condense the operation usage of a 25Km SAM in a post?

The list is good enough my friend, you have no idea what these components signify...the HADF functionality alone is worth the effort in terms of capability building with spin-offs that will extend further into programs that may come up. Having your ICS, IFF, EW architecture which you maintain and program- all of these are essential attributes. Now obviously this is not the same as building a platform yourself from the ground-up.

pls tell me why are we developing sr-sam with france then??
why can't we make a naval version of akash??
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my point is that 25 km range is not be design in case of india

it is technical limit for us and we have nothing indigenous between this and the ballistic missile interceptor

do we have??


1.the point is simply we have no technology for more than 25 km

2.so we have to use s-300 or something else for ranges above this


1. Which technology is used by AAD and PAD? They sure go beyond 25km.

2. MR SAM and LR SAM projects are coming up to cover that gap. We share the IP rights with israelis.

3. There is a distinct necessity of missiles with LONG, medium , short amd very short range in an AD network. That is the reason for Akash in a nutshell.

and if akash is so good why are we doing jv with france for sr-sam below 25 km??
just answer this smartass

The question is , why France is opting for a JV with us now? why not in 1990.
Answer that.

1. Which technology is used by AAD and PAD? They sure go beyond 25km.

2. MR SAM and LR SAM projects are coming up to cover that gap. We share the IP rights with israelis.

3. There is a distinct necessity of missiles with LONG, medium , short amd very short range in an AD network. That is the reason for Akash in a nutshell.

are u so foolish that u want to club pad and aad that are solely for long range missiles in this category??

they are not mobile like s-300 and akash and thus not for aircrafts like akash

go and wash ur face and answer why we are developing short range sam with france?? 
by the

1. Which technology is used by AAD and PAD? They sure go beyond 25km.

2. MR SAM and LR SAM projects are coming up to cover that gap. We share the IP rights with israelis.

3. There is a distinct necessity of missiles with LONG, medium , short amd very short range in an AD network. That is the reason for Akash in a nutshell.

The question is , why France is opting for a JV with us now? why not in 1990.
Answer that.

take example of barak 8 mrsam

we are just providing rocket motors and have no expertise on the seeker of that
its a jv in monetary terms only,,we have nothing good to offer that they don't have 

1. Which technology is used by AAD and PAD? They sure go beyond 25km.

2. MR SAM and LR SAM projects are coming up to cover that gap. We share the IP rights with israelis.

3. There is a distinct necessity of missiles with LONG, medium , short amd very short range in an AD network. That is the reason for Akash in a nutshell.

The question is , why France is opting for a JV with us now? why not in 1990.
Answer that.

because we are paying 50 percent money u noob

in 1990 we were taking world bank loans like pakistan in morarji desai govt

read a bit of history too
are u so foolish that u want to club pad and aad that are solely for long range missiles in this category??

they are not mobile like s-300 and akash and thus not for aircrafts like akash

go and wash ur face and answer why we are developing short range sam with france??

You are a genius!!!!

Please elaborate what extra technologies a SAM has to acquire for intercepting aircraft which aad does not have?

Also, refrain from personal attacks if possible.
You are a genius!!!!

Please elaborate what extra technologies a SAM has to acquire for intercepting aircraft which aad does not have?

Also, refrain from personal attacks if possible.

there is nothing to attack here

don't u know what is the use of aad and pad??
they are for securing the cities with fixed missile launchers and are specifically for incoming ballistic missiles??

u don't know that?? 
You are a genius!!!!

Please elaborate what extra technologies a SAM has to acquire for intercepting aircraft which aad does not have?

Also, refrain from personal attacks if possible.

go and ask anyone and see if he laughs like u or at u
there is nothing to attack here

don't u know what is the use of aad and pad??
they are for securing the cities with fixed missile launchers and are specifically for incoming ballistic missiles??

u don't know that?? 

go and ask anyone and see if he laughs like u or at u

Half knowledge is always dangerous!


Is that a fixed laucher ? WTF is the truck doing there?

HERE is aonther one with PAD.


DO some research man!

Also, enumerate the technologies that are required for this SAM, do not run away from the question.
are u so foolish that u want to club pad and aad that are solely for long range missiles in this category??

they are not mobile like s-300 and akash and thus not for aircrafts like akash

go and wash ur face and answer why we are developing short range sam with france?? 
by the

take example of barak 8 mrsam

we are just providing rocket motors and have no expertise on the seeker of that
its a jv in monetary terms only,,we have nothing good to offer that they don't have

Kid ,Calm down AAD is mobile just like S 300. I already said you are just a newbie,don't try to teach members who spent 4-5 yrs in this forum.
For MRSAM ,it seems Motors and actuation system is kids play.

Half knowledge is always dangerous!


Is that a fixed laucher ? WTF is the truck doing there?

HERE is aonther one with PAD.


DO some research man!

Also, enumerate the technologies that are required for this SAM, do not run away from the question.

u are super foolish it seems

do u want prithvi missile to be used as a regular sam??

we want a compact sam for mainly aircrafts and drones having long range and having 4-6 missiles in one launcher

does it look like that to u??

it is specific for ballistic missile
Half knowledge is always dangerous!


Is that a fixed laucher ? WTF is the truck doing there?

HERE is aonther one with PAD.


DO some research man!

Also, enumerate the technologies that are required for this SAM, do not run away from the question.

SAAR, its not even half but knowledge level is below par than my 5yr old cousin.:p:
Kid ,Calm down AAD is mobile just like S 300. I already said you are just a newbie,don't try to teach members who spent 4-5 yrs in this forum.
For MRSAM ,it seems Motors and actuation system is kids play.


it seems u are not thinking much

do u know that its a huge missile in aad and pad and specific for ballistic missiles for securing cities??

if no then u need to read more 
yup l
SAAR, its not even half but knowledge level is below par than my 5yr old cousin.:p:
looks like u will stop an aircraft with this 10 m tall missile

use ur brain man

these 2 categories are different

pad is for intercepting ballistic missiles with range of 1500 km.....................................

it seems u are not thinking much

do u know that its a huge missile in aad and pad and specific for ballistic missiles for securing cities??

if no then u need to read more
AAD is just 1275kg which I consider ,light in comparison also Its a quick reaction missile. PAD is just interim solution till PDV still in developing stage.
can u read this??

AAD is just 1275kg which I consider ,light in comparison also Its a quick reaction missile. PAD is just interim solution till PDV still in developing stage.

yaar why are u so stubborn

pls see the figure above

these are missile interceptors for preventing attacks on cities,,,,,,,,we want something lighter smaller and with long range of 100-150 km to be a viable interceptor for fighter jets

we don't have that
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