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Muslims invented alcohol

you have fcuked up this forum.everywhere i see i can find your BS post.man,do you realy think you are funny.

and its necessary to know that zakariya was a persian.RIP
ay ay ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

OP wtf?

Razi is an Iranian. He published his works in the lingua franka of the time which was Arabic. And his religion has nothing to do with anything so wtf is the point of this thread?

Zakariyaye Razi invented medicinal alcohol and we Iranians are extremely proud of him. He also happened to be muslim, good for him.
Do you realize that during this period of time, people identified themselves with their religions, especially in our region. It wasn't called an Arab, Egyptian, Persian, Iraqi, Syrian armies, schools, sciences, ect.. Al Razi himself studied in Baghdad, and traveled all around the Muslim world. Saying that, no body is denying that people with Persian influence(Whether of Persian orgins, or ruled by the Persian empire) affected the other Islamic countries in more than a positive way in every field. It has to do with the fact that Persia or modern day Iran was the only independent country to be conquered by the Muslims(Arabs), while other countries like Egypt, Syria, ect.. were under racist Romans occupation. This also explains why their was no resistance from the people of these countries to the Muslim forces that fought the Romans.

Back to topic, Alcohol was discovered not invented, and it was used in beverages long time before Islam.
I bet eating some nice stuff. First thing he is going to do is come and annoy me with the Lahori delicacy he ate today! :angry:

Kahan ? I've been at a client for the past 2 weeks and they've been feeding me biryani every single time for the past 14 days (lunch and dinner). Thats 28 plates of Biryani....! My taste buds are foOked right now...I'd eat my own shoe for a change if I didn't like it that much. :cry:
Kahan ? I've
been at a client for the past 2 weeks and they've been feeding me
biryani every single time for the past 14 days (lunch and dinner). Thats
28 plates of Biryani....! My taste buds are foOked right now...I'd eat
my own shoe for a change if I didn't like it that much. :cry:

hahahhahahaa that's greatttt...!!!:D
ziadi.you have sent me two PMs.but unfortunately i couldnt read them because it was no room.but now the problem is fixed.plz resend them.thanks.
Do you realize that during this period of time, people identified themselves with their religions, especially in our region. It wasn't called an Arab, Egyptian, Persian, Iraqi, Syrian armies, schools, sciences, ect.. Al Razi himself studied in Baghdad, and traveled all around the Muslim world. Saying that, no body is denying that people with Persian influence(Whether of Persian orgins, or ruled by the Persian empire) affected the other Islamic countries in more than a positive way in every field. It has to do with the fact that Persia or modern day Iran was the only independent country to be conquered by the Muslims(Arabs), while other countries like Egypt, Syria, ect.. were under racist Romans occupation. This also explains why their was no resistance from the people of these countries to the Muslim forces that fought the Romans.

Back to topic, Alcohol was discovered not invented, and it was used in beverages long time before Islam.
baghdad itself was a Persian city(baghdad is a persian name as well). and it was highly developed in the sassanid era.
but bro,do you knwo what is the problem?the problem is some people cant stand other nations achievement.
baghdad itself was a Persian city(baghdad is a persian name as well). and it was highly developed in the sassanid era.
but bro,do you knwo what is the problem?the problem is some people cant stand other nations achievement.
Baghdad was founded in the 8th century by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur and became the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate. It was named Madenat El Salam(City Of Peace), but the local people called it Baghdad....... No body can deny facts, unless they are ignorant. No body should care about ignorants, because in this time(Internet, computers, ect..) being ignorant is a choice.
Baghdad was founded in the 8th century by the Abbasid caliph Al-Mansur and became the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate. It was named Madenat El Salam(City Of Peace), but the local people called it Baghdad....... No body can deny facts, unless they are ignorant. No body should care about ignorants, because in this time(Internet, computers, ect..) being ignorant is a choice.
well,let me correct my statement.baghdad was a small persian city very close to Ctesiphon(the capital of sassanid empire).
here is the map
Oh next couple of months are going to be so fine, when US of A whips the *** of the great Persian empire.

Best of luck to our Arab brothers on the ongoing 'fly-squatter' naval exercises in the Arabian Gulf! :D
Don't try going Cold Turkey. Lets say you smoke 20 a day. Make it 15 and after three days make it 14. Never buy entire pack. Rather buy the number from where you are even if it costs more.

Try taking cigs with other thing which you less use. I tried it with tea after I reached lower numbers and stop buying entire pack. 15 marlboro are sold at 15*7=105 Rs while whole pack costs 100 Rs. If you have full pack and then you try starting from 15, there is a good chance you would give up for sake of lighting just one more and end up at 16. :D

I have left long back so doesn't imply above logic on me to be true in 10 years unknowingly 50*365*10 = 182500 Rs saved considering no inflation and no increase in urge ;)
It is called Kopi Luwak coffee, made from berries eaten by the Civet, with the seeds passed and recovered from its feces:

Kopi Luwak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It costs several hundred dollars per pound.

Poor kitty! Does its digestive tract allow such stuff?! Why don't they get the monkey to do that work? Expensive feces of some kitty! Would be good business if someone bought my kitty's feces! :P

BTW, didn't the civet kitty hit the endangered species list? Ooo
" In 2008, the IUCN classified the species as Least Concern as it is tolerant of a broad range of habitats, is widely distributed with large populations that are unlikely to be declining"

Talk about eating crap! :P
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