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Muslims invented alcohol

Although the name Al Quhl or Alcohol IS Arabic, and in the current form was invented by Muslim scientists as a sort of second universal solvent for organic matter, I can't believe mankind lived all those millenia without having seen plant matter ferment before their eyes.
:lol: Funny thread.. Pakistanis are again seen desperate to be called Indians.. Choudhary Rahmat Ali and Jinnah must be turning in their graves seeing what the awaam wants to be and what they made them to be...

That actually gives all the credence to the news about Pakistanis in America claiming themselves to be Indians.. :lol:

@Topic Learn the history of alcohol

History of alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although the name Al Quhl or Alcohol IS Arabic, and in the current form was invented by Muslim scientists as a sort of second universal solvent for organic matter, I can't believe mankind lived all those millenia without having seen plant matter ferment before their eyes.

Hello...knock knock..Som-ras, Bhang, Sura...
Hello...knock knock..Som-ras, Bhang, Sura...

Their brains are actually trained to ignore anything prior to arrival of MBQ.. But the times they are living in, is forcing them to revert back to their real root.. Let's help them in the cause and they will return from where they actually started from.. :tup:
My foot.

Indians were drinking soma long before Arabs knew they were Arabs :D

soma is not alcohol.

Rigveda 9.24.7:

Soma is not only pure in itself but also purifies everything else. Some is extremely sweet and promotes noble qualities. It destroys sinful tendencies.

Rigveda 9.37.36:

O Soma, purify us from everywhere. Enter us with excitement and strengthen our speech. Inculcate a sharp intellect within us.

Drinking alcohol is considered as sin in vedas.
Considering it's considered sin, what's the definition of alcohol in Vedas?

and point to us where in vedas it is told that it is sin..

definition of intoxicant is found in ayurveda

Sharngadhar 4.21: A substance that destroys intellect is called an intoxicant.

Rigveda 10.5.6:

One becomes sinful if he or she crosses even one of the 7 restraints. Yaskacharya defines these 7 sins in his Nirukta as: Theft, Adultery, Murder of a noble person, Abortion, Dishonesty, Repeating misdeeds and consumption of alcohol.
Aryan came into Indus valley ( PRSNT SINDH ) yes pakistan has every thing to do with that lol only book indians have about history is Ramayana geta ..thats it =))) thats it u didnt even knew abt ur own india ur histroy starts from when Muslim scholars came into india and searched and some 1 was sayng arabs stole it from the persia bla bla dude go and just do some searching on internet lol when muslims were inventing u guys were into dark ages lol =))) when we are searching about lens and bio u guys were drinking lol =))) when christians took spain from muslims they burnt more then 100000 books lol and left overs the moved into europe u book u still use are copy from those books advnce bio , chrm , phys , maths , arts , austronomy , geology, all from muslims and u call us theifs lol

Dude, do you think you came drinking camel's juice from arab to discover what we hindus drink?? great efforts if u did ...but i strongly feel you were one among us now degrading your own blood-ancestors. Keep it up. Your grandson will exactly do what you are doing to your forefathers.

And about knowledge Science & Intellect . Nobody challenges you. We & West stole everything from you i think even your brains are missing these days. Your choosen Leaders, Your GDP, Your drone strategy, Nato Supply decisions , growth of 49% population & 46 % poverty in decade , Your economy all reflects the same.

Good to see a pakistani using english langauge with roman script on internet (with computer made by us company with indian IC chips) & indian language with persian script for running its nation thinks everybody stoled him !!
There you just gave voice to my and other Indians thoughts when they see Pakistanis claim what they initially rejected and are now trying to claim.
That's Pakistan's history, not your indians.

Thread after 300 years

Muslims invented Ipad
Thread after 300 years

indians invented the light bulb, automobile, television, computer, space craft, airplanes, diesel engine, jet engine, turbines, etc......

Seriously, take a hike bharati if your behind burns that much from Muslim accomplishments.
I need some help, I was telling a friend that they found traces of beer in Egyptian pottery from well before Islam, Christianity, or even Judeism. I was wondering what the mood-altering chemical in it was, since it could not be alcohol, as this was "invented" by muslims.
I need some help, I was telling a friend that they found traces of beer in Egyptian pottery from well before Islam, Christianity, or even Judeism. I was wondering what the mood-altering chemical in it was, since it could not be alcohol, as this was "invented" by muslims.

Maybe you should ask the guy who "invented" it.
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