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Muslims invented alcohol

Well a bit of both...From what I read, it seemed like he just didn't think that Islam should be questioned and whatever is being preached/taught should be swallowed as a whole...

I am not sure why people keep quoting him if that is who he was! I never bother reading too much into philosophy - doesn't make sense to me though I am doing a PhD (doctorate of philosophy)!! Lolzz...my philosophy is science and I love it when it falls hand in hand with Islam...don't ask me when it doesn't ...

If he taught that everything in Islam should be "swallowed as a whole" then the premise here is that Islam is fundamentally anti-Science which I don't think anyone at the time would have accepted.

I haven't read much on the guy, but I think it is more to do with Muslims themselves going backwards and using him as a scapegoat for their failures.
I heard a lot of People on this forum say Al-Ghazali is the reason Muslim empires ceased having good scientists but I still don't understand it. Was he anti-science or he just didn't think it important? Also why did the Muslims at the time even follow him if he was leading them to ignorance?
Yes, he Al-G was VERY anti-science. He made a show of using the Greeks' own logic to discredit the Greeks. His reasoning was full of fallacies and countered by Averroës, but it was so useful to dictators and tyrants as a means to enforce the status quo that they heavily promoted it. And so the door to reason was slammed shut and light from the candles of wisdom snuffed out.
Answer to this:

then when that was accepted the trashing goes to Pakistan? I wonder what will happen when THAT homework is settled?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/182788-muslims-invented-alcohol-25.html#ixzz26zzFVXzv


A red herring!
Shoot the messenger!

Of course, because with all the issues Pakistan has today the OP's purpose is to roll in past glories to cover up the stink of today, as a dog rolls in offal to hide his own scent.

So name calling is next! I see how low you have stooped!
So name calling is next! I see how low you have stooped!
You are right. I should have picked an analogy that would not be seen as name-calling; it blinds people to the message.

I apologize.
Oh, it does seem plausible that Muslims invented it. But perhaps not the sort of Muslim that Pakistanis nowadays would recognize as Muslim; this was during the period of free inquiry in Islam, before Al-Ghazali shut down inquiry into the natural sciences.

Think about what would happen if distillation wasn't discovered centuries ago but by a Pakistani today. Wouldn't the reaction be, "A new temptation to get drunk, even stronger than wine? He can't possibly be a Muslim..."?

So for Pakistanis to celebrate the "Muslim invention of alcohol" rings awfully hollow: there's no inspiration for further accomplishment inside, no place to go, just an excuse to wallow in the glory of past ages while the path to free thought and further modernity is rapidly being bulldozed by the likes of the Taliban and the glorification of nuclear-armed militarism.

That sounds like calling Dr. Abdus Salam as first Muslim Nobel Prize winner at the same time his Ahmediyya sect is considered non-Muslim.
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