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Muslims invented alcohol

Once upon a time, I tried one coffee blend made up of beans processed through cat sh*t (or something like it). :blink:

Seriously? Yuck! Dude...Never heard of that 1!! You sure the poor kitty was fed coffee beans? :coffee:
Muslims did not invent alcohol. Arabs did (before they were muslims) and when they became muslims, they started throwing all their alcohol away to the point where there would be a foot of alcohol on the streets and it would flood the streets!

You're wrong over here.

I do not know for sure if Muslims invented the edible Alcohol or not, but even a long time after conversion to Islam, the Muslims used to consume Alcoholic beverages. The band however came after one Imam was leading the prayer when he was drunk, and in that state he messed up the verses of Surah-Al-Fatiha. Some time soon after this incident the ban on Alcohol was revealed.
Tell me how u quit smoking seriously, i try but increase everytime. :argh:
Use chewing gums and always keep a pen with you. Keep doing tricks with it. (For many it worked)

to smoke half of it and put it out, lit it again when you have craving for next time. Most of the time we smoke entire one even when it has given us the relief as we don't want to waste it. People get too much attached to it and starts respecting it :D. Lighting used half-cig does give bad taste at first but it will certainly reduce your consumption. Do it for 4 times and then smoke entire one after it. Reward mechanism.

You miss cigarette when after doing some work you want to take a break and first thing you notice is stale taste and empty fingers. Divide your work and try to fit less number of cigs. Then keep increasing the division length.

I always lit up a cigarette whenever I finished some work or took a break and suddenly I missed my old best 84 mm pal.

Now I keep myself busy as much as possible and keep multi-tasking. I had craving for having one two times while posting this. :D
The best solution for leaving smoking is having a girlfriend (mind it, No wife) who hates cigarette.

I left smoking some 9-10 year ago on saying of my ex-gf. Though we cant move ahead but like other good things she gave me this good thing. Though I smoke occaisonaly once in blue moon with Scotch to get a better kick.
@KRAIT: This half lit cigarette concept is best used in hostels/roomies when there is 1 cigarette and 4 people has to go for $hit in morning. :P
@KRAIT: This half lit cigarette concept is best used in hostels/roomies when there is 1 cigarette and 4 people has to go for $hit in morning. :P
Don't try going Cold Turkey. Lets say you smoke 20 a day. Make it 15 and after three days make it 14. Never buy entire pack. Rather buy the number from where you are even if it costs more.

Try taking cigs with other thing which you less use. I tried it with tea after I reached lower numbers and stop buying entire pack. 15 marlboro are sold at 15*7=105 Rs while whole pack costs 100 Rs. If you have full pack and then you try starting from 15, there is a good chance you would give up for sake of lighting just one more and end up at 16. :D
The best solution for leaving smoking is having a girlfriend (mind it, No wife) who hates cigarette.

I left smoking some 9-10 year ago on saying of my ex-gf. Though we cant move ahead but like other good things she gave me this good thing. Though I smoke occaisonaly once in blue moon with Scotch to get a better kick.
In my case, it increased. She liked to take a drag along with me for making out Smoking Style :kiss3: :rofl:
The well-known writer George Sarton says in his Introduction to the History of Science that "Rhazes was the greatest physician of Islam and the Medieval Ages."

This just insane! How the hell any Muslim action is associated with Islam? Their is no such thing as Physician of Islam when no such thing exists! His name is not even mentioned in Quran so at most he is only a "Muslim Physician".
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